Supreme Demon

Chapter 1017: Life and death

Chapter 117 is a life and death

A desolate!

In the white world, the destruction of the gods, the destruction of the Qiankun, represents the absolute death, detached from the realm of life and death, God can horrify Tianyu, trembled together for nine days.

Double life and death!

The life and death of the demon domain is not the end, Qin Haotian's martial arts are very extraordinary, each level will have unexpected changes, especially the life and death of the demon domain, can evolve nine different life and death, and once it arrives, what changes will happen, this also It is people who are curious.

However, now under the oppression of that protoss, he broke the threshold and entered the second-order martial arts realm. The whole person is like a reborn, shining with a stunning light.

Ling Xuewen was amazed. This kind of Qin Yutian made her more respectful. Not everyone can be so powerful. On the edge of life and death, it will be a step forward, but it will be killed, but Qin Haotian did it.

When you look at your eyes, you will lose some of your heart. In terms of talent, they are not much apart, but Qin Haotian is more embarrassed than him. This makes him very helpless. Of course, he is helpless. The leapfrog killed them, and until now, they dare not challenge.

People are very surprised and ecstatic!

"A genius, entering the second-level martial arts on this bone, is absolutely enough for the Protoss to drink a pot."

"Hey, the first level of martial arts is not enough, then it is stronger!"

"Get rid of the Protoss!"


People shouted, each person's face was a bit more smeared, that Protoss smashed them and killed too many people, more than half of the bones here were smashed by this Protoss, people have long hated him.

"Secondary martial arts?"

The Protoss was close to the eye. If he said that Qin Yutian, the first-class martial god, surprised him, then Qin Yutian of the second-order martial arts made him horrified, especially the double life and death, which made him truly feel the death. breath.

If he was in his heyday, he would not be afraid of this human race in front of him, but now he is very deadly in the case of heavy injuries.

"I said I want to get rid of you!"

Qin Haotian took a deep breath and passed away with death. This feeling is like rebirth. He walked forward and continued. "You hit my woman, don't you think that's it?" ”

"You have lost so many people, you don't feel such blood, I will spare you?"

"Once, some people have lost three protoss. I am not as coquettish as he is, but if you get rid of a Protoss, you can still do it."

"court death!"

The Protoss was angry, and when the body flashed, it burst into the air, and the curved bows were put on nine arrows, one by one to shoot Qin Haotian, and when they all flew out, the whole world was exploding.

Too wild, too bully!

Shooting out the style of the four-level Valkyrie, so many people have changed color.

“It’s a bit imposing!”

Qin Haotian said with a sneer. "But this is not enough!"

When the voice fell, he had already shot like a sword. The overlord shot and smothered, and a shot stabbed the nine sharp arrows. On the tyrant's gun, he flew out of the double life and death.

A life and death demon domain, two life and death!


A **** arrow burst, tearing open from the middle, and the momentum above is directly broken, followed by the second, third, and fourth arrow, bursting one after another, just like the life and death domain. God can, not to mention a more terrible double life and death.


When the fifth arrow was shot into the white space, it was actually an inch of smashing, turned into a powder, with the raging overlord gun, and the rapid spread of the four, the whole world is filled with a devastating frenzy.



The Qin dynasty is like a broken bamboo. The double life and death show a dazzling light. The nine swords are annihilated one by one, followed by the protoss that are flying in.


The Protoss was shocked. He didn't think that this person in front of him could cut off the arrow so strongly. When the Overlord shot and killed him, he couldn't wait to dodge. He could only rush to meet the enemy.

In the loud noise, his body flew back and forth, and even his arms were smashed.


The next moment, Qin Haotian lightning strikes, a punch and a constant blood kill, simply do not give the Protoss a chance to breathe, the latter often flew backwards, the body of the flesh and blood, even more people.

And just in the blink of an eye.

The Qin dynasty Tianba guns picked one, and took advantage of the time when the Protoss could not dodge. He stabbed the protoss' shoulders and tore his entire arm, **** and sorrowful, but people had a feeling of dripping.


The Protoss was miserable, the Kirin noodles were completely distorted, and the corners of the mouth continued to twitch.

It looked cold and hated, and this was the situation he had created. He completely shrouded the nine kills, but he did not expect that the gods killed five newcomers, but did not even think of the five newcomers. A powerful scary.


Qin Haotian blasted, another shot stabbed, steady and powerful, and the thunder was stunned. Although the Protoss had done all the best to avoid the flash, but the one arm was broken, his speed was affected, and he could not dodge in time. .


Another arm was pierced, and with the anger of Qin Tiantian, the Protoss broke a hand again. Undoubtedly, this also greatly reduced the fighting power of the Protoss, far less tyrannical than before.

"Definitely dead!"

Finally, Qin Haotian's demeanor was dignified. In the hands and waves, the overlord gun flew out, and the double life and death completely arrested it, causing it to explode an unprecedented speed of terror.


What people see is just a phantom, the eyelids are on, but the body is completely unable to move.


This gun was so horrified that it was a ghostly shot, which made the **** of martial arts feel awkward. Under such a pattern, the protoss could not escape. After being shot by the overlord, the flesh and blood and the meridians were simultaneously The impact, one fell from Tianyu.

At this time, Qin Haotian banned himself from flying over, punched the head of the Protoss, and cracked his skull. The whole person swayed and flew toward the distance, and the "砰" was squatting. On the ground.


The fierce misery and the horror of the gods, the Protoss was arrogant and arrogant, and there was no commandment under the fist of Qin Yutian. However, when he returned to his anger, a sharp sword was flashing from his neck. Over.

Time has settled!


Yin Hong’s blood was sprayed from the neck of the Protoss. The head of the Protoss was thrown high. He was killed by a living head. The soul also collapsed in an instant, turning into a dark haze, floating in the air. in.

The Protoss died!

"Oh no!"

The four aliens were shocked and pale, like a blank sheet of paper. They were ordered to protect the Protoss arrogant. Now the Protoss arrogance falls, which means the ruin of their lives.

The horizontal and vertical are dead, they will endlessly hate, fully vented on the human body, regardless of the blood and death of life and death, but also forced the Yongqing three to retreat.

The situation is now dumping, they are not willing to kill blood to death.

When he lost the protoss, Qin Haotian also flew to four aliens. Although he was exhausted at the moment, he was tyrannical, but he first entered the realm of the second martial arts, before he consolidated. It is very difficult to mobilize and consumes extra horror.


He overbeared to drink, the overlord gun like a dragon, penetrated the void, shot a different kind of seed, the latter's entire head was nailed to the gun of the overlord, brains scattered, flowed to the ground.

Followed by him, he also smashed the other three aliens and cast a monumental war. The powerful force that shocked the aliens and the human race, everyone was breathing, but looking at Qin Haotian’s gaze. It is full of awe.

Anyone who has killed so many aliens is worthy of respect.

However, the eight major killings can live to the present, but only a dozen people, most of them are three-level martial arts, they also all succumb to the dying, but they are, when they face the Qin dynasty, they can not help Trembling.

This person must be comparable to the fourth-level Valkyrie.

In fact, there have been two killings, and only two of the six killers are still alive. It is imaginable how terrible the battle is, and this counts down, and there are only two people left in each fight.

"Thank you!"

A martial artist came forward and bowed to the Qin dynasty.

Qin Haotian did not have a sentimental feeling, calmly took it, and accepted the worship of the people, and the cold and proud **** bones added a touch of charm.

"Holy area?"

"Divine domain!" Qin Haotian said affirmatively.

Therefore, people know that at this moment, the sacred killings of the gods are finally born again and become completely different. At least in the current combat power, within three thousand miles, the gods are absolute hegemons.

Undoubtedly, to withstand the baptism of such **** killings, the prestige of the gods will reverberate through this star map, which can completely affect the radius of a thousand miles, which is not imagined by everyone.

Moreover, the tragic death of other killings will also make the gods have the power to dominate this side, which is more conducive to the growth of the gods.

In the battle of Ling Feng, the gods entered the eyes and ears of super-killing, and Qin Haotian’s battle was to let the gods go into the heart of the martial arts. As long as the gods can go further, they will definitely absorb them. Genius, then it is the whole Nie.

The east wind has not yet arrived, but they already have the ambition to dominate the first star map.


The news did not go away.

In a short period of time, it was resounding through the six thousand miles of stars. People were horrified by the scripts of the gods. They could not be connected with the gods that were decadent to death.

"The gods... live."

"A lot of martial arts led by a second-level martial **** can make the domain of the gods enter the third-rate killing."

"Isn't the completion of the real world, is it done now?"

People have been talking about it. Some people are horrified and some are cold-hearted for the new gods. More people are concerned about Qin Haotian. So far, only such a person can be called a strong person.

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