Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 982: Miscarriage pills, you deserve it

The one-foot-high jade bottle is quietly suspended in the void.

No matter how you look at it, you all know that this item is extraordinary, but the items in it make Qin Yi a little speechless.

"Name of pill: Anti-fetal pill;

Provenance: Journey to the Mythical World to the West, refining by the old gentleman of the Palace Taishang himself;

Rank: Supreme elixir;

Uses: It can help pregnant women to calm down and nourish the fetus, and conceive superhuman talent for the fetus in the body;

The extraordinary magic medicine that brings up the descendants of geniuses, the best choice for future generations to win at the starting line! "

The elixir!

Although Qin Yi didn't understand what the elixir's rank was, he was certain that the quality of the elixir could not even match the top-grade elixir.

The key problem is that if this pill is an aid to cultivation, then Qin Yi is making a lot of money!

Taishang Laojun refining, don't say what rank nine golden pills are drawn, you can draw other pills!

What's this to get this baby pill!

Another item made Qin Yi want to cry without tears.

"Weapons: the swords of ordinary soldiers in Shu;

Source: Zhenqi Edition Three Kingdoms World;

Rank: low-ranking war weapon;

Explanation: This is a sword that the soldiers of Shu have devoted their lives and cares to:

Hope the host can make good use of it! "

Use it well... a fart!

This is obviously cheating, okay!

A low-ranking weapon of character, what is the use of this thing? Why don't I get a weapon of no rank for me.

Qin Yi was simply unable to complain. He was very satisfied with the system for the previous three summons, and even felt a little moved by his own system.

But the two subsequent summons directly caused the touch in his heart to disappear.

Anything moved, he doesn't beat the system.

"Ding! Regarding the issue of the host, according to the system rules, the lowest rank of the conscripted weapon is a low-ranking weapon..."

At this time, the system sounded a serious voice.


This sentence made Qin Yi choke again.

Co-author, if it weren't for the rule setting, the system still wanted to recruit him a weapon of no rank?

Qin Yi was speechless and looked at the sky, why the system of other people's homes is always caring, old and intelligent, and his own system uses his host as pleasure all day long.

"Well, this time I have been recruited to Bai Qi, and Da Qin Iron Cavalry is already very rewarding."

Qin Yi sighed softly, and no longer struggled with this.

As he said, he had already made a lot of money when he was recruited.

The other conscriptions were nothing more than additions, and good items could be drawn. It was considered that he was not bad luck and couldn't draw good items, and it would not hinder the overall situation.

Five times to summon, draw the eternal killing **** Bai Qi, the four-star legion Daqin iron cavalry, and the secret method eight Dunjia. This is already considered to be extremely lucky, and he is still not satisfied.

Not to mention, although the fetus-preserving pill works as a chicken rib, it is actually the most expensive item among the five summons.

The elixir, a pill of this quality, is not something that Qin Yi at this stage can touch.

Qin Yi was able to draw the pill, which can be said to be lucky!

Moreover, the pill for fetal protection can be described as the supreme elixir that can never be met.

If Qin Yi gave birth to an heir in the future, the cultivation of this pill would be enough for him to possess the aptitude in his mother's womb that countless people envy, and give him a talent that is so powerful that others can hardly expect.

How can it be underestimated by Taishang Lao Jun?

It's nothing more than that with the pill to conceive the spirit and change your fate against the sky!

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