Supreme Demon God System

Chapter 727: One year

"Are you here."

Zhao Yi overexposed the law of time, still lying on the ground unable to move, as if he heard the figure approaching from a distance, he gave a dry laugh, as if he was ready for the next fate.

"Why, look like nothing to love?"

When Zhao Yi could not move, a faint voice suddenly rang from his ears, Zhao Yi raised his eyes slightly, but was surprised to see the Devil Emperor Crimson Eye.

"Red pupil, why are you here?!"

Zhao Yi was a little shaken. Although he didn't know how far away the heavens were from here, he wanted to come directly. Obviously difficult.

"You kid, your memory is really bad. Didn't you ask me to borrow a space jumping device a few days ago? If it weren't for you to tear the space-time cracks here, let me capture your breath. I didn't come here so smoothly. "

The Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor said helplessly, he was still worried about how to send the space jumping device to Zhao Yi's hands.

"I'm interested."

Zhao Yi looked at the Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor closely, and the latter also looked at him directly, staring at each other for a long time. Although there were a thousand words in his heart, they were all revealed in the other's eyes.

"You helped solve that guy named Bai Chen. I didn't expect it to be so many years later. The distance between me and you has become so far away."

Zhao Yi couldn't help but sighed, and then his heart suddenly seemed to be hit hard, shaking severely.

"Zhao Yi, how are you?"

Seeing the painful expression on Zhao Yi's face suddenly, the Red Eye Demon Emperor frowned slightly, and a pair of Red Eyes scanned Zhao Yi tightly, but there was no abnormality.

"Red pupil, maybe I can't go to the heaven with you this time. There is one thing that I must handle myself."

As Zhao Yi said, he directly took out a necklace. Although the workmanship of the necklace was very rough, it was packed in a very delicate box.

This necklace contained a faint fluctuation of spiritual power, but it quietly shattered under the eyes of Zhao Yi staring closely.

"this is……"

Although the Red Eye Demon Emperor could see that this was a very poorly crafted spiritual tool, at the moment it shattered, Zhao Yi's face showed an unprecedented hideousness.

"My sister, something happened!"

Zhao Yi's face was gloomy, and what made him a little puzzled was that the direction he sensed from the necklace was not at Blue Star, but at a distance from the Rune Continent. More distant planes!

"I know."

Looking at Zhao Yi's expression, the eyes of the Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor were slightly in a trance, as if he thought of many years ago.

On that day, Zhao Yi summoned all the masters on the mainland who were able to get to the table, forcibly tore the cracks in time and space, and even if he was swallowed by the power of the universe, he had to go to an unknown plane to bring back Yan Zhirou's soul.

"This is the space jumping device I brought from the heavens. It has been improved by me. It can directly transform into a spaceship that escapes time and space, so that you won't be swallowed by the power of the universe."

"But you have to remember, the space jumping device. You can only use it once a year."

The Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor said that he had just arrived on a space jumping device, and it should be called a space jumping spacecraft now. The cooling time is still close to one year.

After that, the Red Eye Demon Emperor directly handed the Space Jumping spaceship out. Although it was only a palm size, it could be used normally if it was injected with evil spirits and approved by the spacecraft. The space inside can be large or small.

"Then the time left for me is running out. Is there anything else I can help?"

The Red Eye Demon Emperor smiled. Ever since I talked about repaying Zhao Yi, I have never broken my promise.

"Nothing else. The girl just now is the girl I pursued across time and space. She went to the heaven. If you can, you can help protect her in the dark. Until I go to the heaven."

When Zhao Yi talked about the girl, a smile he had never seen before appeared on his face.

"Is that so? Sweet love is really enviable."

Looking at Zhao Yi's appearance, the Scarlet Eye Demon Emperor seemed to be infected, and his tight face also showed a rare smile. I don't know when Zhao Yi said that he became very concerned.

Zhao Yi and the Red Eye Demon Emperor didn't greet them for too long. Knowing that their sister didn't know how to leave Blue Star and went to a very far lower plane, Zhao Yi was too worried.

"What an uneasy sister."

Zhao Yi put the broken necklace into the jade box again. Slowly exhaled in his heart, staring closely at the space leaping spacecraft in his hand. In a year's time, he had to wait until when.

"Almighty little demon. Is there any way to reach the plane I want to go?"

Although he knew that the Demon God system was very pitted, Zhao Yi couldn't care too much at this juncture.

"Reply to the master, the plane you want to go to is a lower plane on the boundary of the universe. It is called the Red Falling Star, which is 5.33 light years away from the Rune Continent."

Gai: A numerical unit. One trillion is equal to one trillion, ten thousand trillion is equal to one Jing, and ten thousand Jing is equal to one Gai.

"Damn, so far!"

Listening to this horrible number, Zhao Yi suddenly felt a tingling scalp. If he didn't use the space jumping device, he would not be able to live until the day he died.

"Is there any way to pass in a short time?"

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and tried to struggle again. Anyway, he couldn't wait this year.

After all, his laws of time can't distort the cooling time of the space jumping spacecraft.

"There are hidden spaceships that can be rented in the Dimensional Chamber of Commerce system. Not only do they require a lot of points, but also a **** condition to open and break through the Emperor Wu. Or they can be leased if they are cultivated beyond the Heavenly Talisman Master."

These words of the Magnum Little Demon undoubtedly poured cold water on Zhao Yi again. In the end, Nima still needs to wait for a year before he can pass!

If my sister is in danger, won't all the corpses be corrupted in this year?

"You figure it out."

However, the Almighty Little Demon ignored Zhao Yi's increasingly ugly expression, and directly shrank back. And in front of him, he unceremoniously swept away tens of thousands of points...

"Damn! After all, I think I am poor!"

The corners of Zhao Yi's mouth twitched, and he loved and hated the Almighty Little Demon. In today's situation, it is obvious that he can only honestly wait for a year.

Even if he is not afraid of the cosmic aura, just that distance can make him stop.

Even so, Zhao Yi did not directly admit his fate, at least in this year's time, improve his cultivation base, and deal with the rest of this plane.

Finally... as soon as the one-year period arrives, he crosses the plane to pursue Zhao Qin!

"Sister! Brother is here!"

Points balance: 9.99 million.

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