Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 919: Step on the corpse


Broken walls.

The dumped mountains.

A blessed place that was originally beautiful, at this time, was in a mess.

In the barren cave sky, within less than an hour, thousands of monster races fell one after another!

The long potholes on the ground, wading with scarlet blood, seemed even more shocking!

Ying Kun Shen collapsed to the ground weakly, and his broken bones could no longer support him to stand up.

A dignified demon **** was beaten to such a miserable level, I have to say that it is sad!


A figure stood quietly, staring coldly at the embarrassed Eagle God.

The demon races looked at the white beard's eyes again, and there was a little more fear!

This human being could actually crush the Eagle Kun God with his best power!

This made countless monsters tremble, and their hearts began to lose their bottom.


Ying Kun God let out a loud roar, and his whole body rose into the sky.

I saw shocking injuries everywhere in his body, dripping with blood!

This is the first time that he has been so embarrassed after he has evolved!

Even if he fought against the demon gods who also became feathers, he had never been so miserable!


A more terrifying breath burst from the Eagle God, and the mighty blood rushed out, turning into a black flame full of height of one foot!

"The claw cracks the void!"

The Eagle Kun **** roared, with another claw, and grabbed Baibeard!

He is desperate!

White beard beats him like this, how can God Eagle Kun not be angry!


However, White Beard squeezed in the void, and his right fist crashed down.

There was another muffled noise, and it hit the left claw of the **** Eagle Kun.


The oozing sound of broken bones once again sounded on the body of the Eagle Kun God.

This time, the **** Eagle Kun was even more miserable. The violent power poured into his body, and the internal organs and bones in his body were all broken!


With a loud whine, Eagle Kun God was smashed into the sky by White Beard again.

The huge body smashed to the ground, shaking the mountain again.


Even if the eagle kun god's skin is rough and fleshy, and his body strength is known, he can't withstand two consecutive attacks like this!

None of the bones and internal organs are complete!

If not, the vitality of the feathered monster beast is far away, I am afraid he will fall on the spot!

Even so, if there is no more than a hundred years of recuperation, Eagle Kun God would not want to return to its peak state.


Of course, White Beard would not give Eagle Kun God this opportunity. His purpose here is to destroy the barren cave!


The white beard shook his body, and stepped on the void with one foot, and landed heavily on top of Ying Kun God!


There was a sound of broken bones, cracked brains, and splashed blood!

Eagle Kun God's body could no longer move, lying on the ground, no life.

"Eagle Kun God, dead?"

"It's impossible, it must be fake!"

"I don't believe, how could Eagle Kun God be defeated by mortals!"

Countless demons were shocked and angry, and couldn't believe the scene before them.

From beginning to end, the white beard pressed the eagle kun **** to fight, and with two moves, the eagle kun **** was killed!

The demon **** of the desolate cave sky, in the hands of Baibeard, has not even survived two moves!

Whitebeard stood on the corpse of Yingkun God, his eyes flowed, looking around, many monster races all bowed their heads, afraid to look directly at Whitebeard.

Step on the corpse of the gods, look down upon the demons!

With the death of Eagle Kun God, start the journey of destruction of the barren cave!

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