Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 905: Purple sun rises high, shone through mountains and rivers

The wind screamed.

The resentful spirit wailed.

After the three demon gods appeared on the stage, the front of the barren city was like stepping into the kingdom of demons!

Countless black demons roared, playing with the human soul in their hands!

"go with!"

The mysterious snake **** snorted softly, and the upright snake pupils lighted up slightly.

The black curtain enveloping the deserted city suddenly caused horrible ripples, and countless rich black auras were distorted, forming monsters of various forms.


The demons let out a stern roar and rushed towards the warriors in the deserted city.

"This god, bestow the punishment of eternal sleep!"

The mysterious snake **** hovered, with cold eyes, overlooking the human beings in the entire deserted city.

This mysterious snake **** is fulfilling the words of the four-armed demon god, he wants to slaughter all the human races in the deserted city!

The warriors in the deserted city seemed to be frightened and stupefied, staring blankly at everything in front of them.

"As for you, this **** will take you eight pieces, extract the soul, and burn it for thousands of years!"

At this moment, the eyes of the four-armed Demon God flickered and looked at Qin Yi.


The three demon gods moved in unison, surging towards Qin Yi!

If you say who the three demon gods hate most, it is Qin Yi!

God Tianpeng died at Qin Yi's feet, how could he not let the Four-armed Demon God wait and hate Qin Yi.

The sky is overturned!

The demon roars into the sky, like a black torrent, swallowing towards the deserted city!

Three demon gods, living high in the sky, are monstrous and fierce, shaking the wild!

At this moment, whether it is the Desolate King or Qiu Feixuan and others, the whole person is like falling into the abyss!

Although there was hope in their hearts before, everyone couldn't be optimistic after seeing this scene!

Qin Yi had only one person, but in front of him, there were three demon gods, who were not at all dominant!

"Where has the white beard guard?"

Qiu Feixuan was anxious, watching Qin Yi worriedly.

"Damn, there is only one **** in my human race. If this king can achieve the realm of gods, he can help the gods!"

The Desolate King gripped the sword in his hand and roared in a low voice.

"Human, die!"

The voice of the four-armed demon god, like thunder roaring, immediately stretched out a hand and patted Qin Yi.


The force of horror, scratching the void, sounded a burst of crackling sound.

Boundless power fluctuations, pressing towards Qin Yi!

Cover the sky with one hand!

The palm of the four-armed demon **** is as big as a mountain, which perfectly explains this!

Energetic energy came from under the palm of the four-armed demon god, stirring up the air, and the earth broke!

Even the Desolate King and others were crushed to their backs again!

"Could it be that I can only die miserably, I am not reconciled!"

The Desolate King roared and was unwilling to it.


Suddenly, a purple light rose from behind Qin Yi, extremely dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, this purple light turned into a purple corona, hanging behind Qin Yi's head.


Then, Qin Yi moved his feet, stepped up into the air, and went straight for nine days.

The purple light became brighter and brighter, and finally evolved into a purple sun that shone through the mountains and rivers!

Brilliant purple light spilled, falling on the broken ground, reflecting everything extraordinarily gorgeous!

Purple sun rises high, shone through mountains and rivers!

Everyone looked at this purple sun and felt that the sun was more dazzling than ever before!

Even purple light fell on them, giving them a surge of strength!

A force that dared to slay demons with swords and slay demons with one's body!

Be brave in my heart torrent!

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