Supreme Demon

Chapter 1196: Planting

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-six chapter planting gods

The first **** of Yuxian, the lean old man, and Xiong Botao have led the gods to leave.

Like the lean old man and Xiong Botao, they all secretly hid the joy. The big devil finally found their troubles, and this thing pushed them to the peak, got praise, and more importantly, they had several gods. Once planted, it will start the world.

However, they also got the order of the star map Valkyrie, have entered the level of the seven-level martial arts, should enter the double star map, and can not always fall on the first star map, therefore, they must also go back as soon as possible, will kill Arrange the things inside.

In particular, the **** who is headed must lead the gods to a new peak, and they have too many connections with the gods. Some of them are very taboo. In the past few years, no one dared to offend.

Moreover, as long as they often come and go with the Great Devil, the Divine Realm can prosper.


At the time of Ye Xinran's departure, Ling Feng appeared, pulled it away, and played two gods, and gave it to the goddess, like Lingqing and Yunxi. Because of the realm problem, they can now plant the next god. It has been very shocking, but Ye Xinran is different. The tears of the goddess are a very terrible power, and it is a forbidden zone to dominate the light and darkness. It is not a problem to plant the two gods.

Ye Xinran was very calm, opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she never spoke. Her eyes were not on God's seed, but she was obsessed with Ling Feng. Before she left, she said. "Wait for you!"

The next moment, she rushed away, like a lightning, fragrant bursts, flowing in the peers.

"Wait for you!"

She is obsessed and obsessed, she is cold and passionate.

She is like an elf, squatting up, she is the strange woman who shouted "the ancient road west wind and thin horse", is craving a very different emotion, this is shouting the words he once said, but also responding .

Putting the cold and proud of the phoenix, it is a faint comment. "The big devil, I will accept you!"

"This goddess..."

Ling Feng grinned, and before looking at Ye Xinran's delicate face, he was so excited that he almost slammed a bite, and the faint eyes and the light voice made him want to hold her.

The blood is stirring, it is awesome!

This goddess is as cold as water, cold and faint, but it is just as a result. Once it is hot, it can melt an iceberg, and she invites her, and she is obsessed with it.

"It's not the time."

Ling Fengyuan, said, crazy, said that the anti-God is still moving forward, Shuntianmen has not gone out, and finally the two major sects will have a **** battle, and the blood of the holy mountain has not yet found the culprit, they have Too many things to do, not to be a child.

"Command goes on!"

At this time, Ling Feng carried his hands, Sen cold shouted.. "Let the Liu medicine seniors immediately enter the market, at this time the middle turmoil, the major forces starred at the star map, played down the interests of the Central Region, and we can use this opportunity to quietly walk Come in."


A faint cloud of smoke sounded, light and not elegant, a girl flew away from the dark, like lightning flashed away.


The wind is stirring!

At the moment, in the Xuankong sect, Liu Yao and Lu Yanjin are like electric. They have been chilled and have already got the news of the butterfly. They must immediately fly to the middle of the country, which is the opportunity they have been craving.

Carrying the will of the ancients, they will walk into different vast worlds, and then let Xuan Tianzong awaken and let them enter a new peak.


Bai Ze came, and several important figures against the gods also appeared. They are very dignified. This step is very important. If Liu Yao and Lu Yan enter the middle field, they will arouse great turmoil. Before being exposed to people, the whole anti-god will be affected.

"Xuankong Zong is going to bother you."

Liu Yao laughed. "I know things are too important, we will be very careful."


"Going forward!"

At noon, Liu medicine stepped into the air, and Lu Yan followed closely. In the past few years, they had already entered the martial arts, and they had gone far away in this realm. Although no one is so terrible, it is also commendable. It is.

"Please open the situation!"

Bai Ze, against the gods, several important figures, to Liu Liu, Lu Yan, also toward the **** bones, the fear of death against the gods, this is dangerous, the middle domain is not the pure land of the Quartet, will always be killed, but This step is too important for the anti-God.

They are all in the body!

Please ask these martial arts to work hard, ask them to cherish their lives, and ask them to defend against the glory of God!

Against the gods, the butterflies, the hidden gods, the fairy, one by one, the body trembled, their bodies were stiff, and they couldn’t help but be wet. These were always looked up, respected, and regarded as idols. Please ask them to open the middle ground as soon as possible.


They never spoke, but at this moment, the heart is stirring and the blood is boiling. They know that this is not only the meaning of several important people, but the respect of the Lord. This is the request of the Lord, and even the whole against God!

For the anti-God, is there something more important and more respectful than this?


At this moment, they did not look back, but they took the embarrassing pace and carried the anti-God's arrogance. It is necessary to lay down a sky in the middle field, let the anti-god of the future, and hit the stars from the middle!

This is their journey!

Every step of their life defends against the glory of God, and the Lord is in the star map. It was almost smashed. They didn’t resent in their hearts, but they also knew that the power of the reverse **** in the middle field was too weak. The wild, the Western gods, the North Plains, the anti-God will be bloodstained.

Therefore, they have to break into the middle field and open up a day without letting the Lord be humiliated!

Flames burn, don't back down!


This is the tremor of the whole world. The four gods are passing by, and they walk silently into the middle. This is an elite. Many people can’t come back, but many people have since taken the sky. One step, when one day the people return, they step into the starry sky and conquer the entire interstellar.


After they left, several important figures of Bai Ze and Rui Shen also flew away instantly. This is not a matter of Liu Yao and Lu Yan, but the whole anti-God. They shape a general trend and make them more relaxed.

Therefore, the rebellious against the gods, the first time to go out, seal the news, suppress the South, the West, and even the North, and get the news of the gods, and immediately fly out, into the star map, causing the world Attention.

Three days.

The situation calmed down, and Liu Yan and Lu Yan were indeed very low-key. They did not alarm any forces, and the anti-God was quietly integrated into the kingdom of God, which made Ling Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

"Cultivate the gods!"

Previously, he once sat in the ancient Wuta, studied the gods, but Ye Xinran left, and the people of the gods went into the middle field. He could not calm down, naturally he had to step out and preside over the whole situation.

At this moment, the situation is calm, and he does not want to delay.

"Cultivate the gods and plant the hope!"

In the ancient Wuta, Ling Feng eyes and eyes, he sacrificed a god, not too greedy, a road of fire burning out, accompanied by a burning lightning, to cover the god.


next moment.

The burning road flashed into the Dantian, and the gods were not affected. It fell in the middle of Dantian. It was very primitive. The walnuts were engraved with fuzzy runes. It was quite mysterious. It seemed that there were wild animals and beasts lying on their backs. There is a sword in the sky.

They are not clear enough.

At the beginning, the burning road was light and lightning, and it was shrouded in the gods. There was no movement, and the gods were like dead things, but Lingfeng did not panic, but calmed down, little by little. .


Finally, under the whole month of cultivation, there was a slight movement in the gods. A small piece of walnut fell off from the rune gap, and this is like a starting point. In the next ten days, The rune gap gradually becomes larger, and a small piece and a small piece fall, and the entire rune is clearly presented.

Moreover, the whole **** is transparent and shining with immortal power.

Looking at it now, you will find lightning on the rune. It is a mysterious rumor and monument. It is like an ancient writing, elegant and mysterious. Ling Feng tries to identify it, but it is in vain. These rumors and monuments are his I don't know.

However, he has no doubt that the rumors of these rumors are terrible.

A month later.

Rumors and monuments are getting brighter and brighter, and they have reached the level of glare. The gods also flew from the fire of the burning road. Like the awakening, they took the initiative to absorb the fire, the earth and the earth, and in the deduction of time. The momentum is invisible to the wind.


The gods flew up and stirred up the power of a thousand feet high. They flew into the gods, and even the lightning of the burning road entered. It would not damage the gods, but evolved the power and cultivated.

Whales swallow the sea, and the majesty is scary.

In this case, the gods swallowed up for twelve days, gradually approaching saturation, and then the walnut split, from which a golden seedling grows, surrounded by the golden gods, to cover its mysterious light.

At this time, the momentum of the gods to take the fire of the burning road and the lightning of the road is too fast, and every moment will be dim, so that Lingfeng has to swallow the gods, to nourish their own bodies, and to make the burning of the fire Not to go out.


The seedlings grow rapidly, can be seen by the naked eye, and when they are continually cultivated by the burning of the fire, the branches and leaves are spread, and in just one day, they grow to three feet high, and the walnuts are completely peeled off and grow out. Roots, golden rainbow.

At this moment, the golden roots of the roots, the thinning of the gods, the evolution of a storm, so that the wind of the dantian volatility, the swallowing momentum is more violent, and even let Ling Feng's blood are passing.


Finally, in the endless absorption of the infinite power, the seedlings are thick, turned into a small tree, more and more branches, but one foot high, has shown sixteen branches, but the growth has not stagnated, still continues.

"There are three hundred and twenty-eight branches of the **** tree. This one is extremely exhaustive. Can you break it?" Ling Feng secretly believes that the gods should be connected to the **** tree. There should be a limit, and if it can be broken, it can be bred. Bigger magic.

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