Supreme Demon

Chapter 1736: The 50th star!

The stars are scattered all over the sky.

A true **** flew up from the wasteland. He was extraordinary. The strolling room seemed to be able to drive the whole world. The endless starlight formed a thin smog around his body and was separated to form a flash of light.

He stood in the air, his eyes were less sharp, but he had a touch of warm light, and he was faint, but he was showing the peerlessness.

He is laughing.

The smile is light and gentle, like a big and small, without any pressure, but it makes the gods present to feel the pressure, it is not the pressure of strength, but the breath that comes out of the bones.

Just as Wang Chen faced an emperor, it was an innate pressure.

"Wait for too long?"

Ling Feng said gently, even the sound is full of people's breath, now he is not like a master of the world, more is an ordinary martial arts.


The anti-God of the audience is smiling, the smile is unprecedentedly strong, the former Ling Feng is like a sharp knife, sharp and shocked, the current Ling Feng is more restrained, there is a return to the true taste, what does this mean?

What is this about?

At this moment, Ling Feng has come to the end of the true god, do not need to use the edge to cover up and show his tyrannical, just like a king, before the power is strong enough, he needs the tiger to suppress the soldiers, but when he wins the world, even if he wins the world, even if There is no tiger, you can also adjust the soldiers.

That is the real control!

The difference is that the master of the king is the Wan Bing, and Ling Feng is the real force.


Ye Xinran came in indifference, no smile, but looked at Lingfeng's jade eyes full of love, only such a strange man can conquer her. "We will find the three tigers after entering the 50th star Dragon."

"No need to!"

Ling Feng waved. "When you enter that star, the fierce battle is a matter of time, you can follow the heart, do not force."


The gods and gods are the first to change color, and the small heart is trembled. It knows what kind of character Lingfeng is. In the past, it was threatened to suppress the two dragons, and the fierce battle was in the end. But now suddenly turned to sex, and did not care about such a battle?

This is not right!

It does not feel that there is a problem with Lingfeng's head. The characters of the three tigers and two dragons are the targets of these true gods. They are the targets of the suppression of the gods. Only by suppressing them can they be able to climb the altar.

Ling Feng who is the owner of the person does not want to?

This is impossible!

Then, the only reasonable explanation is that the state of Lingfeng has reached a point where they are unpredictable. The Three Tigers and Two Dragons seem to be no longer in his eyes, and his real opponents are no longer confined to the true state of God.

This is indifferent and even more contemptuous.

This is a smooth, even more boring!

"Really that step?"

Qin Haotian asked, the eyes flashed, very excited, he had listened to the heavenly characters before, and once he reached the end, it is likely that the ultimate evolution will occur, truly despising this realm.

It is a condescending look.

"do not know!"

Ling Feng smiled and shook his head and said, "I am in a different state. As for whether I have reached that realm, I guess there is still no."


Wang Laodu can't help but exhale. If he was shocked before, he really has to go to that realm. If he enters the gods, there will be many incredible things. Wen has said frankly that this is a blessing and may be the beginning of misfortune.

In all fairness, he does not want Lingfeng to step into this path, and his talent can completely suppress genius, no need to take risks.


Ling Feng did not say much. His current realm is very wonderful. He can sense the most subtle atmosphere between the world and the earth. He can even sense the existence of the three tigers and two dragons. He does not know whether the three tigers and two dragons can sense his existence. .

He could not explain clearly.

"This should be the sensor of the master." He shamelessly put gold on his face.

The gods quickly moved forward and crossed the stars. Now the stars of the stars have been unable to suppress the wind, and the cold hurricane will be shredded in an instant, and the mighty power will collapse around his body.


They don't travel fast, Lingfeng doesn't need to grind, but they need to be against the gods. They are doing their best to work hard against the gods, and even on the 50th star, they are shocked.

As if they were blinking, they had crossed the forty-ninth star and came to the fiftyth star.

Jing Yuxing!

This is the last star on the Star Road. It is not as powerful as the previous ones. The ordinary six or seven true gods can come in without being bound. There is no imposing pressure on the road, and there is no such thing as a rainy road. Falling rain.

Everything seems calm.


This is just a thrilling star, and when they step into the Star Road, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. A white mist forms an aura, and the light beam between the heavens and the earth, like a meteorite falling, is more like a true god. Fist.


There is a terrible pressure on this star-studded road, which can make the eight-level true God difficult and difficult to be affected.

This time.

Ling Feng and other true gods stand in front of the stars and look at the bustling true gods coming here. There is no crowded scene of the previous stars, only because once they enter this star road, the heaven and earth pattern will undergo an essential change.

In front, the white fog is thick, covering people's horizons, but in the vaguely, an ancient road can be seen and the mountains disappeared.

That is a sword mountain!

The difference is that this Jianshan Mountain is too large. Even if the **** tree that Lingfeng first saw was placed on this Jianshan Mountain, it is just an ordinary old tree. It is plain and inconspicuous.

“Is this the ultimate meaning?”

Ling Feng straight frowns, he uses the **** map, the nature that can be seen is more than other true gods. Under the cover of white fog, the Jianshan layer is stacked, every five thousand miles will have a road, on which The bloodstains have not dried up, and the momentum of the chill is not lost.

The platform is semi-circular and surrounds the mountain for half a week. The vastness is like a sky. What is amazing is that the rainbow is set up around the platform, and the red bridges are set up to connect the platform. A line, close to look like a sea of ​​enclaves.

There are as many as 10 shrines around each Taoist platform, and there are as many as 35 superstitious platforms on the stack, and then there is a fog in the upward direction. Even the gods can't see through.


Suddenly, a shrine of shimmering, a master of the world is coming to the rainbow, falling on the road, dressed in quaint, not like the **** of the world on the Hengtianxing Road, he fought on the road. And then climb up, not long after disappearing into the fog.

"A road to the ten worlds, this Jianshan connects three thousand worlds, and the ultimate goal is Wanwandao?"

Ling Feng thoughtfully thought that this Jianshan is the real star-to-air showdown. The true gods of many stars will climb here, and the summit will win thousands of miles. Each road connects the ten worlds. This can avoid Stars and gods have been shopping at the beginning.

But this does not mean that the ten roads have no meaning.

Ling Feng did not immediately go to the Jianshan, but to observe the position of Jianshan, until the ninth day, they only see the meaning of the Tao.

"The ten gods and rainbows come to the true God of ten directions, but there are only five who can really climb up."

Yeh Witch spoke up and said, "When you climb up, you will also be on the other gods of other stars. In this way, the true God walking on the top of the road is very cheap."

"It is cheap, but it is also a loss."

Lingfeng's forehead, there will be a lot of competition in the forefront, but the world under Jianshan is full of vitality, and there are many creations. When the gods are opened, Lingfeng has seen many medicines and some land.

It’s really necessary to sit there and grow up, which makes sense for future battles.

"This is why the top players are flying down." Ling Qing said.

They watched for a full nine days. In the process, some people were struggling to climb, some were making a fortune, and some were flying down to prepare for the bottom.

There must be something wrong.

This is the truth of the Star Road.


Ling Feng laughed. "In this way, we are afraid that we can't walk together."

He turned to Wang Laodao.. "Wang Lao is afraid to trouble you, and the other gods of the gods will be led by you, at the bottom, and we will go straight to the top."

"no problem!"

Wang Lao’s look is a joy. He did not intend to fight for the stars. It is the real place for real arrogance. The **** of the world, such as him, throws in a few bubbles.

And this world is different, and he is very eager for it.

"Happy, you take the other peers, you must go to the top of the mountain as a whole." Ling Feng began to split the soldiers, Ling Qing they are indeed not weak, but if you are on the three tigers and two dragons is still very dangerous.

"it is good!"

Ye Xinran’s forehead, now is not the time when the children are in love, the correct choice is more conducive to the journey of the gods.

"Death, Tsundere, Qin Yutian, Ming Yu, Qiu Shuyi, let's all five together."

Ling Feng said with a smile, he knows how big the changes between these gods and gods and gods, and that the two guys, Qin Yutian and Ming Hao, are not inferior to Ye Xinran, and they are able to fight three tigers, even on the raft. Erlong will not suffer.

"Cold is like me with me."

"On both of you?" Liu Shushu's eyes are somewhat weird.


Ling Feng rewarded her with a violent, said: "Don't think about it, I have my own purpose."

"I don't think about it, it's your own thinking." Liu Shushu said wronged.

"I want to walk with you!" Qiu Shuyi smiled and came, almost did not kill Ling Feng, this grandmother has been fairly calm since entering the Star Road, but now it seems to have begun to show off.

"No!" Liu Shushu is more dangerous than the cold.

"You two are too few, I don't trust!" Qiu Shuyi snorted.

"Then I have to go along!" Liu Shushu snorted.

"You don't want to mess around!"

Ling Feng immediately solemnly said, "I have my purpose. This battle is very important. We may still be too weak, so I am going to pull a few strong men!"

Ps.. second later.

(End of this chapter) js3v3

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