Supreme Demon

Chapter 1018: Is it dazzling? !

Is the first thousand and eighteen chapters dazzling? !

The battle has ended.

The gods killed eight people and returned blood. Everyone's injury was not light, but the legend about them really started. People were curious about this once-wasteful killing.

"Once, the killing of the gods has also entered the people's field of vision, they are almost indifferent."

"Unfortunately, since the former domain lord fell, several gods of the gods have withered one by one, and there is no more glory."

"Oh, brilliant?"

Some people disdain and pouted, saying: "The killing of the gods at that time is just a third-rate force. In the star map, such a force is more than a star?"

"They can walk into people's horizons, but they rely on one or two battles. They are really beautiful."

"Yeah, now there are a few newcomers in the domain of the gods. It seems that there is a rising momentum." Someone grinned. "You said, are they the phoenix reborn? Is it a moth?" ”

"Hard to say."

Someone calmed down and said, "But for that genius, it is quite difficult to get into the first-class killing, and it is too difficult to become a super-killer."

A battle, a fight.

In the three days, the killing of the gods has already made a name for the miles, and some third-rate and second-rate killers are particularly concerned, while the first-class killing is relatively indifferent, but they also think of the last killing of the gods and gods. However, it is far less magical than the Kamikaze, and a Protoss has taken them seriously, still too shallow.

However, I have to say that this battle, the domain of God really played very beautiful.

Of course, in the sinister star map, fighting and bloodshed are eternal topics. Killing like the gods is naturally easy to ignore, but the gods at this time have already created a completely different image in their hearts.

This is a subtle influence, like the fire of the stars, ready to poke the original, just a lot of people, have not seen through the terrible side of the gods, just because that person has not returned.


Star map, in a hidden valley.

Surrounded by dark black magic fire, all the grasses within a hundred miles were exhausted, and terrible big cracks spread from far away to the place, dividing the whole valley into two.

In the crack, a stranger is squinting in all directions, his eyes are filled with anger, and a savage and fierce momentum is shaking against the nine days and ten places, making the Quartet aliens stunned.

The unicorn head on his head, his body is like a human, his golden pupil, in the darkness of the darkness, exudes a demon light.

"Kirin Ten Jie is dead, you are all waste!"

He yelled. "A small star map, nine weakly smashed, actually ruined the arrogance of my Qilin Protoss. Is this what you want to show me?"

"This..." A strange face was ugly, and the body couldn't help but pick it up. He tried hard to raise his head, but under the pressure of the Kirin Protoss, he still gave up.


The Qilin Protoss was furious, and the temperament of the Qi was trembled, pointing to a group of strangers. "That is the tenth generation of my unicorn protoss. It is actually being smashed and killed. This is the face of our unicorn protoss."

"Kill, kill me for me, one can't live!"

The Kirin Protoss shouted. "I only give you a month. If those kills are still alive, you can die!"



Time flies, time flies!

In the star map, it has been quietly gone for more than five months, and in the ancient Wuta, it was three years in a hurry, and Lingfeng entered the Wuzhong Gate, and it took half a year.

In the process, Ling Feng was covered with dust, and the surging star power gradually stabilized, like a trickle of water, watering the body of Ling Feng, the Golden Soul Grass, the colorful holy gold source has been consumed, Even the starry sky tree was picked up by Lingfeng and swallowed.

Even, he also stirred up a real water, to fill the body and the soul of the sea, let them continue to draw, nine black holes and hidden swords, bursting out of the Wandao Haomang, constantly shooting towards the sky.

Wudao Shenjing!

This is a long journey, and every bit of it is very important. When it has not entered this threshold, Ling Feng can only rely on this way to forcibly swallow it.

Of course, there are eight gods in the space of refining the gods. The mysterious power is gradually eroding in, revealing a devour of power, which is unique and allows him to see different forces.


Suddenly, the wind and blood fluttered, and the blood was bursting. From the inside out, the surrounding stars were all pushed out. Even the eight gods of the refining space were blocked, and could not go further.

Not only that, but even the drops of Taiyi Zhenshui and Star Tree are slowly flying out. His whole body is in a perfect state, and he cannot swallow the breath of the heavens and the earth.


At this moment, Ling Feng is in the extreme of Wu Zun, the massive power, making him breathable, is no less inferior to the first-class martial arts, and now he can completely despise Wu Zun under the martial arts.

However, a threshold appeared, blocking his journey, like the **** of gold casting, brute force can not push, the hidden sword does not split, the interception of the sky is also cut, it is like a scorpio, across the people and God Between, like the sky that mortals look up to.

Shinto threshold!

This is the boundary between man and God. In the past, it is into the Shinto, and it is beyond the ordinary. The eye is full of endless heavens. If you can't walk, you will never sleep, you will never understand the heights of the cold.

Some people can push it arbitrarily. It is because the martial arts are too thin. Such a martial art can not go too far away and will be embarrassed. There are a number of years of conciseness, tempering and feeling in the blood, and can be pushed Open the threshold of Shinto, such people will go very far.

For example, Alum, Qin Yutian, and Ling Xuewen, they are really pushing the threshold of the Shinto, rather than simple brute force inference, and like the three people in Yongqing, because of their mood and talent, the Shinto is almost disappearing. The emergence of the floating sect only opened the threshold of the Shinto, and it is also a kind of brute force, so that it will not go too far, even if it can reach the level of the 9th-level martial arts, it will stop here forever.

But for them, it is already the best ending.

However, the martial arts of Lingfeng are more different. This is the fusion of the three martial arts thresholds. It is indestructible and it is not perfect. It is an excellent choice for years of hard work. The problem is that he has no such time.

Therefore, there is only an epiphany!

Epiphany is the most terrible key in the world. It can open the shackles and push open the most amazing portal.

Now, Ling Feng will use this epiphany to tear the threshold of martial arts.

His eyes closed slightly, and he did not deliberately collide with the threshold of martial arts. Instead, he continued to perceive, starting from the realm of the martial arts, presenting the tempering and tempering of the two worlds, and constantly deducting them, appearing between his hands.

In the present, show the aura.

Wutu, Wushu, Wushu, Wuling... It seems that the end of the martial arts is precisely the starting point of the martial arts. For example, the starting point of life is particularly important. Therefore, Lingfeng’s deduction is very slow, like a long life. .

Wu Huang, Wu Sheng, Wu Zun... evolved step by step, soaring in the long river of time.

When "life" flies, Ling Feng calms down and is in a state of being settled. After sitting for half a year, even when the gods think that time is wasted, Ling Feng has slowly moved.

This time, he is still deducting, but the difference is that he is constantly regressing by Wu Zun, Wu Sheng, and Wu Emperor. The time seems to be traced back, and the river is reversed and goes down three thousand miles.

Among them, you can see vaguely, a door is diverging, and the flames are drying up. Even the dantian of Lingfeng has changed. The fire is extinguished, and the flame has changed to the flame of Jiuyang. Fell it out and land on the back of the turtle's spine.

The interception of the sky, the cut butterfly, the broken blade... The break of a handle, a little bit of annihilation, when the time flies to eight months, the entire refining space, there is only a lonely body.

He is poor and poor, he is skinny.

He was dark and faint, and he was a madman.


Just like the Lingfeng of the glass vein, life and death were held in a medicinal herb, even his mood was exhausted, as if it was cut off in the years, followed by the glass veins, one inch Broken, let Ling Feng collapse in the refining space.


The **** turtle was horrified and his eyes shrank.

The martial arts gods can be enlightened, and they become enlightened. Although they are too mythical, some people have done it. However, this is too overbearing and anti-theft, and thus suffers from the scorpio. Some Wuzuns have suffered in the process of epiphany. , ruined his life.

The dust mites are a kind of annihilation, and the annihilation of a Tianjiao!

This is the power of the years, extremely terrible, even the gods are difficult to escape.

However, just when the tortoise grieves and feels that Lingfeng may die, the glass pulse is smashed, and it is extremely strong, and it goes straight to the martial arts, and then it is the warrior, the martial artist, the Wuling, the Wuhuang... it is like It is a sword, carrying the power of dust mites, and arrogantly collapsed.


When the radiant light penetrated the clouds and tore the moment of Tianyu, the indestructible martial arts door smashed a gap, which gradually spread and swept the entire threshold.

What can be resisted by dust mites?

What is the age that can't be lost?

Death by life, from death!

When an extreme occurs, either eternal exhaustion, or Nirvana, in the moment of life and death, Ling Feng heart shot a ray of light, a touch of sensation in the heart, let him desperately contrarian up.

The Shinto broke open a gap, and the scorpion descended, dispelling the haze in the heart of Ling Feng, and also illuminating the space of refining the gods, and letting the tortoise secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

However, it’s a flash of glare.

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