Supreme Demon

Chapter 1172: Wang Dao

The first one hundred and seventy-two chapters

At the touch of a finger!

After the two sides retired from each other, the five "God Kings" such as the first **** of Shenxian and the lean old man secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure was very high. If they persisted, they would be defeated. At the moment, they are a little embarrassed. a feeling of.

I have been insisting on it before.

At this time, they were bathed in blood, especially the first **** of Yuxian, and the half-body was split. The five internal organs could be clearly seen. Her jade was dim and exhausted, and the most severe and heavy, the arm was smashed.

Ye Xinran, Ling Qing and other five women also flew back, they are relatively relaxed, but the look is very dignified, Qin Yutian, Ling Xuewen, proud Jiao bird boiling, they are quite bloody, killing the cockroaches, casting them with the blood of God Strong tyranny.

They stood in front of the blood god, defended their opponents and prevented them from entering the sea of ​​blood.

And Liu Xian and others are confronting them, sneering, feeling that the first **** of Shenxian, the lean old man has been unable to hold on, and more importantly, the secret characters have appeared, but it is more fierce than their martial arts. Genius, out of a character, is enough for the first **** of the jade to drink a pot.

no way no money!

This is their intuitive idea of ​​the first **** of Yuxian, and the big devil has not appeared until now, it also means that the real abolish, and prove that the news from the moon has no problem.

This can be seen from the state and tension of the first **** of Yuxian.

"You can't live today!"

Looking at the bones of the mountain, several "God King" faces are very embarrassing, although it is super-class killing, but there are too many deaths and injuries in the confrontation, the elite is almost completely annihilated, even if it can survive, it is also a big injury.

This situation was something they had not expected before.

The gods and the apocalypse are even more serious. Only a few people are still alive, but they know that they can't live, so they don't have much grief. They only want to kill a few more gods.

"Kill us, then prepare to die dozens of people." The lean old man said lazily, he was weak, the hand holding the weapon was squatting, and the squadron was too much fierce, and it broke open several times. Gap.

"Too crazy!"

At this time, the voice sounded again, very calm and cold, and it seemed that there was no such thing as the first **** of Shenxian, the lean old man.

"I don't dare to show up?" The first **** of Yuxian scolded.

"Oh, this is not to be, just afraid to scare you."

The secret person sneered, not too much taboo, forbidden to go out, headed by a young man, excellent temperament, Fengshen as jade, Jinyi Huafu, a jade on the waist, carved a pair of dragon and phoenix.

He carried his hands, and Shiran’s coming, the vigorous short hair, dancing with the wind, the body of the knife shone with the blazing light, and he was shining, like stepping on the river, stepping out, it’s already It’s time for people to come.

Behind him, lazy flying six martial arts, each look is different, or indifferent or cold, but one thing is the same, they are the same as the top, do not put the first **** of the jade In the eyes.

This is a line of extraordinary martial arts.

At this moment, the whole world is lit up. They are like the same wheel of the sun, full of light and power, people look up.

"Killing God!"

The first **** of Yuxian was so cold that he took a sigh of coolness. On the delicate face, he also rose a touch of paleness, his hands could not help but tighten, his body was tight and he felt great pressure.

"They are secret people!"

The lean old man secretly stunned, and his mouth was cold and airy. They had previously suspected that they could drive the previous generation of "God King". The Buddha and the Flying Eagle were all enslaved. Such a character is in the first star map, afraid that it can only It is the killing of the top three.

But suspicion is one thing, real sight, but another.

That is even more shocking!

"Zhang Tianheng!"

Xiong Botao said with trepidation that this name is too heavy and represents an ultimate peak. It is a generation of genius who has been shocked by the middle ground. There are not many people who can compete in the middle of the field.

It is also because of this person that God has come to the point of today and pushes all opponents.

He is the real king, the **** king in the "King of God"!

"The big devil is evil, kill!"

Zhang Tianheng said indifferently, his tone is not angry, but full of unquestionable taste, let the Buddha dominate, overlooking the people.

"Take you Zhang Tianheng!"

The proud bird said, "The big devil is born, all suppressed."

"Bird, are you forcing me to roast you?" Zhang Tianheng smiled indifferently, still carrying his hands, but the eyes were reflected in the cold front. "I have eaten the beast, but have never eaten the gods ""

"This **** bird has never received a servant!" Tsundere bird shouted, his face cold.

“It seems very lively here.”

Turbulent, a person flew, two feet on a headless dragon body, that is the bones of the real dragon, unfortunately only half, not see the dragon head, but this has caused people to change color, dignified to the extreme.

Who has dared to step on the dragon since ancient times.

This person is like a cross, and comes over in an instant. His body is tall and straight, like the same sword, the temperament is not so cold, revealing a warm atmosphere, but people faintly smell the blood.

He is not so handsome, but he has a unique temperament that people can't ignore.


In a short while, the five martial arts flew in, all of them were good. He was like a fierce beast. He was staring at the first **** of Yuxian, etc. The body was restrained and did not sputter a point.

The arrival of these people also made the first **** of Shenxian, the lean old man and other hands and feet cold, his face pale, and his body could not help but pick up and breathe hard.

"Wang Dao killed!"

In the middle of the gray robe, he used his strength to exhale and open his voice. However, the biting teeth also fully proved that his inner heart was not calm. A scorpion **** had already made them scared and violent, and there was another king.

The first and second super-classes of the gods list are all killed.

"Wang leisure, ancient road dust!"

The first **** of Yuxian opened, the voice was heavy, different from the **** of sorrow, Wang Dao’s killing had once gone out of two super kings, Wang Xian was light and cold, and the ancient road was bloodthirsty. These two people are extremely powerful, at first The heavy star map has smashed the glory.

What is even more frightening is that they came from two large gates of the Star Map. They once pushed a martial genius of a big clan and shocked a small era. Although the ancient road dust has entered the double star map, there is a Wang idle light. enough.

"There have been two outs of the first three kills, and one is burning?"

Xiong Bo’s mouth screamed and his heart trembled. Two of the top three in the list of gods made him suspect that the burning was also in it.

However, things exceeded their expectations. The burning did not occur, nor did they get involved in this battle. This made them unexpected. The gods and kings were grinning and seemed to be quite dissatisfied with the burning.

"I really value ours." The gray robe said in a middle-aged manner.

"It is indeed a matter of value."

Wang Xian smiled lightly. "There was no such thing as having to get rid of the jade fairy and the big demon. At this moment, I have to do more preparations."

"Sure enough, you are hiding in the dark!"

The first **** of Yuxian squinted and said with resentment: "A king, a god, has joined forces to do something like this."

"The big devil is the real **** and the gods are angry!"

Zhang Tianheng said: "As if you are flying a hawk, a pile of blood, and you are covered, you just don't know how to live."

"There is that bird, dare to insult the god, it should be baked." Wang Xian lightly stared at the proud bird, he has an instinctive desire for this beast.

"You are paralyzed!"

The proud bird has been blown up. It has always been a roast beast. It has never been dared to scream for it to roast. If it is not strong enough, it will have been killed at the moment, and it will be lightly smashed. It is.

"Wang Dao, 弑 God set a poison meter, to get rid of us, is not afraid to commit the wrath of the sky?"

The lean old man hates the voice.

"I do not understand what you're saying."

Liu Xian smiled and walked and said: "This branch has been sealed, and we are here to denounce the Great Devil, you are blocked from it, unfortunately swallowed by the real beast in the blood **** sea, dead without a whole body."

"But there are always traces!" The first **** of Yuxian was strong.

"It will erase!"

At this time, Zhang Tianheng is not concealing, smiled and said: "The first **** of Yuxian is like a fairy, so it is a pity to destroy it. So, you will take out the things. If I am satisfied, I can leave a few goddesses." The whole body."

"Hugh think!"

The bluefish yelled.. "Despicable."

"This is not perfect enough." Zhang Tianheng smiled and put away, and then Sen cold.

"Wang Xianguang, Zhang Tianheng, do you know what you are doing?"

The gray robe screamed in the middle age. "The martial genius who killed the first star map, the **** of merit, knows where this will cause the first star map to fall?"

"A big devil can be pushed horizontally, and we can do it."

Zhang Tianheng said proudly. "If you don't do it before, you don't want to do it, but it doesn't mean you can't do it. The big devil is too shouting, it is going to be destroyed."

"Go ahead, don't struggle."

Wang Xian walked lightly and stood proudly. He said coldly. "However, I personally suggest that you please let the big devil come out, and hiding in the blood **** sea will not help, at least, you can witness your death." ""


Ye Xinran, Ling Qing and other popular people, one by one murderous, but dare not rush out, the two people in front of them are definitely the characters of the seven-level Wushen peak, the real battle is unfathomable, they are not opponents.

"If you have the ability, you will kill the sea of ​​blood!" said the lean old man.

"I have this thought!"

Liu Xian sneered, banned from flying toward the blood god, and Wang Xianqing, Zhang Tianheng appeared, suppressing everyone, not letting them intercept, the vastness of the ocean, even the first **** of Yuxian and others.

At this moment, Liu Xian has flew into the blood **** sea, and he has a kind of aura that can push the blood fog away and let himself not be attacked by blood fog.

"What big devil, now I am going to teach you how to be magic!"

He sneered with his eyes and banned himself from flying in. The seven gods and rainbows were shining like candlelights, and they were not in the blood, and this made the people discolored, secretly worried, and Ye Xinran was quite indifferent.

Dare to teach the big devil to be a demon?

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