Supreme Demon

Chapter 1195: just kidding

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-five chapters are a joke

The great devil of the world.

At the moment, he is clearing his hands and licking his teeth. His body shines, and he falls on his ears. He wants to break away, but it does not help. Qingyi directly sacrifices the power of the true God, suppresses the gods, and does not let him dodge. Possible.

"At the moment, how many pieces do you have?" asked Qing.


Ling Feng said sincerely. "You have heard it before. I have lied and deceived three of them down, but this is already extremely exhaustive. God is kind of this kind of god. There are not many worlds, very rare... Hey, there are three There are so many."

"How many?"

The sigh of laughter, this little seven is too disappointing, ghosts and ghosts, do not come up with some color, he will not be honest, and he said too easily before, there is no sign of pain It’s totally wrong.

"There are only three left!"

Ling Feng said with great distress. "Gu Qing three people, took three, and you and the gods and seniors also got three, this is a whole six, so I have so much."

He spread his hand, like a bald monk, strongly said that this is his own.

"I don't believe a hair."

Clear suffocating teeth, how to say that she is a thousand miles to help, eager to come, is worried about what will happen to Lingfeng, but this guy killed the gods, only profitable is the map, do not want to say all the gods.

"You have promised me three before, but now it seems that there are not much?" Qing Xiao sneered.


Ling Feng immediately went up and raised four fingers. "I can make an oath here, I really only have three gods left."

"Please keep your hands straight." Qing ridiculed.

"Little sister, I am your little teacher, you can't believe others, can you still believe me?" Ling Feng slanted to Qing, said. "Please look at my sincere eyes, even if I can deceive you, but it can ?"

"I can only see the eyelids!" Qingfei lungs must be blown up, this guy can not be so cheeky.


Ling Feng smirked. "This is sincerity, I am willing to show you even my eyes... oh..."

"Let's come, tell the truth!" Qingyi tried hard, pinching the ears of Lingfeng, said indignantly. "You little teacher is too disappointing, even your pro-sister is cheating, is your heart hurting?"

"No pain!"

Ling Feng really really realized it and said, "There is no pain."

"Ah, lightly!"

The next moment, Ling Feng licked his ears and squatted on the ground. The painful tears had to come down. There was nothing wrong with this little sister. I can only say, "There are four."

"How many?"

Clear and squeaky teeth, I always feel that this guy has not said the truth, can come up with so many kinds of gods, which means that this guy has got a lot of gods in the tree, absolutely beyond imagination, not hiding Nearly half of the gods are not like the style of the devil.

Not to mention.

Sometimes the intuition of clearing is very accurate. When Ling Feng first entered the blood **** sea, he took nearly 20 kinds of gods and distributed them to Qin Haotian, but they were lean old people, Xiong Botao and others. He took four of them, and when he walked into the sea of ​​blood again, he took two more species than the previous one, and twenty of them, and removed the previous ten, he had to make a whole ten. There are many.

He did harbor nearly half of the gods.

"It hurts!"

Ling Feng耷 pulled his head and said with a sigh. "I really don't have much, there are still six left."


Qing Qing caught the word in a moment, staring at Ling Feng with a sneer. "I know that you have more than these gods, at least eight, and even ten. I got one before, now I don't want it." many."


The clear cockroach erected a slender jade hand, and the thief smiled.


Ling Feng stunned, his mouth was straight, and now Loli is so terrible and fierce, even in the words, and Zhangkou is five, more than the gods, which makes him extremely painful, the fairy has taken away Six, he did not have much of a god.

"Little teacher, there are many gods on the tree of God. You still need me to help you." Qing Xiao smiled. "You don't really want the gods of other forces to get involved?"

"It is wrong to smash me like this."

Ling Feng said devoutly. "That's all gods. When you let them shoot, naturally don't be embarrassed... Yes, how many times do you want to come?"

The transaction was quite enjoyable.

Ling Feng very easily found out five kinds of gods, and they gave it to Qingyi without looking at it. For this little sister, he was actually grateful. It is not important to give a few gods.

Moreover, the **** tree is too important, and there is no clearness to accompany him. He does not dare to take risks. As for the gods of other forces, let them cry happily.

"Cultivate one by one, don't be greedy."

Ling Feng shouted, the **** is too extraordinary, once it is unimaginable, even if it is the true god, if you plant too much, you can also smash Dan Tian, ​​which is extremely exhaustive and requires the Valkyrie to control itself.

"I will go to the six-star map, what are you going to do next?"

Qing Xiao smiled and said that she has become accustomed to playing with the ridiculous door. This is the love and affection in the ridiculous door. There is no suppression and suppression, and there are too many gods. For Ling Feng, it is not a good thing.

"Cash the oath!"

Ling Feng grinned.


"In the mountains of God and in the mountains of God, there were several killings that provoked us. At that time, I said that I would go to their nest to sit down. Now the situation has calmed down and I can't let them down."

"Don't make a life." Qing dynasty seriously, the four sides of the pure land has not yet been able to enter the star map, if the big devils do the killing of the gods, it is a big trouble.

"Frighten it."

Ling Feng explained, said: "At the moment, I don't have the heart to sit down, but it should be taught to some people, and then there are more important things."

His eyes sparkled and burst into cold.

God is planted on the body, naturally planted immediately, with the cultivation of God, hope to complete a gorgeous transformation, which will also be the transformation of the entire domain, when they will enter the double star map.

At the beginning.

They flew back from Beiyuan, and Sirius Mountain was suppressed by the demon and the two. This naturally has the shadow of the double star, the **** of Valkyrie. They let the gods and gods of the gods come here. These days, the butterfly will also send the message. Come, let Ling Feng feel cold.

Regional discrimination?

By then, he will let these gods know what is the devil!


The Qing dynasty flew away, and the slim body, like a magnificent lightning, flew far away from the Sirius Mountain, leaving only the fragrant bursts, which is fascinating.


Not much time.

There was a voice in the Sirius Mountain. The effect was that the Big Devil was recovering from the injury. He was very upset about the Valkyrie who had targeted him. When he recovered, he would go to the nest where he had previously challenged him!

The first star map is awesome!

The big devil in the center of the storm calmed down, but it was noisy again. This is the rhythm of suppression. Even people suspect that for more than a month, the gods who insulted the great demon king were remembered.

Now, the big devil will be liquidated one by one!

"It's a metamorphosis!"

The Valkyries were shocked, and one by one, Rui Rui was uneasy, secretly yelling. "Is it not rumored that the Big Devil is crazy? How come now?"

"The devil is sitting, destroying the heart."

People are screaming, and now the news has completely exploded. It is indeed Wang Dao’s **** in the dark, but it was pushed by the big demon king, one by one, and in the tree of God, the big devil smashed ten places. "God King" has a very good record and is the first in history.

He is the "first king" of the real first star map, and one person can seal the list of gods. On the new stage of the fairy list, the big devil is the leader of the world, and he has been praised by the singer. "How much can he bear?" Destroy, how much praise can bear!"

This is a living legend!

In this case, who dares to compete with the big devil? It is completely looking for death.

When I got the news, some of the killings quietly moved away from the nest, away from right and wrong, and even some of the Valkyrie directly away from the first star map, returned to the Zongmen, or walked into the double star map. ".

In this regard.

The star map Wu Shen is also a bitter smile, the big devil has been insulted and wronged, to vent their emotions, they can not stop it? Moreover, when the Eight Gods left, they had seriously warned them, and they did not easily provoke this demon.

Now, they can only close one eye with one eye.

"The Big Devil will honor the oath!"

"The devil is angry!"

People have speculated that some of the martial arts are full of expectations, hoping that the big devil will be born and push it.


Just four days later, Ling Feng was born, and said with a smile: "I am just joking, everyone should not take it seriously, now the star map is calm, do not want to mess."

A word of surprise!

Those martial gods who moved away from the lair, mad at one by one, they tried their best, and they exchanged jokes for the big devil. However, he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, only because they knew that the big devil was out of the ghost, and moving away did not mean that he could not find it.

And those who are "seeking relatives" are also coming back, secretly swearing, the big devil is too pit.

"Of course, I don't mind sitting in the past."

On the same day, the Great Devil threatened and frightened a group of martial arts. Was the devil going to rebel? Or changed a routine? This is worried that they will move away from the lair, and thus deliberately comfort everyone, and then secretly explode?

"Just kidding!"

The Great Devil disappeared, but many of the martial arts were scared and did not dare to come back easily.

"The wind is tight, screaming!"

As a result, a martial artist walked away and shaped an unprecedented record. The first joke in history scared away the devil of the martial arts, and this was the unexpected star of the martial arts.

In this regard, Ling Feng is quite calm, he is too lazy to think about the feelings of the Valkyrie. It was very provocative to insult him and scared and scared. At this moment, he is sitting in the ancient Wuta, planting the gods. Kind of.

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