Supreme Demon

Chapter 1190: The world is in the middle of it

The 1st, 190th chapter of the world is in the middle of the shackles

The world is boiling!

People are completely horrified. Who can think that at this festival, the eight martial arts will fly out and say such a secret, and the evidence they have is far from being comparable to the Big Devil.

"Wang Daoyu God has been invited to get rid of the Great Devil!"

They are outspoken, face the gods of the world, and express their anger. They said, "We have refused and warned them, but Wang Xianqing and Zhang Tianheng still insisted on arbitrarily ambushing the Great Devil before the **** sea."

"However, the big devil is extraordinary, one person swayed the two martial arts and blasted the king."

The news was shocking and shocking.

Not to mention the star maps of all beings, that is, the star map is strong and one by one, the chin falls down, and the shackles can't be opened. The situation is very unfavorable. The big devil is turning the tide, but it is a burning, very angry road. Such a fact.

"Fueling, can you have evidence?"

Star Map Xeon personally flew in, solemnly asked, pointing the edge to the pinnacle of the first star map. If you are embarrassed, you will pay an unbeatable price. They even suspect that the burning has been assimilated by the Great Devil, otherwise you can On the bones of the knot, to explode the king of the gods?

"God is in front, we don't dare to marry!"

Burning a martial **** flies out and says, "We have Wang Xianguang and Zhang Tianheng's personal miracles in our hands."

When the voice fell, he shot an ancient scroll, brilliance, shining the light of Lingren, and there was a handwriting of God on it, sketching a thrilling killing, confirming that Wang Daozhen is indeed the assassin of the great demon king. .

Moreover, this scroll is very unique, and it will be burned out at once. However, several gods have burned a mind, sealed it with the gods, and did not burn it, and deliberately sealed it.

This scroll is very beneficial to them, but they did not expect that they would be sacrificed at this time.

"Not only that!"

A Wushen spoke, "When we had a **** case, I knew some things."

"Go, let us enter the star map!"

At this moment, the star map of the strongest eyes darkened, knowing that this is the truth of the matter, Wang Daozhen did indeed do things that people and gods are indignant, and the great devil suffered the sinister, only to get rid of these gods.

He was embarrassed!

I am afraid that it is also the work of Wang Daoyu, the assassination of compatriots, the return of the feathers, and the picking up. These are taboos, and they are naturally severely punished. Their guilt is even heavier than the big devil.

However, this involves the dignity of the star map, and even the big gates, they also have to be cautious.

The eight martial arts who had burned out left, entered the star map, and they would see the pictures together, and the star map would not be difficult for them, but they were very angry when they broke the news at this time.

Just because, in this guilty, the star map Xeon also played a disgraceful role, at least to the Quartet pure land account.

"We were oppressed by the king of God, until the day before they flew out, and immediately told the news to the old man." Zero-air righteous words said: "And the old man knows the truth, can not let the real culprit go, so Let us tell the truth."


The star map Wu Shen face each other, the heart is very shocked, which represents the attitude of the old man, severely punish the culprit, can not cold the real hero's heart, although they also heard the meaning of dodge in the words of the eight martial arts, but who dares at this time come to grief?

Moreover, such words are not told to them, but to let the whole world know that they do not want to explode the news earlier, but have been oppressed in the mountains, time is too late.

For the sake of burning, this reason is enough.


At the moment when the star map Wushu unveiled the truth, the entire first star map collapsed, and some of the martial arts burst into tears. They could not accept the fact that the "king of gods" in their hearts was the real culprit.

The people they have been insulting have been embarrassed.

"Please Wang Dao Shen Shen, we don't believe it!" said a female Valkyrie tearing heart, Wang Xianqing, Zhang Tianheng Junyi extraordinary, naturally they are the object of their love, and they simply do not dare to be bloodthirsty The characters are connected with the goddess in their hearts.

That is a shame!

At this moment, they seized the last straw and hoped that Wang Dao could go out and crush the news.

In fact.

The star map Wu Shen has already flown out and asked Wang Dao to ask for evidence, but the answer is surprising. Since Wang Dao’s **** entered the mountain of God, he never returned, and the star map Wu Shen once followed the breath and chased a valley, but It is people who go to the building, and they still find the breath of the true God.

"Wang Dao, God, have you fled with sin?"

On this day, the Valkyrie of the Pure Land of the Quartet screamed, and the former grievances and high-profile appearances began to suppress the Zhongyu Wushen. They were very excited. They were almost expelled and resentful, and now they can vent their anger.

"No!" said some female martial arts tears.

"I don't accept it!"

In the midst of people's discussions, the Great Devil came out of the gods, scared and savage, and his murderous temper, he opened his mouth and shocked the world, saying, "Wang Dao Shen, now in the Tianlang Mountain."


The world is stunned and shocked by the gesture of the Great Devil.

They even won the king and slandered him. It is no wonder that he would be so fearless. He did not worry that the news would explode the gods and affect the pure land of the Quartet. Instead, he would sit still and wait for people and stars to make things big. .

People are stunned and angry, and the star map is also the biggest.


When the star map Valkyrie appeared in Sirius Mountain and asked to hand over Wang Daohen to them, he was rejected by the great demon king. His tyrannical mess, the red eyes were staring at the star map Wushu, as if to anger. Vent out.

"The big devil, this matter has a great impact on you, we will give you an account."

At this time, the star map Wushen also had to express his position. The big devil has seized the culprit. This is the real evidence. It is much more than the news of the burning, and only in this way, the great devil will dare to go out. Shouting "not satisfied!"

"You can't!"

Qing dynasty flies, bluntly said. "Can not preside over the star map of justice, who dares to hand over important people to you?"


Ten stars, the **** of martial arts, secretly bite their teeth and said: "There was indeed something wrong with us, but please don't doubt the justice of the star map. We will not let the real heroes be insulted or let go of a bad person."

"You can't!"

Qing dynasty is very direct, saying: "We can't believe it, please come to the gods of the Pure Land!"


The star map is horrified and scared. This is just a battle between the gods of the gods. Even if things are too big, they are still limited to the gods of the gods and the true gods, but the Qing Dynasty wants to ask the gods, then the problem is severe.

They tried their best to persuade the Great Devil and the Qing, but they suffered two rejections.

"Things involved in the star map!"

Finally, the clear and cold said: "We invite the gods of the Pure Land to come in, but ask for justice, not to let you destroy the evidence!"

"This is...hey!"

Star map Wu Shensheng said exhaustively, they did favor the gods of the gods, but the wind direction is completely different at this moment, they do not dare to violate the world, making people laugh and doubt.

However, the Qing Dynasty, the Great Devil still believes in them, this is simply the face of the red fruit.

However, the Big Devil and the Qing Emperor never said more, the gods and gods who waited for the pure land of the Quartet entered the star map, and people faintly smelled the urgency. On this day, the Qing Dynasty and Gu Qing were four true gods, sitting in the square, secretly guarding, Very vigilant, such as the enemy.

"God has made progress!"

Soon after, the gods gave a strong response, and they had already let the gods fly, suppress the star gods, and maintain justice. This shocked the world, and it was a ghost. A small **** of martial arts moved to such a person. .

"I'm not right!"

The old man sat in the hall, his face was dignified, and he smelled a terrible conspiracy. The style of the big devil was so terrible that he had moved the gods out, and that was not just a plot of the gods.

"What is he going to do?"

The old man stood up and hurriedly stepped and meditated. "What secret is there in the king?"

"Do these idiots destroy the star map?"

The old man is so arrogant that he really wants to spit out a large bowl of blood. He has already foreseen that the big devil is trying to make greater profits. The sky has been smashed. What else does he want?

In fact.

The Quartet Pure Land is also holding a breath, so when the Qing Dynasty and the Great Devil want to invite the gods, the three major restricted areas, the four great holy places, and the four great gods, one of the gods flies out, anyone can see, The big devil is going to knock out the huge interest of the star map. At this time, it is an idiot.

Especially the Holy Land of the Emperor, etc., almost mad, the Great Devil is too pitted, and the previous Tianlang Ling dynasty did not take them to play, but now to make such a big thing, even want to ignore them.

no way!

These people are all human fine. Once they smell the taste of interest, they will immediately jump and jump, and they will come in to share a piece of cake when they break their heads. So at the moment when God flies to the same day, Ling Feng is also shocked, and there are as many as eleven. This will push the entire star map horizontally.

"Abandoned the door, it’s time to fight!"

An old man said with a smile: "So important things, can you not inform us?"

"Exactly, it is too much." A middle-aged man said with a smile: "You are humiliated as if we were humiliated by the Pure Land, and we must not let these people go!"

Eleven gods sneer, at this festival, whether it is hostile or the same camp, they are very fond of the ridiculous door, only because they know, for so long, let the whole world into the shackles, at this moment The devil finally has to speak, and he will kill all the people.

"You can let go and let us maintain justice!"

The eleven gods said directly, they also want to know how much the ridiculous Xiaoqi can figure out, but a **** tree has already made them feel at ease.

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