Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 910: Emperor

The shouts all over the city seemed to break through the sky.

At this moment, everyone just wanted to vent their long-standing humiliation in this roar.

And the new Emperor Human Emperor who triggered all this has already brought the Desolate King and others back to the house that is still intact.

This is the most luxurious hall in the Qiu family. In the previous battles, he was spared.

Speaking of the buildings in the barren city, they were basically destroyed.

It can be said that the entire barren city was almost completely destroyed!

Fortunately, almost half of the people in the deserted city survived.

In this era of extremely high force, it is not a difficult task to rebuild a barren city.

Some people even plan to expand the barren city.

The emperor of our human race, the first time it appeared in the deserted city.

If it is, if the barren city is built to be more luxurious, that is not necessarily the case, the barren city in the future can become the place of the future imperial city!

Thinking of this, the remaining big families in the original deserted city were planning enthusiastically.

Of course, these Qin Yi didn't care, sitting on the main seat of the hall.

Next to them are the Desolate King and Qiu Feixuan, and the rest of them stand in sequence according to their cultivation bases.

"We, see the emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

After Qin Yi sat down, the Desolate King and others kowtow again.

Because Qin Yi killed four demon gods including the Four-armed Demon God, the Desolate King and others were convinced and respected him as the emperor!

Qiu Feixuan has a pair of beautiful eyes, which are colorful and gleaming, the eyes are like water, and the obsession in the eyes is richer!

When you first saw you, you were Lord Pianpian!

A few days later, you are the Supreme Emperor!

The king is king, and beauty cares...

"The Emperor..."

Qin Yi, sitting high on the main seat, had a bitter smile.

Even he didn't expect that his clone would become emperor earlier than the deity!

The emperor, the lord of the dynasty!

According to the rules of Tianyao Continent, the lord of the dynasty can only be called the king, and the lord of the dynasty can be called the emperor!

Although the Buluo Dynasty was powerful, it was a large-scale dynasty at this moment, and it was far from the dynasty.

Therefore, Qin Yi's deity can only be called the king, not the emperor!

Now, Qin Yi's clone, Ye Tian, ​​is one step ahead of the crime world to become the emperor!

This is still a bit beyond Qin Yi's expectations.

Even though, Qin Yi's new dynasty can only be regarded as a grass-roots team, and he wants nothing.

There is not even a name, and there is only one territory, that is, the barren city.

However, there is nothing wrong with all of this. As long as Qin Yi conquered the sin world, his name as a human emperor would be considered stable!

At that time, he can be regarded as the real Emperor!


When Qin Yi was distracted, the Desolate King and others still knelt on the ground, and did not move until Qin Yi returned to God.

"Get up."

Qin Yi gave a light cough and said lightly.

"Thank your Majesty!"

Everyone kowtowed, and then slowly stood up.

"Your Majesty, in front of the Desolate City, killed four demon gods, so there are no demon gods in the desert mountains!

The barren mountains pose no threat to our human race. "

The Desolate King took a step forward and said with an uplifted expression in a courtesy of his courtiers.

This is his wish for thousands of years ago!

At this moment, it was finally realized, even if it was not done by himself, it made him excited.

The prestige of Qin Yi, and the glory!

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