Supreme Demon God System

Chapter 726: The Red Eye Demon Emperor Appears


When the fire Qilin and others were not ready to welcome death, a crimson light appeared from the edge of the sky, and a blood blade flew down with great precision, and it touched with that divine fist!


The fist of divine power that could destroy everything, hit the sudden blood blade, and immediately deflated, and at the moment of collision, both turned into nothingness.

"This blood blade actually contains divine power, who is it?!"

The shot was stopped. Bai Chen's complexion was very gloomy, and he stared at the void in front of him, where there was a crimson space channel. It appeared in the sight of everyone.

In the passage, a figure wearing a black robe slowly emerged, and his whole body exuded an uncomfortable breath, a kind of turmoil, spontaneously emerging from his heart.

Especially his pair of eyes looked extremely red, as if they would sink deeply into them as long as they were caught. Can't get rid of.

"You are also from the heavens, what are you doing here?!"

Seeing this person, the arrogant Bai Chen didn't do anything directly for a while, but stared at the red-eyed man in front of him, and he felt a strong aura of danger on the latter.

"If you don't want to die, leave this seat."

However, in the face of Bai Chen's question, the red pupil man appeared more domineering, and let the former leave as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Boy, what are you kidding? I really think I'm afraid you won't make it?!"

Bai Chen had a bad temper. Seeing that the red pupil man was so arrogant, he stopped talking nonsense. With a big wave of his hand, the divine power in his body began to surge to his body and punched out.


The red-eyed man uttered two words plainly, and with a wave of his sleeves, the crimson power immediately flew out. At this moment, it seemed that even the space could not bear this power, and he also became crimson.

"This is not the divine power of the heavens, what is it!"

Seeing that appalling red power instantly destroyed the divine power, Bai Chen was shocked. Falling on this plane, his power should also be limited by the power of the plane!

"If you are in the Celestial Realm, you should know the reputation of the Scarlet Eyed Devil Emperor. If you blame it, blame it. You have moved people who shouldn't be moved."

The red pupil man smiled slightly, and immediately more and more red mist gushed out of his body, which directly condensed into a big hand, and rushed directly at Bai Chen!


The sky seemed to become dim at this moment, and Bai Chen's reaction was too late, and his big hand slapped on his body fiercely. He spouted a mouthful of blood, and his breath directly wilted.

"The Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor... you are the Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor! Why are you here!"

Bai Chen got up embarrassedly. He stared at the red-eyed man in horror, and he did not expect that in such a small plane, he would encounter a **** like the heavens.

"You know my name. It seems that my reputation is not bad. If so, you can die."

The Red Eye Devil Emperor smiled, his pair of red eyes stared at Bai Chen, and at this time he saw a dead man.

"To blame, blame you for moving my brother."

After speaking, more and more evil spirits gushed out of the Red Eye Demon Emperor's body, forming a crimson sky directly in the midair. There were even countless infiltrating voices from inside.

"Crimson Eye Demon Emperor! This is the lower plane. With limited strength, I don't believe you can solve me. Even if it is dead, labor and capital will pull you to back up!"

Bai Chen yelled, and a hint of hatred flashed in his eyes, as if they knew each other in the heaven. And there are many contradictions.


Bai Chen frantically urged the divine power in his body, even at the expense of the God Locking Curse, a monstrous light curtain of divine power also formed behind him, and then fiercely confronted the scarlet light curtain of the Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor. Together!


At this moment, it seemed that the entire plane was violently shaken, and the surrounding area was huge, and it was directly turned into a bottomless super pit, and even the secret hiding of the Great Rock Empire was directly destroyed by half.

Fortunately, when the fighting broke out between the two of them, Huo Qilin and the others had left the scene long ago, otherwise they would suffer from Chiyu.

"Crimson Eye Demon Emperor. It doesn't seem to be as strong as the rumors."

Bai Chen gasped weakly, looking at the huge pit in front of him, he sneered.

"Really? Really think that if you kill your life, you can kill me?"

Haven't waited for Bai Chen to breathe easily. A sneer suddenly sounded from his ears, and Bai Chen was startled, and the figure of the Red Eye Demon Emperor did not know when he appeared beside him!

What made Bai Chen even more shocked was that the Red Eye Demon Emperor at this time was not an entity. It is in a semi-transparent state.


Seeing this transparent figure, Bai Chen was immediately shocked and speechless. Only very powerful Celestial practitioners could travel through the universe. He had never heard of that someone actually descended to the next position with a spiritual shadow. surface!

"It's still a bit of a foresight, now you won't be wronged."

The Red Eye Demon Emperor smiled slightly, and his arm was gently buckled on Bai Chen's head.

At this time, Bai Chen performed the big move just now, and had no strength to break free from the former's big hand. Under his horrified eyes, the evil spirit instantly rushed into his body, cutting off his vitality!

A strong man who came to the Rune Continent from the heavens fell into a foreign country like this!


At the moment when the Protector of White Dust fell, somewhere in the distant heavens, an old man enshrining the mourning hall suddenly opened his eyes.

He held a stone in his hand. The name of the Protector of White Dust was written on the stone, but on this stone, the divine power on it disappeared, and it turned into a pile of powder directly in front of him.

"Protector Bai Chen... what has he experienced?"

The old man whispered to himself, and then several distinguished figures walked in.

"As the order continues, the death of Baichen Law Protector is a bit strange. Now the commander and Law Protector are sent to investigate. The old man wants to see who did it!"

The old man gave a cold cry, and the gravel in his hand immediately burned with divine fire, instantly burning it into nothingness!


"Where is this weird man..."

Several people from Huo Qilin who were far away swallowed secretly when they saw the scene where the Red Eye Demon Emperor killed Bai Chen in seconds.

The white dust just now was invincible enough. If the Scarlet Eyed Demon Emperor took action, let alone the Big Rock Empire, even the entire world would be wiped out into nothingness.

"This predecessor, I don't know what to do when coming to the Big Rock Empire? If there is anything that needs to be ordered, please come to us."

As soon as he thought of this, Huo Qilin's legs were a little weak, but he still appeared in front of the Red Eye Demon Emperor, trying to calm the emotions of the person in front of him.

"Hahaha, you are a bit shrewd. If this plane wasn't forcibly torn apart by some force not long ago, I wouldn't be able to use the space jumping device to appear here."

The Red Eye Demon Emperor laughed loudly and said words that the burning Qilin and others could not understand at all.

"But you can rest assured that I am here only to meet a benefactor, and I will not do anything to you and the world."

It seemed that he wanted to dispel Huo Qilin and the others' worries. After the Red Eye Demon Emperor dropped these words, his figure directly turned into a cloud of red mist, floating in the void, disappearing.

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