Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 983: The shock of the forces of the sin world

When Qin Yi was competing with the system, news about the Great Qin Dynasty's battle soon spread out, blasting the crime world.

World War I was shocked!

Whether it is the demon race who stayed behind in the five caves, or the countless human races, they are all paying attention to this battle.

However, in the eyes of most people, the Great Qin Dynasty is undoubtedly defeated.

The five big caves of the demon clan join forces, which is equivalent to the entire sin world demon clan, all coming out!

With such a powerful force, there is no problem in sweeping the entire sin world human race.

The best result of the Great Qin Dynasty was to repel the invasion of the Five Great Caves and retain the final autonomy of the human race!

However, when the news of this battle came out, hundreds of millions of people lost their color!

"Emperor Qin had the first battle, the human race won, the demon race lost!

The Great Qin Dynasty knocked the monsters off the dust, and the humans rose! "

This news is like a hurricane, sweeping through six areas of the crime world.

Whether it is the human martial artist who is still rushing towards the Great Qin Emperor, or the human forces who are sitting and watching the changes, as well as the five great caves, all have received this news.

Countless people were shocked when they heard the news!

The five big caves of the monster race are high above the sky, ruling the sin world and suppressing the human race for thousands of years!

Even if the Great Qin Dynasty was able to destroy the desolate cave, but the five great caves joined together, this is five times the power of the desolate cave!

With such a powerful force, how could it be possible to say that you lose and you lose!

Moreover, he was killed by that great Qin Emperor with a single sword!

"No, it's impossible, it must be fake!"

The strong monsters who stayed behind in the five big caves immediately refuted.

They think this is just a joke woven by the human race!

How could the five masters of the caves and dozens of gods in the clan be defeated!

In other words, even though there are hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers in the heinous crime world, who would be their opponents of the monster race!

Therefore, the Yaozu powerhouses sneered at this news as a joke.

"How powerful are the gods, so how could the Emperor Qin be the opponent of the gods?

It is simply nonsense to kill all the gods of the five great caves! "

Those human forces that are attached to the six big caves of the demon race do not believe it at all.

If the human race is so powerful, why should they serve in the six great caves.

Officially because of the unstoppable power of the Six Great Caves, they were only allowed to give in.

The prince of Royal Palace of Xuanyang, upon receiving this news, dragged the messenger out and beheaded: "The demon words confuse the crowd, the six great caves, how powerful!

How could he be defeated by the mere Da Qin Dynasty? Isn't this a joke? "

However, Prince Xuanyang's pride did not last long, because more detailed news came one after another.

"The Desolate King and other three kings who took refuge in the Great Qin Dynasty stepped into the realm of the gods, and before the Great Qin Emperor's capital, they slashed the Nether King, Xuanyang King, and Baiyun King."

"The gods of the five great caves made their move, defeating the three of the Desolate Kings, and led the Emperor Qin to take action, one person with one sword, and hundreds of thousands of demon races in the five great caves!"

"And... the demon gods!"


Hearing the news, Prince Xuanyang's face suddenly turned pale, like a concubine.

In an instant, the court of King Xuanyang lost his voice, like falling into a cold prison!

The Yaozu was defeated. Doesn't that mean that the Qin Dynasty wanted to settle with them before?

"It's over, everything is over!"

The old man of King Xuanyang's court murmured in despair.

The five big caves of the Yaozu have been defeated, so what is a Xuanyang royal court in him?

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