Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 908: One punch can kill the world monsters


In the horrified eyes of everyone, that purple brilliance, like a purple pike, shining brightly, cutting through the sky!


The first to bear the brunt is the four-armed Demon God, and the four giant palms that look like pillars of heaven, which stretch across the sky.

But under this punch, the burning purple flames were all burned to ashes!

With unrivaled fist strength, the so-called divine body of the Four-armed Demon God is as hard as a mountain, and it has become a joke!




The arms, scales, and demon pill of the four-armed demon **** are no different from those of paper, all turned into a rain of blood, pouring with the wind!

One punch, four-armed demon god, death!

However, all this is not over yet, the purple horse soars up and soars above the sky!

The invincible **** of war of the human race, invincible, breaks through everything, breaks the powerful enemy for the human race!

"Boom boom!"

With one punch, everything can be swept away, and the eternity can be wiped out.

Countless demons roared, like moths rushing to Qin Yi's fist.

After that, it was swept away by Fist Jin like a ruin!

The purple sun is vast, and every ray of halo is as heavy as it is, crushing heads of monsters into powder!

Countless demons, turned into wisps of black smoke, disappeared completely!

And that boundless demon gas, turned into a dark scene, is not immune.


Qin Yi's punch was like a huge pair of scissors, splitting the shady into two from the middle, breaking it apart!

At the same time, in the shocked eyes of the mysterious snake god, he cut his body into two parts!

The second demon god, fell!


The Yin Wolf God roared in awe, and he wanted to escape in fear!

However, how could Qin Yi let him escape, and the purple golden horses followed him!


The Yin Wolf God was exploded by Linkong and turned into a cloud of blood, so he could not die again!

At this point, the four-armed Demon God and the three demon gods, together with the Tianpeng god, are counted together, and the demon gods in the barren mountains are all destroyed!


Even so, the purple golden horse training has not stopped.

This eternal purple glow rushed to the sky, illuminating the whole world!

The clouds are all born!

After the dark scene broke, the scene in the sky was revealed.

Above the sky, there is clearly a round of scorching sun emitting a scorching light!

However, in the eyes of everyone, the sun is not as dazzling as this purple horse!


The horse training suddenly exploded, and the entire sky was rendered into a purple splendor!

The Huanghuang people are dazzling!

"this is…"

At this moment, it seems that the entire human race in the sin world is attracted by this light!

From there, they felt a feeling of boiling!

It seems that there is a will, telling them that the days when the human race is oppressed by the demon gods are finally coming to an end!

Finally, finally waited for the day when the human race rose, this day is not far away!

In front of the deserted city, everyone in the deserted city also lost their voices, incredible.

There was no sound between heaven and earth.

Everyone was dumbfounded and could not say a word.

Everyone can only stare blankly at the figure shrouded in purple and golden light!

One punch to break through the air, it can kill the sky!

Even the scorching sun in the sky can't cover the light on him!

Just as, since today, the demon gods can no longer cover the will of the human race.

Nothing else, just because of his existence!

Black hair dances wildly, like a **** like a fairy!

One punch can kill the demon gods in the world!

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