Supreme Demon

Chapter 1171: God is bleeding, the characters are now!

The first thousand one hundred and seventy-one chapters are bleeding, and the characters are now!

Dominate the light and imprison the gods.

At this moment, Ye Xinran's strong power is absolutely shocking. The pure land is not big, but within the scope, the realm is like a cloud, but all the five-level martial arts are suppressed, and it is impossible for the realm to come back within a few days.

On such a battlefield, it is very deadly.


Ye Xinran is quite overbearing, and the pure land falls heavily. For those five-level martial arts, they are laid down in one fell swoop, smoothing out a small realm, so that the five-level martial arts are panicked, and the realm falls to the level of the four-level martial arts. The battle that can be played out is very limited. It is.

Qin Yutian, Ming Yu, and Aojiao Birds took down Shen Dan and promoted the realm to the fourth-level Wu Shenjing in a short time. They fought along with Ye Xinran. Whenever Wu Shen was beaten to the fourth-level Wushen, they immediately Fly over to make up the knife.

In this realm, they really seal the king, the cold soldiers in their hands, like a butcher knife, relentlessly harvest the lives of those people.


A martial **** was very unwilling, but the realm was contained. It was not an alum opponent. He was slashed and his head rolled out very far.


A goddess was very fierce before, and she lost two martial arts, making the arrogant blood, but when Ye Xinran flew, she fell from the fifth-level peak, and was born in the process of fighting Li Xuewen. In the stab, Dan Tian instantly burst.

"Get rid of her, don't let her swear!"

Liu Xian is panicked. This woman is too terrible to dominate the light. If she reaches the end of the **** of war, who can fight for it.

When the pure land falls, you can knock down a small realm. The magic soil is boiling, you can erase a Valkyrie, and in this battle, she is too dazzling, it is simply a killer, it will erase their hope.

"Get rid of you!"

At this time, a six-level martial **** was ordered to kill, and six sacred gods evolved six heavens, to break the pure land.

"Magic Earth!"

However, Ye Xinran's eyes sparkled, but she did not fear, but played the magic soil. At this time, she shone the fourth goddess of tears, which caused the magic soil to change dramatically.

Four levels of Valkyrie!

After getting a real water, and wiped out the road injury, she also entered the country, took a big step, and now the fighting power is completely different, the magic soil can suppress the six-level Valkyrie.


The six heavens tore up the magic soil and flew in, but the magic light surged, and it steamed up like a dark glow, forming a fog, shrouded the **** of war, and imprisoned it.

"Do not!"

The six-level martial **** was shocked and shocked. He did not think that Ye Xinran had made a breakthrough. He took off the road injury and killed it with a peak gesture. The magic soil hit him in the body and cut off a small realm. .

"God is absolutely!"

At this time, Ye Xinran did not leave, but used two short knives, and the tears of the four goddesses sprinkled together. The tremble of "铮", the short knife came out of the sheath, and the thorns came out, and the whole sky was smashed by this style. .

This light is so vast that it can't be alive, lightning fast.

Under the cover of the magical soil, Ye Xinran is suddenly dominated. God is not allowed to dodge the momentum. He directly stabbed the six-level Wushen, and his life was powerful, and the blood of the gods rushed to 30 feet.

"The devil!"

Qin Haotian was shocked. At this moment, Ye Xinran showed the cold and killing, and the big devil is too similar. It is a kind of ruthless force that looks and despair. You know her power, but you can't prevent it.

This is the realm of the devil.

"The sixth-level Valkyrie is not an opponent. She can fight for the seven-level Valkyrie."

At this moment, Liu Xian and other five seven-level martial arts were shocked. This is equivalent to the fact that there is one more "God King" on the side of the Big Devil. Therefore, the fifth seven-level martial arts are forbidden to fly out and go straight to Ye Xinran to avoid She smashed too many martial arts.

"call out!"

Ye Ye is so fast, she also got the point of Lingfeng, and learned the secrets of the inch, although she has not yet realized it, but she can also play some of the divine power, so that the seven-level martial arts can not catch up.


At the next moment, Ye Xinran arrogantly, the pure land and the magic soil were laid together, pushing a large piece, so that the seven martial arts suffered and were destroyed, and Lingqing and Yunxi four women were strong knives and smashed. A few martial arts.

However, they are not Qin Yutian, proud birds, fighting power is inferior, so in this process, also suffered a minor injury.

"Oh, one of my gods, I am killing you two gods!"

The seven-level Wushen was resentful and could not catch up with a four-level martial god. It was too shameful.

However, he did not have too much anger, but he was eyeing the arrogant gods, the gods, and some gods in the gods. He had to pay back his teeth and forced Ye Xinran to come over to fight. But at this time, a **** of martial arts flew out from the proud fairy. .

His temperament is ordinary, his cheeks are ordinary, it is the kind of person who throws into the crowd will not attract people's attention, but when the gods on his body are lit up, people can't help but dignify.

There are two "God Kings" in the Kamikaze, so how many awe are not inferior?

At this moment, this person is revealing the answer. The seven gods of the rainbow made him different. Although he entered the near future, it was enough to fight the fifth "King of God". Not far from Xiong Botao, he was sinister and smiled. So many things are still stagnating, you are an idiot?

This is the killer that Ao Xian has always hidden. At this critical moment, Liu Xian and others were given a big surprise.

God king balance!

This time, the jade fairy side breathed a sigh of relief, the destructive power of a "king of gods" was too shocking, and it was possible to kill several martial arts in a short time, and wait until the battle between the "kings of gods" ended, fearing that they had long been Horizontal push, smashed.

At this moment, there is the "God King" of Ao Xian, and they can fight with all their heart.

More importantly, Ye Xinran is the killer. The pure land and the magic soil are pushed together, and the six-level martial arts mourn, and hundreds of martial arts. In a quarter of an hour, 12 people were killed, and nine of them were killed. Because Ye Xin died.


In fact, as time goes by, this number is expanding. Even Ye Xinran hands-on and smashes four six-level martial arts, while Qin Haotian, Aojiao, Mingyu, Ling Xuewen and Qiu Shuyi are also Showing unprecedented combat power and playing the opponent's situation is difficult.

More than that.

The fighting power of the four goddesses of Yuxian is also unparalleled. They are all six-level martial arts. The opponents who slay are vomiting blood, and because of the tragic death of the beautiful goddess, the betrayal of the moon spirit makes them angry, and they are merciless. Even put on life.

However, Ao Xian and Shen Feng are not so optimistic. They have come to a lot of people. There are not many people who can really face these kings. At one time, there are too many deaths and injuries. It is almost half way, making Xiong Botao and the lean old man’s eyes red. It is.

However, they cannot change this fate.


In a short time, the five old gods were also injured. They tried their best to play the gods, curb the opponents, and ran to the edge of the blood **** sea. They did not take the lead and let the opponents bombard the gods.


But when the opponent was furious, an old **** stick flew out in a strange way, and he held a sword with a hand. The "噗" slammed into the chest of a Valkyrie, and then he was very decisive and slid into the chest. After the gods.


For a time, the three martial arts spirits, can not wait to blow these five old gods one by one, but the problem is that the **** plate is very strong, is the five old gods stick with blood to sacrifice, can seal their body, attack power Not enough, but the defense is indestructible, making them difficult for a while.


However, the old **** stick appeared again. Swearing at the Valkyrie and piercing its heart can be said to be cool and heart-wrenching. When the three martial arts tried to seize the old **** stick, he had already flown into the god. After the plate.

This can make them angry, but they can't help but can't hit five old gods.


The sky is shining, and the eternal annihilation.

The "God King" finally made a big bang, headed by the first **** of Yuxian, and was strongly bombarded. She smashed Liu Xian. The two sides were extremely fierce, but they gradually fell below. The previous generation "God King" Liu Xian is definitely the most terrible one.

And like the lean old man, the gray robe is very miserable in the middle age, they just entered this realm soon, and they are quite **** the martial arts genius of the top ten who have been stable for many years, and they are getting **** in a short time, and they are doing their best. **** battle.

Xiong Botao, the ordinary Wu Shen Pang heavy, is also not an opponent.

However, they are full of qi and blood, and they have been biting the gods that they got from the domain of God. Once they are seriously injured, they immediately bite one and use it to flatten the battle.

Every time you hit it, you will rise!

This is simply alive and strong.

Under their **** efforts, Liu Xian and other five "God Kings" were also injured. One by one, they coughed up blood, and their hearts were very wrong. They have already reached this point. They still can't take these few people.


And Ye Xinran is dying forward and pushing forward a large piece. The pure land and the magic soil are pushed to the limit by her, and a gorgeous world is played, and ten martial arts are suppressed, and then they are smashed by the arrogant bird and Qin Haotian.

The world is bleeding.

In two hours, hundreds of martial arts were killed by more than forty, which is the fatigue of Ye Xinran’s killing. At this time, the arrogant bird is not concealing, offering the demon stone and taking it away in one fell swoop. Three martial arts.


When the human stone descended, Ye Xinran used the omnipotent. A stone fairy flew out a female fairy, and one hand destroyed four martial arts, causing Liu Xian to die and hurt more than half, and their pressure on this side was greatly reduced.

"The five gods are born, so wasteful, too disappointing."

At this time, a cold voice came and rang through the whole world. The sound was horrible in the sound. Some people were shocked at the place, so they could not help but separate and retreat to both sides.

The first **** of Yuxian, the thin old man and so on, the real characters in the dark are born.

Liu Xian and others also secretly stunned, his face changed slightly, Zhang mouth wanted to refute, but there was a hard swallowing down. In this battle, they played really wrong, no one expected the jade in advance. Strong to this point.

However, after thinking of the weight of the speaker, he finally closed his mouth.

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