Supreme Demon

Chapter 1189: Uncover the truth

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-nine chapters uncover the truth

Jun sees a smile!

This terrible genius who had been savage in the battlefield of the gods and demon, and the devils were stunned, finally came at this moment, broke out the unprecedented fighting power, and suppressed the king of the gods and made them bow down.

"The third child!"

Yi Feng laughed, very calm, at the moment of getting the news, the five geniuses of the ridiculous door really came out, not only a clear, but the real message was sent to the wind.

He is in the double star map and is the first person to get the news. Although he had never spoken before, but such a shocking event could not be buried, when he got the news, he was flying up. Angry, shocking.

He walked into the triple star map, entered the quadruple star map, and even went into the five-star map!

"Small seven is humiliated!"

For the ridiculous door, these four words are enough, so Jun laughs, Lu Wen is coming, and the strings are flying, they are cold and murderous, and they can’t wait to get rid of the king, but until now, They only flew and suppressed the king.

A wind is not enough.

He is a **** of martial arts, able to suppress Wang Xianqing and Zhang Tianheng, but it is impossible to guarantee that these people will not blew themselves, and once these "evidences" are destroyed, the situation created by the ridiculous door may actually collapse, so he will see Laughing to fly, he has entered the true state of God, can be restrained to live in Wang Xianliang, Zhang Tianheng, so that they can not blew themselves.

This is the ridiculous door!

Do not ask the place, do not ask the truth, they do not hesitate, no one can bully the door, even if it is the star map of the giants?

Only the ridiculous door dares to fight the front!


Jun sees a smile without delay, knows the importance of these people in front of them, instantly picks up the power of the true God, shrouds Wang Dao's gods, and smashes into the air and flies to Sirius Mountain.

"Evidence" like this, naturally, must be in the hands of the first time to prevent them from being smashed by the star map. Moreover, they also used the mouths of Wang Xianguang and Zhang Tianheng to push things up and push them up. An irreversible peak.

And at the moment.

The big devil was born, and the "disobedient" of the cockroach was the horn. He played the rhythm of the counterattack. The chords and Lu Wen had flew into the butterfly, accompanied them to fight, inquired more news, and even sneaked into some killings. , Mori's cold persecution.

In this step, they want to destroy the dependence of the star map, let people know that the door is not insultable to anyone.

The next day!

Just as the star map was strong, the big devil was born again. His eyes were red and his skin was exhausted. He was like an old man who was going to be a wood. His body was very dim and his spirit was quite bad. It was like a terrible torture. .

"I don't accept it!"

He snarled in the sky, and his body shot a ray of darkness. He faced the martial gods who had never left, faintly exhaling, and said: "Someone is secretly targeting me and wants to harm us."

"This is a jealousy, full of killing, I am not satisfied!"

When the voice fell, he spurted blood and fell down on the sky. He fell on the ground and walked into the Tianlang Mountain.

People are shocked!

"No, the big devil will be cleaned up and look awkward. It seems to be very dissatisfied with the star map. And he is outspoken and wants someone to harm him. The truth of the matter is not what people think."

"The Shenshu blood case seems to have another mystery!"

"Does the Big Devil tell the truth?"


Some of the martial arts have been shocked. They have always had a good impression on the big devil. From the perspective of their genius and protoss, they should not target the martial arts of the Terran, and when they are in Zizhulin, they are just smashed. The **** of life and death, but for other martial arts, there is no killer.

But another part of the Valkyrie feels that the Big Devil is doing a show, wanting people to pity, so that the star map is strong and will not kill him. This kind of careful thinking makes them very disgusted.


Things are gradually showing up, and soon after the big devil angered, some people came out and told some truth.

"It is reported that when in the tree of God, the Buddha, the Flying Eagle, and the Gods 12 are all minions. In the dark, there are people who are targeting the Great Devil, and when the Great Demon is dying, they break into the eleventh branch, and the secret characters. Also chasing here, but very sorry, they failed to get rid of the big devil, but were killed."

"God V, God Ba and other martial arts are simply coming to the Great Devil."

"They are the real culprit!"

"There is a lingering death!"

For a time, the whole star map trembled. People didn't think that at this time, some people stood up and said different "truths". The gods of the four sides of the Pure Land were excited and felt that things were not terribly broken. The Great Devil was Oh, now I have to fight back.

However, the Zhongyu Wushen does not agree with such a "truth". They think this is the wind that the big devil released. It aims to upset the situation and does not want the star map to be strong, but they guess that the true invincible **** of the star map is coming. The Big Devil has been unable to hold on, and this has to stand up and try to reverse the situation.

"It’s ridiculous, is it really an idiot when the star map is strong?"

A martial **** sneered, said: "This kind of thing without evidence, but also wants to discredit the fifth, eighth, etc. of the gods list, is simply mad."

"The deceased is gone, can't be insulted!"

"The big devil is too shameless, even things like this are done!"

They are yelling and resentful!

In their minds, the genius of the martial arts on the list of gods, can do this kind of sorrowful things, and the big devil smeared the fifth and eighth martial arts of the gods list is too low, and expect them to believe?


In the evening, the news that has been brewing has finally exploded.

A martial **** walked out and said the truth. The Buddha and the Flying Eagle were indeed against the Jade, and in the dark, the previous generation of the "God King", the twelfth of the Gods is the Great Devil, wanting to be in the second On the eighteen branches, knock them off.

However, no one thought that the Great Devil was too strong, and directly pushed the "God King", and smashed the twelfth of the God List, and it was unstoppable to kill the Jade.

This news did not cause shocks. Most of the martial arts have already got the truth. They know that the jade and the gods were indeed targeted and almost assassinated, but this is not the reason why they broke the fifth and eighth of the list.

Not to be confused!

However, this is just a bait, and the real thing is coming.

"The Great Devil was dying for saving a goddess of the Jade. When he left, he suffered the fifth and eighth pursuits of the gods, and he embarked on the eleventh."

"Before the blood god, there is blood that can be proved."

"Jade fairy, **** wind, etc., are on the side of the blood god, and the fifth and eighth of the gods are in opposition. This is not a gesture of interception."

"The big demon king once hid in the sea of ​​blood, because the last generation of the **** Liu Xian forced, he had to go out to kill!"

"Star map can be proved!"

"The Big Devil once had a martial art, and still alive, can ask the star map to forge the soul!"

In the news of the world, Sirius finally threw a blockbuster and knocked people down. The **** case was so shocking that people ignored it. Another martial art was alive and fell into the hands of the great demon.

Moreover, such a message is by no means targeted, which is tantamount to self-destruction and will push itself to a dead end.

In fact.

Star Map Xeon has already flown to Sirius Mountain, but at this time they did not immediately sue the Great Devil, only because they were shocked by these news, and felt that it was a big deal, and they would be burdened with blood if they were careless.

Therefore, they immediately searched the soul, and they were confirmed from the soul of the martial arts. The fifth and eighth gods of the gods did indeed kill the great demon, and they were put to death, but unfortunately, they failed to do it. .

For a moment.

The whole star map is boring, things are being pushed in their unpredictable direction, and they are unstoppable.

"The fifth and eighth of the gods list is really powerful, but it is only a minion. The real secret characters are not them!"

When people were dull, the butterfly threw out this explosive news and scared the first star map. The big martial arts gods were embarrassed. They had asked the sinful demon, but things changed. Their martial arts genius is the real culprit.

Too bad!

On the second day, the big devil flew out, as always, his mental state was very bad, but his voice was powerful. "Wang Dao Shen is harming me!"

Break through the sky!

These two super-class killings, in the first star map, are of extraordinary significance, are symbols, and are the idols of many people, just like the gods in the gods.

And at the moment.

The Great Devil is to destroy the gods!

"This is impossible!"

In the midfield, Wushen expressed his attitude on the spot, resentful, and wished to kill the great demon king, smearing the fifth and eighth martial arts gods, and pointing the target to the first and second martial arts figures of the peak, which is simply to madden them.

"Before the blood god, there is a bone of the king, the **** of the gods!"

Then, the butterfly began to throw the news again. These days, they flew in the sky, and with the help of the strings and Lu Wen, they did get valuable news. Even they brought back the blood of the gods who were killed by Wang Daozhen. Can let the star map Xeon inquire about it.

"The Big Devil is not guilty!"

Clear and strong, he said: "Some little want to harm him, lost in front of the blood god, since then, not reconciled, when flying out, immediately release the news, to use the star map to force the knife but to smash demon king."

"Oh, a good knife knife!" Gu Qing sneered.

This is also the color, so that the star map Xeon one face ugly, red, and think that they were actually playing in the applause between several martial arts in the district, they want to squirt, too shameful.

However, this is the side of the big devil, it can not make people convinced, and some martial arts are contradictory from the bottom of their hearts, do not believe.


At noon, the real heavyweights flew out, pointing to the kingly sacred gods, uncovering the truth of the Shenshu blood case, smashing time, the world is stunned, people's blood is cold, and even the star map is strong and stunned. I feel that the whole world is crazy.

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