Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 4619: Faction that doesn't fall

"The direct daughter of the great elder in my clan, six hundred years ago, married the great martial general, Zhang Zhenshan, who did not fall into the gods, and became his concubine.

After hundreds of years of exploration, our clan has also received some news about the interior of the Dynasty. "

The phantom old man said so.

"The news from the inside of the Chaoshen Dynasty?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the virtual immortals suddenly lit up.

Regarding the news within the Buluoshen Dynasty, many Void Immortal Heavenly Venerates do not say that they know nothing, but they are not too different. This is because of the existence of Tingfengwei.

Ting Fengwei, who was not in the Godly Dynasty, was ruthless and meticulous in his actions.

For the many powerhouses who did not fall into the gods, all the immortals have a certain understanding, and most of them know about their strength, combat power, and spiritual powers of practice.

However, very little is known about the faction division of the many powerhouses in the Buluoshen Dynasty.

The news that the old man Linghuan got may be the first time that all the immortals have truly understood the news of the inside of the Godless Dynasty.

"Inside the Buluoshen Dynasty, it is divided into five power departments, the Internal Affairs Pavilion, the Buluojun Fang, the Enshrinement Pavilion, the first floor of the Dao, and the Wan Yao Pavilion."

The ghostly old man didn't give a **** and went straight to the topic.

Hearing this, all the immortals of the gods and beasts of the gods all nodded their heads one after another.

They have also heard about the largest real power department within the Buluo Shen Dynasty.

The so-called House of Internal Affairs was a department led by the prime ministers of the Buluoshen Dynasty, plus many civil servants of the Buluoshen Dynasty.

Most of the government affairs that did not fall into the gods were handled by the Cabinet of Internal Affairs.

In this department, the strong people did not care too much, because there was no strong person in the Household Affairs Pavilion, not even a virtual immortal.

Buluojun. Fang is different, in charge of the entire Buluoshen Dynasty's army, and there are many immortal gods in charge.

For example, Wen Zhong, Yang Jian, and even Dian Wei, who appeared later, were all people who did not fall behind.

Buluojun. Fang's mid-to-low-end combat power, it can even be said that the most powerful part of the Buluoshen Dynasty, such as Bai Qi, Zhao Yun, Yang Jian, etc., are all members of the Buluoshen Dynasty. .

Even Ting Fengwei can be said to be a part of the army.

It's just that Feng Wei directly obeys Qin Yi's orders, which is considered independent from the army.

In the consecration pavilion, there are mostly other powerhouses who surrendered to the God Dynasty, such as the ancient giants in the former Eastern Frontier, Yimu Tianzun, etc., as well as many powerhouses from other realms. The Eastern Frontier has risen in recent years. By.

Although there is Xunxian Tianzun in charge, there are not too many. Among the five real power departments, it is the weakest one.

The first floor of Dao is composed of a group of powerhouses who practice Taoist supernatural powers. Among them, the immortal gods include Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, Barefoot Daxian and so on.

Wan Yao Pavilion, as the name suggests, is composed of many powerful monsters.

These include Sun Wukong, Niu Demon King, Fei Lian, Shang Yang and other immortal gods.

It can be said that the five real power departments of the Buluo Shen Dynasty are not weak, and any one of them is more tyrannical than most of the races of the gods and beasts.

Only the real dragon clan, the real phoenix clan and other top mythical beast clans can overwhelm these departments.

"Elder Linghuan, if you say that these departments are factions within the Dynasty, the news is a bit outdated."

There is Xuxian Tianzun smiled.

There is also a certain understanding of the five real power departments within the Buluoshen Dynasty, and a group of Xuxian Tianzun.

If you can't even find out these news, all the virtual immortals are a little too incompetent.

Even many virtual immortals have tried to divide these five real power departments, so as to achieve the purpose of not falling into the gods.

Unfortunately, it fell short.

Not to mention the rebellion of these five departments, even the worship pavilion, which seemed to be the most promising, failed to succeed.

In the eyes of the immortals, most of the powerhouses in the worship pavilion are from other forces, not the powerhouses cultivated by the Godless Dynasty, and most of them are forced to join the Godless Dynasty.

It stands to reason that it is not a particularly difficult thing to want to turn against the strong men of the worship pavilion.

However, what the Xuxian Tianzun didn't expect was that they still failed in the end, but they turned against a few Tianjiao who had just joined the Godly Dynasty, and none of the other powerhouses betrayed the Godly Dynasty.

Therefore, all the powerhouses of the gods and beasts of the gods can only give up.

"No, no, what the old man wants to say is not these five real power departments, but the real factions within the Buluoshen Dynasty.

Intercept, explain, demon, generals, these four factions. "

In the face of the doubts of the imaginary gods, the old man Linghuan shook his head and smiled.

"Intercepting, explaining, demon, general?"

As soon as these words came out, all the virtual immortals couldn't help but be stunned.

These four factions, the latter two they can understand, but what are the first two factions?

There is still a sect in the interior of the Godless Dynasty?

"Monster clan, military generals, you should know very well that the demon clan faction is basically the powerhouse in Wan Yaoge, and the military general faction is the powerhouse that does not fall into the army."

The old man Linghuan paused and continued: "As for Intercept and Interpretation, they are the two factions that exist in the Unfallen Dynasty."

"According to the information we have heard, Yang Jian, Qingxu Daodezheng, and others belong to the Interpretation Sect, while Wen Zhong and others belong to the Intercept Sect."

"Most of the powerhouses of these two factions do not deal with each other, and they seem to be fighting each other. This is where we can use it."

As soon as the words fell, many virtual immortals, including Xuanwu ancestors, were suddenly shocked.

If everything is as the phantom old man said, then the internal sects and sects of the Unfallen Dynasty are intercepted and explained, which is the help they can use to differentiate the Unfallen Dynasty.

If it can be used well, the Godless Dynasty will not fall apart, at least it will weaken the strength of the Godless Dynasty by a few chips.


Ancestor Xuanwu said lightly, and was very satisfied with the old man's strategy.

"The first strategy is very good, what about the second strategy and the third strategy?"

The ancestor of the real dragon also nodded with satisfaction, but he continued to ask.

"The second strategy is to make good friends with the Buluoshen Dynasty and form an alliance."

The next sentence of the phantom old man was amazing.

"Make good friends with Buluo Shen Dynasty and form an alliance?"

"Elder Linghuan, you are talking nonsense!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

A group of Xuxian Tianzun suddenly burst into an uproar, refuting the old man Linghuan one after another.


Seeing this scene, the real dragon ancestor frowned, and he couldn't help shouting loudly, suppressing the noise in the real dragon hall.

The expressions of the virtual immortals were condensed, and then they all fell silent.

"Elder Linghuan, tell me what you think."

The ancestor of the real dragon looked at the ghost old man and asked.

"This is the advantage of my family of gods and beasts in the heavens, compared to the Buddhist and Taoist holy places in the West."

The phantom old man smiled slightly.

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