Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 909: Taking blood as ink, the courage of the human race

Broken city.

The faint chill brought by the mountain wind lingers around the deserted city.

The atmosphere that was supposed to be cold, but couldn't restrain the enthusiasm of everyone in the deserted city!

In front of the deserted city.

A figure, with its feet on the void, wearing purple radiance, standing with hands behind it, has an aura of looking over the world!

With one punch, all the gods of the monster race were blasted to scum!

This situation and situation caused an idea to echo in everyone's hearts.

I, human race, no matter how weak it is to be deceived!

"My, the emperor!"

At this time, a soft voice floated from above the nine heavens.

That is Qin Yi's voice!

The people in the deserted city reacted instantly.

The first thing that came out was the Desolate King.

An emotion that hadn't been in the body for a long time, instantly flowed through the body of the Desolate King!

"His Majesty, please protect my human race and kill that monster race!"

The Desolation King made a hoarse voice and let out an angry roar.

This voice resounded like Huang Zhong Dalu, resounding through the world, like thunder, breaking through the clouds, and blasting the deserted city!

"His Majesty, please protect my human race and kill that monster race!"

At the same time, countless people knelt on the ground, touching the ground with their foreheads, catering to the voice of the Desolate King.

Countless people gave out a roar from their hearts and gathered in the city with a roar!

For a time, this deafening roar echoed in the deserted city!

With a roar, the roar showed the spirit of swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger!

The sound of thunder rolled, and even those eight thousand miles of barren mountains trembled under this roar!

The millions of people in the city knelt down at this moment, shouting the words that have been hidden in their hearts with a hoarse voice!

I am waiting for the human race, not a beast, why should I be under the demon race!

Why let the monsters bully, we have to resist!

Under the leadership of Wurenhuang, overthrow the so-called demon gods!


There was a roar, the voice contained the people, the deep aggrieved heart.

The blood that has been cold for a long time burns in the bottom of my heart again!

Qin Yi killed the four demon gods and shattered the haze that hung over the human race!

From this barren city to millions of people, it will eventually spread to the entire sin world!

Awaken the **** nature of the sin world human race again!


At this moment, Qin Yi finally stepped down, step by step, from above the sky.

In the barren city, everyone was still kneeling to the ground, bowing to his new emperor!

"I, take an oath here, after today, if you dare to offend my human race, you will kill you!"

Qin Yi raised a bright smile at the corner of his mouth, flashing radiance all over, and said as he walked.

The deep words seemed so powerful at this moment!

"Everyone, are you willing to follow me and use blood as ink to write about the courage of my human race?"

The eyes flashed, falling on the people who bowed their heads.

"We should be willing!"

"Using blood as ink, the courage of our human race!"

"Using blood as ink, the courage of our human race!"

"Using blood as ink, the courage of our human race!"

Everyone was silent at first, and then broke out a more amazing shout than before!

The shouts of the mountains and the tsunami converged into earth-shaking sound waves, piercing the sky and shaking the earth!

Even those who put their spirits on the Desolate City had to be silent.

This will, even them can't help but feel shocked!

Even, it can be said to be fear!

From this group of people, they seem to have seen the tragic battle that overthrew their dynasty thousands of years ago!

It was the will to defeat them!

This time, this will once again appeared in the sin world human race!

How are they not surprised!

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