Supreme Demon

Chapter 1907: To the virtual star


The eternal tremors on the Hengtian stars, the endless mountains and rivers tear in this light, and the thousands of miles are empty, and the endless cockroaches still want to push the distance in the distance, completely crushing the old trees around them, and the momentum is shocked and the gods feel dull.

The Taoist law of the heavens collapsed, piercing the emptiness of thousands of miles, tearing open a vast light door, and then the body of Ling Feng and others disappeared into the light beam.

It’s gone!

At this point, the signing of the sky will open, and the anti-God will enter a new chapter.

Like echoing!

Other stars, also issued a skylight beam, Tianzun's law is running, sending a **** to the Supreme Star, this array is not limited, completely controlled by the top forces, as long as the price can be afforded, you can fly to the Supreme star.


There is no difficulty in confronting the gods, and it is forbidden to go to the Supreme Star.

The Supreme Star is scattered in all directions of the starry sky. It is unimaginable in the distant future. Even if a person like Heavenly Heaven wants to cross the past, it will take a long time, and the law can make up for the time.


They are too far away from the Supreme Star, even if it is the Tianzun Faction, it is not straightforward. It takes a few big stars and it takes terrible resources to reach the other side.

This is burning money!

It is the power of the royal family to want to go to the Supreme Star. It is also why there are not many people who are taken away by the King and the Spirit, and they are carefully selected.

No idea.

Every **** who flies to the Supreme Star has to spend endless resources. Even the forces like the royal family can't stand it. This means that they can't come back all the time. It's too scary to consume.

They can't afford to hurt!

A ray of light fell, and Ling Feng appeared on the stars that were more magnificent than Hengtianxing. They did not delay, but went straight ahead and stepped into the strange door formed by another vast law.

The next moment, they disappeared into it.

Twisting fifteen stars!

At this time, Ling Feng began to hurt, and the resources of the Tian people were actually consumed by as much as one tenth. If it was placed in the reverse, how many gods could be built, and they were only over a long distance.

Tete makes money!


Ling Feng looked at the front, the mouth was raised, and the ambitious, such a strange door is unimaginable. Even if Tian Zun wants to refine it, it will consume a lot, not just resources and laws, but also time.


This is very important for the anti-God. If these dozens of stars are completely aimed at them, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, the rebellious **** needs to have its own Tianzunqi door. On the one hand, the resource consumption will be reduced, and on the other hand, it will be more conducive to the future.

at least.

Once you have the power to go to the Supreme Star, you will have to do your best. If you can't fly in time, it will be very important for them to fly in time. Even the influence of the power of the Stars can affect these stars.


In the decades that he has made progress in the empty road, he needs to smell the old and burn the heavens to refine these strange doors, and to create a terrible transmission array that is completely against the gods as soon as possible. Of course, there are still many problems to be overcome.

To know.

The arrogance caused by Tianzunqimen is too dazzling, and it will certainly attract a lot of attention. At that time, is there any ability to suppress the gods?

Either they suppress the forces on these stars, or they must hide their eyes and ears.

“There is a long way to go!”

When Ling Feng sighed, he entered the 16th Tianzunqi Gate. In the unimaginable light column, they flew down to a star...

A full thirty stars!

Even Qin Feng's body and rainy body are very tired. The power of Tianzun Qimen is really too strong. The speed of penetrating the void is too fast. It may be fatal if you are careless.

This is also the reason why the threshold of such transmission must be the true God.


Finally, they landed on a big star, looking into the sky, there is a dazzling star, golden, illuminating the sky and the earth, burning themselves, igniting the endless starry sky.

Even in this star, they can feel the vastness of the stars.

They are far from the endless galaxy, but the star is still as big as a plate, and the fire stars are spewing out of the stellar nebula, which is not affected by the stars, as if it were there.

Supreme Star!

Everyone can't help but take a sigh of relief. This kind of star can only make people feel pressure at a glance. It is too big.

To know.

Through the endless galaxy, the Shenwu continent can't even see a hair in the Hengtianxing, but it can be seen here. This proves that the Supreme Star is ten thousand times wider than the Hengtianxing domain. It is not like a star. It is the endless star river pieced together.

"With such a star stepping on the foot, it is more conquering!"

Ling Feng thought in his heart. "The people and forces standing on this star are qualified to be more proud than others."

The mountains and rivers are vast and outstanding.

And the extreme star of the Supreme Star, how many people will come out?

This is like another universe. The geniuses in it may be thousands of times more than the stars and the ancient roads. It is not unreasonable.

"The universe is vast and the characters are small."

Looking at the distance with a sigh of relief, he sighed and said: "It is only this star that makes people feel pressured, and what is the horrible way to suppress the starry sky of this star?"

"I used to think that the royal family was very big, but now I find that the royal family is too small." The king also said this.

"Then we will be murdered on this star."

Ling Feng’s wild laughter, the anti-God is very small, he always thinks so, but they are the grass, no matter which star can flourish, the stars are big and there is no shortage of grass and land.

As long as the grass of the anti-God is scattered on the Supreme Star, they can make the forces of the Supreme Star inexhaustible.

And now, they are coming!

Grass, this is a pretty plant!

There is no environment that they can't overcome, and there is no land they can't conquer. Even if it is a vast ocean, they can float on it.

The reverse **** is this kind of grass!

"The reason is reasonable!" The king and the spirit looked at each other and laughed.

They overcame that mentality, and now they are fearless. They are coming, and the Supreme Star is empty and wants to drive them away.

next moment.

They stepped into the transmission array and flew to the Supreme Star with a heart-warming attitude. This is the thirtieth star and the last star.


When the endless light flies down, Ling Feng is down to earth and no longer wandering. This will be the place where they will fight for hundreds of years in the future, and for the anti-God, this will be their other home.

The mountains and rivers are vast and the sky is high.

The clouds in the sky do not see the end, floating in the sky, even if they want to fly to the nebula, it is very time-consuming, far from being as simple as the stars in the sky.

The vast territory is just a transmission array, it is already a thousand miles, and this is just the tip of the Supreme Star.

To the virtual!

It is the sacredness of the Supreme Star, and the emptiness is the emptiness of the Void. In this respect, the influence of the Void on this star is extraordinary.

The ancient trees are magnificent, and thousands of people can hold together. A mountain stands in front, and the vastness is like a continent.

The wonders are so heavy, the scenery is good here.


Ling Feng's most intuitive feeling of entering the virtual star is not how vast the mountains and rivers are, but the pressure of the terrain here, so that they feel that the power is suppressed ten times, how arrogant it is.

To know.

They are now gods, even if the terrain of Hengtianxing is still reluctant to suppress, and by rescuing the aura of the stars, this situation can be reversed, but not here.

"It's terrible!" Ling Kong smiled.


This is the voice of the king, and his face is serious.

It is Ling Feng who feels pressure. It is not because of this terrain, but the martial arts that this terrain affects. Under such pressure, life is under this pressure. If this kind of pressure breaks through cultivation, if God is born, what will God look like that day?

Needless to say.

The mortal people here are all ten times stronger than other stars. The martial arts here is a hundred times more powerful than other Hengtian.


Ling Feng and others also found a strange place, this mountain river land is releasing endless energy, sparkling, even in the dark, it will not be too dark, like thousands of fireflies hidden in the soil.

At this time. The transmission array is shining, and one of the gods is coming from all directions, appearing on the virtual star, and some are the gods of other stars. They are, like Ling Feng and others, are subtlely touching the changes of the virtual star. And some of the gods are the characters on the virtual star, proud of looking up

Despise other gods.

They are the real masters here!

"How long does it take to reach the empty road?" Ling Feng asked.

"a long time!"

Lingkong smiled and said: "This star is too big, the empty road is at that end, and we are here."

"Is still going through the law?"

Falling rain Yuyan was shocked. For so long, they have been crossing, she is about to vomit.

“It’s true.” The king’s hand is saying: “We don’t have to go through the law, we need to spend a lot of time.”

"Don't pass the law."

Ling Feng looked at the pale face of Qin Yu and Ling Kong, the character of the king, and shook his head and said: "Our understanding of the virtual star is limited to handwriting, and there is no real feeling. It is not a good thing to be so urgent. Just feel it first."


The first time of the spirit is empty. "There is still a little time for the virtual road to cross, we don't have to worry so much."

"Knowing oneself and knowing oneself can only suppress it. I agree with this." The king nodded. After all, the virtual star is a supreme star. It is just that the text can not describe all of it. Only when they really feel it can they know the truth.

Anyway, the empty roads have a long time to open, and they have to go here without even urgency.


They flew out of the law, and in the eyes of the gods, they flew toward the distant mountains, ready to cross and find a city.

"Several idiots!"

Someone sneered and said. good night.

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