Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 918: Destroy Eagle Kun God


Layers of power, like a stormy wave, poured in one after another.

The huge claws of the Eagle God, seem to cover the pillar of the sky, smashed down in the air!

The vigor is vast and surging, erupting in the sky, tearing the world like a tsunami, completely submerging everything that stood in the way!

The claw marks slashed through the air, and it was just a stray aftermath, and it collapsed into the ground to reveal cracks that do not know how deep!

Not to mention, the dark and deep space cracks opened by the giant claws!

Countless space cracks are everywhere, and the power is terrifying!

"Compared with me?"

At this time, White Beard smiled coldly, not afraid, and fisted to meet him.

Compared with the cloud-like giant claws of the Eagle Kun God, although the white beard is tall, it still looks a little small.

"This human being is simply looking for death!"

Originally, the demon races were still worried, and the white beard shook the void before using it.

As a result, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw that White Beard actually used the power of his flesh to shake the Eagle Kun God!

What a ridiculous thing to compare strength to the Eagle God!

The monster race is stronger than the human race, and its power is even more terrifying!

The bull head monster clan before, was blown away by the white beard because of the difference in cultivation base between the two.

The Eagle Kun **** and this human race are in the same realm. Does this human want to contend against the Eagle Kun god?

In the same level, in terms of strength, Yaozu has an absolute advantage.

Not to mention one white beard, just ten white beards, it is not enough to slap and kill Eagle Kun God!


The Eagle Kun **** also roared, his huge claws crushed towards the white beard!

A small human race dared to look down upon him, and he did not know what to say!

However, the next scene utterly shocked the demons.

In other words, they don't understand who is standing here!

This is the existence known as the strongest man in the world, White Beard!


The fist of the white beard collided with the great claw of the **** Eagle Kun.

In the eyes of all the monster races, it was like a white beard looking for a dead end, half a step without retreating, but the Eagle Kun **** was blown upside down!

With a loud noise, the Eagle Kun God did not see the white beard being photographed into meat sauce by him. Instead, there was a violent force from the white beard's hand, which was continuously coming to him!


Ying Kun God's face changed, and he could clearly perceive that his right paw was broken!

The power of horror passed along his right paw, tearing his muscles, scales, and breaking his bones!

Even, in the end, the Eagle God could understand that his right claw was completely abolished!


Baibeard stepped on his feet and quickly followed the Eagle Kun **** who flew out.


Baibeard raised his hand, shook his right hand, and a roar came from under his hand.

There seemed to be countless auras gathered in the white beard's right hand, and all the auras of Baili condensed in the hands of Baibeard.


Immediately, White Beard punched out in the air, pouring out the aura of a hundred miles around!

Take control of the world with your body!

The strength reaches a certain level, which is more terrifying than ordinary martial arts!


With this punch alone, the body guard Qi Qi on the surface of the Eagle God's body shattered, and it blasted on the Eagle God.


A series of scalp tingling bones cracking sound, the eagle kun god, who is hundreds of feet high, was smashed into the ground!

Hit the ground and slid for hundreds of miles before stopping the figure!

While sliding, the Eagle Kun **** kept bleeding in his mouth, leaving a place of blood congestion!

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