Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 906: Disrespectful to heaven

Purple sun rises high.

Light everything in the city to the smallest detail, sweeping away the darkness!

Even the palm of the four-armed Demon God was blocked!


In a daze, everyone seemed to see a figure in the purple sun.

The ancestors of the human race held the holy sword, handsome the people, and with all of their power, slashed the demons and demons, and smashed a bright road belonging to the human race.


A roar, blasted loudly in the world.

It was a scene where the human race was fighting in all directions and calming the wasteland.


Countless monsters uttered sky-shaking roars, their huge bodies, like mountains, stood in front of the human race.

"Tell me, are you afraid of death?"

A general of the human race, his armor stained with blood, raised his sword and roared.

"We are not afraid!"

Every Terran warrior came out without hesitation, and no one backed away!

"Will you die for the human race?"

The general asked again.

"For the human race, we are willing!"

The Terran warrior roared.

"Then kill him and kill him upside down!"

The human general raised his sword and pointed away, his eyes were firm, and he rode his horse towards the countless monsters.

The general rides horses, and countless Terran warriors also ride horses!

Even if this group of human warriors are extremely weak compared with countless monsters.

But they have never retreated, as a human race, they will not retreat!

One person can die, but another demon clan can die, no regrets!

Countless human warriors roared and rushed into the monster camp, fighting hard!

Or died tragically, or seriously injured, or at the last moment of life, took away the life of a monster...


Scenes, scenes, everyone in the deserted city saw it.

Before I knew it, tears were all over my face, and my big eyes fell from the corners of my eyes!

A will, following the picture, comes from another world!

This is the will of the human race!

Even the last person in the battle, the will of the human race that will never succumb!


An unyielding will, an unyielding soul, desperately died for the human race with a wound and his own life!

Endure to death!

All this is just for the rise of the human race, not to bow in front of the monster race!

"Man, born as the length of all things, stands under the sky, measuring the world with his feet!

Disrespect the heaven, disrespect the earth, only respect the emperor! "

At this moment, Qin Yi spoke suddenly.

The faint words shocked everyone's hearts, and the emotions in their hearts were gradually guided out.

"Of course, a monster of the demon race, living high in the cave sky, claiming to be a god, and treating the human race as a **** food, are the monarchs angry?"

Qin Yi's voice echoed in the heaven and earth like a soft groan.

This sentence shocked everyone's body and trembling.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

Everyone understands this truth, and even understands it thoroughly!

Not to mention what these so-called monster gods have done to the human race for thousands of years.

Treating the human race as a **** food, if you feel unsatisfactory, you will devour the human race of a city!

All that remains is the understatement and **** sentence in the ancient books of the Human Race!

"The monsters are gods, the humans are food, kneel down to survive!"

"We are a human race, how can we not be angry!"

A soft and soft shout broke the silence of everyone.

It turned out that Qiu Feixuan took a step forward, roaring up to the sky, hoarse.

Heroines, don't let the eyebrows be shaved, let me be the first cry of the human race!

"We are a human race, how can we not be angry!"

Qiu Feixuan was just the beginning, and the Desolate King and others also took a step forward and roared.

A ball of anger burns in the hearts of everyone, only roaring can vent it!

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