Supreme Demon

Chapter 1173: Teach you to be a minute

The first one hundred and seventy-three chapters teach you to be a minute

The blood is boiling.

In the blood god, the waves are tumbling, like the blood emerging from the sky and the earth, evolved out under the transpiration of the sun, but the difference is that people can not smell the **** smell, and there is a thin fragrance.

The first **** of Yuxian, the lean old man and other gods are dignified, and the gods of the rainbow are playing together, trying to push Wang Xianqing and Zhang Tianheng away, not letting Liu Xian step into the **** sea, but at this time Wang Dao and Shen Shen are flying. Out, the sly lightning flashed out, and evolved a light curtain, letting them pat and sway.

The first and second of the gods list are fierce, and the six-level peaks of the gods are all inferior to a "king of gods". Such a **** can not be the first **** of Yuxian, the lean old man can shake of.

They can't intercept, and they look at Liu Xianxin's unwillingness and walk into the sea of ​​blood.

"The trouble is big!"

The proud bird must take out the internal injury. It also uses the omnipotent, but the body's potency has passed. It has returned to the level of the three-level martial arts. Even if it is motivated, it can compete with the five-level martial arts. The opponents of these people in front of them.

It is trembled.

At this moment, the big devil is abandoning, hiding in the blood **** sea can survive, and this Liu Xian is not afraid of the blood fog of the blood **** sea, banned from flying in, the big devil is not his opponent, if it is smashed, then It is true despair.

Originally, it wanted to sacrifice the demon stone and knock out one or two martial arts, but Ye Xinran was very calm and slowly persuaded to let it not be so excited.


A proud bird, and then calm down.

It knows that this woman's feelings for the big devil will not be targeted, and she is the last person who has been in contact with the big devil. I am afraid that it is a bit of insight, and Ye Xinran has a human stone, but it has not been suppressed. It is.

"The Big Devil has not been abolished?"

A thought arises, cannot be contained, and only this explanation is reasonable, which undoubtedly makes it quite exciting.

It understands!

Lingqing, Yunxi four women are crazy, close to omnipotence, want to open a gap in the light curtain, killing into the blood of the sea, whether or not they can save the wind, at least they worked hard, can accompany him to die.

However, their strength is too weak, and the gods are falling on the light curtain, but they are only splashing some cockroaches and can't tear them apart.

At the moment, the blood **** is inside the sea.

Liu Xian stepped forward and his speed was not fast. He was also very vigilant. He worried that the real beast had not left yet, but the blood **** sea was very calm. The breath of the real beast was as thin as smoke, and it was slowly dissipating. This also proved that The terrible squirrel did leave.

"The Big Devil, how long can you hide?"

Liu Xianzhen settled down, and his mouth smirked and smiled. He said, "It is called the devil, but it is dodging, where is the devil?"

He snorted and faintly smelled different breaths. On the ground there was the blood of the great demon lord, so he chased the past in one direction, and in the blink of an eye he entered the depths of the blood god.


He stepped down, and the seven gods on his body collapsed, and the light of the light shone, making him free from blood smog. The smile on his face was thicker, only because he was approaching the big devil, and the blood was more breathable. It’s alive.

Yes, just as he wants to move forward, he suddenly stops and can't help but look forward.


A person stands in front, the momentum is weak, and the body of the **** of blood is bathing. He is straight and looking at him through the blood fog. The eyes are flashing, not bloody, like a light.

"demon king!"

Liu Xian was not surprised, and the dodgeman finally let him find it, not far from the front.

The next moment, he swooped in an instant, breaking through the space barrier at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, a few steps through the blood fog, appearing in front of a low mountain.

This time.

A person stood still, standing on the low hill, the tall and straight body escaped a faint divine power, Junxiu's face was filled with a smile, he carried his hands, looked at the people quietly, and there was a kind of hope in the eyes. The magic.


He spoke like an old friend, and it seems that Liu Xian would have come in.

"Hey, the big devil is really calm!"

Liu Xian smiled from the corner of his mouth and climbed to the gang, killing the big devil. This is a wonderful work, it will create his supreme image, and the feeling that the big devil gave him at this time is indeed abolished, too calm, and the body is not shocked.

"The ending has been doomed, how can it be calm?" Ling Feng said with some self-deprecation.

"Does the Big Devil confess?"

Liu Xian Yang laughed and was very satisfied with Ling Feng’s attitude. He had a thrill of killing and killing. He had already seen the once-in-a-lifetime demon king lying on his feet and bleeding.

"How can you not accept your life?" Ling Feng laughed at himself and could not help but cough blood.

This scene fell in the eyes of Liu Xian, which made him even more excited. This also meant that the big devil was unhealed, his blood was faint, and he was not his opponent. He had some cautious heart and relaxed.

"The big devil is too weak, and he has committed too much blood. I am going to take you now."

Liu Xian did not want to delay.

He stepped forward, his body was like a smoke, his hands were together, and a fierce paw flew out, directly grabbing the big devil, to take it down, bring the bleeding to the sea, in the first **** of Yuxian, lean old man Wait until you kill yourself.


The claws are flying fast, and in an instant they are in front of Ling Feng.

At this moment, Ling Feng’s drooping eyelids finally lifted up, shining with a fascinating glow. His mouth raised and he shed a touch of cold smile. On the next moment, he raised a hand and banned himself. Welcome before.


In this process, four fire-fighting roads flew in the air, and a flash of lightning was shocked. The weather was bursting from his palm, and a round of crescent moon flashed and hit the front.

"Hey, Ka rub..."

This style is too abrupt, so that Liu Xian could not react, and the two palms had been smashed.

For a moment, the smile on Liu Xian’s face came to an end, and the madness of the tingling was spreading from the palm of his hand to the whole body, causing the bones to break and squatting straight. The moon was like a slashing knife in the martial arts. Under the urging, he shattered the claws and broke into the hand bones of Liu Xian.

Moreover, it rushed into the interior all the way, destroying Liu Xian’s entire arm and abolishing it. “噗”, flew out from Liu Xian’s right shoulder, with a touch of blood, and until now, that god’s power Only burst out, Liu Xianzhen flew out three hundred feet.

"Ah, this is impossible!"

Liu Xian was terrified and stunned. He couldn’t imagine it.

The abolished Great Demon was healed again, and further than before, a palm broke his power, chattering, and the terrible **** was crushing his flesh and bones.

"I said that the ending is doomed!"

Ling Feng was indifferent, and the inch of the gods flashed, so that he caught up with Liu Xian, who was flying backwards, and opened his hands with his hands.


He punched Liu Xian’s body and made the momentum of the flyback come to an end. In Liu Yin’s screams, he rushed directly to the earth, and “banged” and broke into the trunk of the blood god. The whole ground was shaking.

"The Big Devil, have you not been abolished?"

Liu Xian was stunned and feared inside. When he punched, he tried to intercept, but the Great Devil was too fast and hit his body at a faster speed.

What is even more frightening is that this punch is very powerful, just like a "God King" of the 7th-level Wushen Peak is killing in the blood. In one fell swoop, he has smashed his body, and there is a blood hole in his chest. blood.

He struggled to sit up and wanted to walk away.


However, one foot descended from the sky and squatted directly on his body, and all of his people were thrown into the trunk. In a posture of sitting, only one head was left.


However, the Big Devil did not let him go, his feet forced, broke into the trunk, and all his legs were abolished, and then he used his hands to tear off his two arms, **** and shocking.

"Oh no!"

Liu Xian is miserable, seven spurts of blood, full of white, if it is not a **** of martial arts, there is an amazing willpower, afraid that it is necessary to turn white eyes directly fainted at this moment.

The Great Devil was too cruel, and instantly abolished his body and broke his limbs.


Then, Ling Feng punched out and directly broke Liu Xian's Dantian, crushing all of his seven gods and rainbows, and exploding with Dan Tian.


Liu Xian was full of fluttering, face-to-face, fiercely staring at the big devil, and then fell to the ground, blood flow like a note, his Dantian was blown up, also means hundreds of years of cultivation, the loss of the collapse, for the sake of Waste people.

"Teach me to be a magician in minutes?"

Ling Feng took Liu Xian out of the trunk and threw it on the ground, dispelling the blood fog and preventing Liu Xian from being crushed by blood.

"I think it's time to teach you how to behave!"

Ling Feng is cold, despising Liu Xian, but the previous generation of the king is just like this. In fact, the real talent of Valkyrie has already entered the double star map, and will not waste time in the first star map.

"Are you not abolished?" Liu Xian asked in a trembling voice.

"You said this?"

Ling Feng blinked and smiled.. "I think that you are acting too seriously, just play with you, don't hurt you?"


Liu Xianqi’s body is straightforward, is this product in the blink of an eye?

He has been labeled like this, and even asked if he hurt him?

However, he was also amazed that the Big Devil did not abolish at all, but was always in the peak state, but it was only pretending to be, and they were all tempted one by one, all in one, and all in one.

"Hearing the king, the gods have appeared?"

Ling Feng looked at the blood **** overseas, and sneered and said: "It’s really enough to play, until now, the real culprit has appeared. I am really meaningless here. Unfortunately, the burning has not come. Otherwise, it will be closed."



Suddenly, Ling Feng turned to look at Liu Xian, and asked with a smile. "You said, can I flatten the king and the gods alone?"

"You... I don't think about it!"

Liu Xian scared the souls of the dead, this big demon king is terrible, no one can see through it before, his real combat power is far from being as simple as people think, a punch of seven levels of Valkyrie, this is the "King of God" God king.

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