Supreme Demon

Chapter 1735: ultimate!


The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-five chapters are extremely extreme!

An unprecedented blood disaster!

For the dragon beasts, anti-God is a real taboo, they are terrible and dangerous than imagined. ;www.+.

In the past, they felt that Ling Feng was weak and bully. Now, against the gods, it is a tyrannical attitude to suppress the dragon beasts, let them know that the power is thin but the appearance, there is an unfathomable force behind him.

Dragon Beast Gods are trying to contact Longling Tiandao, but because of their retreat, they can't be notified in a short time. It can also be seen that Longling Tiandao is afraid of being severely damaged, otherwise it will not be felt.


What kind of heavenly characters are you smelling? Even if the real body did not come, but its law is extraordinary, and Long Ling is only a latecomer, far less arrogant than Mo Yue, too dangerous to smell the old body.

Being alive is a fluke, and it must be serious.

of course.

Ling Feng also considered this point, worried that Long Ling would go out of his way and endanger the life of the candle dragon. So before he left, he would meet with the candle dragon and hand the blood to his hand.

Even if the head of the beast does not start, but Mo Yue is dead in his hand, Long Ling will not let it go, it has no choice.

The news is amazing!

When the news of the dragon orc is almost completely destroyed, the whole world is lost. The brilliant dragon orc is also a terrible family on the Star Road, but it is destroyed like this, people can't believe it. .

"Reverse God, under the seat, what kind of power is this?"

People are asking questions, but they can't get any answers, just because they didn't find news about this power in Hengtianxing. Even the top forces are looking for it and feel that this power is too unpredictable.

"I am afraid that things are not finished yet."

An old **** opened his mouth, and his eyes were deep and whispered. "The dragon orcs are really terrible here, but it is not their terrible."

"What do you mean?" someone asked.

"Have you heard of the Eight Heavenly Beasts?" The old **** frowned.


"The Tauren, the Dragon Head, the Dragon Orc, and other heavens and earthes, in fact, should be called the Eight Heavenly Beasts. It is said that they are captive here, and there is a mysterious force behind them, just in It hasn't happened yet."

"This is real?"

People exclaimed, if the Dragon Orc is just a captive beast, then the power behind it will be terrible to the extent?

Be aware that even the top forces of Hengtianxing are not qualified to breed a dragon like this.

not to mention.

It is not so much a captive, it is better to say that it is stocking. This proves that the dragon orc is not forced, but willingly and completely surrendered to the mysterious force. Can this step be done, and what is the power that will be terrible?

People can't imagine it.

"This is a rumor many years ago. There is no such power. I am afraid that it is unknown!" The old **** shook his head. The news is unknown. There is no basis. Who can be sure?


If there is such a force, I am afraid that it is dangerous to rebel against the present.

The dragon beasts blood, and the inheritance of the ages fell.

This set off endless storms in the Star Road. The couples who had contacted the Dragon Beast immediately died down. The origins of the Gods were different, and people could not see through it. But just came to such a god, and they hit the Dragon Orcs. This kind of tragic situation, if there is another heavenly figure?

By then.

They will be the real "fish".

At this juncture, they don't want to collide with the momentum.


"My family has reached the end of life and death, I can't wait any longer!"

A **** smashed the blood, and it was lighted up by the candle dragon that day. This was taken away, otherwise it was dead.

"The Heavenly Taoist retreat, I can only rely on that force if I can rely on it!"

"But, that's just a legend!"

"Before it was fulfilled, it was just a legend, but after the test, that is the truth!"

The gods are really crazy, and the dignity of the dragon beasts has been defeated. If this continues, the whole dragon orc will collapse, and only the ancient "truth" will prove the hope of living.

"Take me blood, come to sacrifice my ancestors, and move out of that power!"

at last.

Under his temptation, the **** atmosphere of the Dragon Orc began to erupt, and he was desperate to throw it off.


"They did it!"

On the forty-sixth star, the leaf witch is dull, but the eyes that look to the distance are gratified. She doesn't know how much the devil is going to pay here, but at this moment, they will complete a qualitative change. .

This is the end.

They will be the star-studded power of this star-studded road.

"They have never been disappointed!" Ling Qing smiled and spoke. Every step of the rebellion was rock solid, which was related to their talent.

To know.

The anti-God's choice is the martial arts with excellent talents in this world. They have not walked through this martial art before, so when they are involved, they can naturally step into the world and be shocked by speed. Otherwise, they will be against God. Growth will be bound.

just now.

It has been nearly ten years since they entered Hengtianxingchen. The four forces under the sacred sacred are growing rapidly, far from the original gods. What happens when they come in?

The hidden gods have given the answer.

"The general trend has been set, just wait for the final victory!" said Ye Witch.


They only looked at the wasteland in the restricted area. The fluctuations of the ancient Wuta tower are sprouting from it, which means that Lingfeng is at a critical moment, but what makes them horrified is that even now, even Guwuta It is also difficult to suppress the momentum of Ling Feng, which is very scary.

In fact, it is exactly like this.

Time hastily for a few years, the Lingfeng sitting in the ancient Wuta, exhausted by the blood and blood, shaped like the bones of the bones, until now the blood is restored, the Wandao fire has been integrated into his body, and the way to serve The fire merges, forming a thin space, brewing in the void.


Finally, when the space gradually shines, a mysterious force suddenly flies down and enters the dantian of Lingfeng, and at this time the last mustard mustard in the body of the wind rushes into the mysterious space. , forming a subtle star.

This is the end.

Ling Feng's body is calming down, only the slight fluctuations will sprout from the body, collapse the gods in the ancient Wuta, detonate the atmosphere of the world, let them sway like water waves.


In Lingfeng Dantian, the six-way question space is shining, the stars are like water, and the endless momentum is set off. On the side is the real fire space. The endless real fire suppresses the surrounding, forming an arch, while in the center, the two humanoid spaces are eternal. Every way can suppress the void.


The space that was finally formed was not shielded by the arches. It floated over the space of the nine sacred space, and the surrounding spirits were sprayed thin, covering the eyes of the gods and sharp eyes, and could not see the heavy fog.


When Ling Feng opened his eyes and slowly opened, the heavy fog spread out and one of the leaves appeared.

The leaf is different, but the size of the butterfly is full of a light life, which is completely different from the nine spaces formed by the previous Ling Feng. There is a Buddha born in this film.

What is the starting point of space?

What is the end point?

Ling Feng has been thinking about this problem, and now he finally has his own answer. The starting point of space is life, and the end point is endless annihilation and old age. The leaf has a breath of life. This is the starting point of space. He begins to touch To the core strength of space.

The space of death seems terrible, and the space that can give birth to life is even more terrible!

Can breed and die!

Oh la la!

The leaves suddenly spread out, forming an endless star, and a faint hole appeared in it, swallowing the heavens and the earth, and more swallowing the light, and the power of darkness is disappearing, and even the other nine spaces of Ling Feng become trembled.

The secluded hole is consuming the breath of life, leaving the years old.

"The ultimate truth!"

Ling Feng’s eyes are completely shining. He has been cultivating life and death for a few years. It’s just this hole, different from the black hole, more different from the white hole, closer to the six reincarnations, but the power can’t be compared with the six. Reincarnation.

"Catch the empty!"

Ling Feng said that this space is very different.

A leaf shape is like a fairy force, which can be enemies of thousands of enemies. A hole in the sky can make space and years, so that the old or martial arts of Wu Xiu will fall, and the realm will fall accordingly. It is similar to Ye Xinran’s pure land and magic soil. .

the difference is.

Ye Xinran is the realm of directly cutting off opponents, and that cave is a decades of martial arts. It is more deadly for some martial arts, especially the true God who enters the world. It can be more than one level. .


When Ling Feng thought about it, the emptiness suddenly changed, forming a leaf, and the other nine spaces also changed, forming water droplets, fire drops and thin human lightning, falling on the leaf, in an instant, Ling The wind is swaying in the whole Dantian, and the terrible sound waves cut off the road, as if to break the **** of this world.


When the leaf flew out of the Lingfeng Dantian, the ancient Wuta trembled, and the gods were shining, like a **** of a god, a strong suppression, but eventually the gods collapsed, and the leaves disappeared into the void. in……

"This is the power I want!"

At this moment, Ling Feng stood up, and there was an unpredictable wild vision in the eyes of the gods. He stepped into the real world. He did not fear any true **** on the star road, not to mention the magical power of the leaf.

A grain of sand can be used to smash the sea, and a drop of water can wipe out the desert.

Yu Pingping has no chance to make a living!

Cast a miracle in space!

This is exactly what you want!

"End the Star Road with this battle!"

The next moment, he flew out of the ancient Wuta. When the footsteps fell on the waste soil, the dried up vegetation around the waste soil seemed to be sprouting, but when his second foot fell, the new shoots were dying again.

Take one step at a time, and give birth to both life and death.

When he appeared in front of the gods, the gods moved, even the characters like Wang Lao had a feeling of worship, and the eyes of the jade and other jade were completely shining.

good night.

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