Supreme Demon

Chapter 1908: To the mountain!

To the virtual star!

This mountain river is too vast, far from the end, even if it is a long time, it takes a long time for the heavenly characters to cross, and only the sixteen stars in the entire starry sky.

The magnificent world is destined to fly out of many geniuses, to suppress the eight wilderness, and to push the stars.

How magnificent this star is, how rich its legendary story is, its legendary non-pens can describe it, and the power on the stars is more numerous, like stars, even some gods on the virtual star are not too clear.


They will be more proud than the characters on other stars. They have hundreds of millions of miles of land and an open pattern. Why can't they be more extraordinary than the characters on other stars?

The actions of the gods such as Ling Feng made the whole picture come to a standstill. People looked at the figures and hurriedly disappeared into the mountain in front. The corners of the mouth could not help but rise, scorn and sneer.


This is the voice of the gods and gods on the virtual star. The eyes are full of indifference. How idiots do these characters think about turning over this mountain?

"In the beginning, those people who have failed, can they succeed?" Some gods said with a cold face.

"Hey, these gods on other stars are really ignorant."

"This is looking for death!"


People are talking about it. I really don't know if Ling Feng and others are not aware of the terrible mountain. Still think they are better than the gods on the virtual star?


They don't think it's the latter kind, to the big pattern of the virtual star, how many genius characters, how many heavens and gods respect, but this strange mountain for the gods, but few people can cross.

It is an extraordinary mountain!

It is said that it was the few people who were known to be shocked and brilliant, and the mountain was even more powerful. How many years of wind and rain, it stood there, overlooking the virtual star, despising the illusion, and making people feel embarrassed. .

in spite of.

In these years, very few gods will fly and enter this strange mountain, making this strange mountain seem ruined, but when people pay attention to it, when people turn over history, they will find a strong color in it.

Its legendary timeless!

"To the way!"

A **** said this, full of awe, there have been some very embarrassing things on this mountain, and then an ordinary mountain has evolved into the present, and the term "to the road" is derived from later generations.

It was the voice of a Supreme personally sitting on this mountain. Only the only way to get along with the mountain was to capture the heavens and the earth and cross it.

Do not ask the realm.

Don't ask for strength!

The true God can cross the power with the power. The gods can cross the heavens with their strength. Their different paths and influences are different. The road is not a powerful force to cross, but to rely on the understanding of the Tao and to try to figure out.

The best is the way!

thus. Although the road is terrible, the Wizards are still crazy. Even if you can't cross the mountain, you can sharpen your own martial arts in this mountain and let the road go further. Especially the top gods and gods, if you can sharpen it in the way. For some years, ask them for gods and sermons.

Often beneficial.

This is not unusual for the gods on the virtual star.


Occurs in other stars of the gods, so that the gods on the virtual star are very contempt, and these are obviously the first to enter the supreme star, still do not know the real situation.


ignorance! You know, after so many years, the gods on the virtual star are great legends. No other star character can shake their position. The forces on the virtual star open the door to other stars, but in those forces. The most dazzling figure is still the virtual star

God on the sky.

This is the gap!

One is like a poor boy from a deserted village, and the other is a genius figure from a martial arts family. Want to counterattack?

is it possible?

How many resources do the genius figures of the martial arts family backed up? How arrogant people are pointing? How many gods are there for them to temper? What is the poor boy? Just relying on talent?

This is the background!

"A few cowards!"

"Oh, it’s really interesting. I haven’t heard of such novelty things for many years."

"I will wait here and wait, see how many of these people can stay in the road for a few days?"

Their idle eggs hurt.

If you want to wait for Lingfeng and others to go out here, it will not be easy to get through. Even those few amazing characters have failed. People don't believe that Lingfeng and others can succeed.


Things are different from what they imagine.

One day rushed past, Ling Feng and others did not appear, the sun set, the characters still did not come out... For eight days, Ling Feng and others disappeared, and did not fly out of the way.

"I am afraid that it has already vanished!"

"How many characters in the ages are talking and laughing, this is the power of the road!"

People lazily looked at the road for a moment, then they got up and left, and they didn't want to wait any longer. Although this way can sharpen the genius, it can also annihilate the genius. In the most dazzling era, how many geniuses will be buried forever. Can an outsider stay in the area for eight days?


To the road!

The hurricane was very strong, and a low and terrible pressure was falling on the body, making Ling Feng and others difficult. Especially Qin Feng and rain were difficult to breathe. Their realm was not enough, or it was right. Comprehension is not enough.

The king, the spirit and others are calmer, but at the moment they are flushed and their arms are trembling. Until then they only see the problem. This mountain is more unpredictable than they think.


When they looked at Lingfeng, the sigh of relief almost disappeared. The goods looked as usual and the breathing was steady. They were generally appreciating the mountain, and the mouth was faintly smiling.

He is too normal!

He is too abnormal!

Originally, the spirit of the sky, the king still wants to leave here as soon as possible, can look at Ling Feng that calm and leisurely posture, they are hard to suppress this idea, in any case, they will die in the end, otherwise it is too shameful.

Step by step, they spent eight days on the mountain.

At the beginning, they flew across the country, and the speed was very fast, but then they could only gallop. At this moment they can only move forward step by step.

That is the pressure of the Daowei is penetrating the flesh and blood, infiltrating their **** bones, affecting their space of the gods, it seems that the pressure is detecting the space of the gods, and wants to deepen the power.

"Brother, I have to hold on!" The rain fell white and the hands were straight, and the power was overdraft.

She is a living creature, and she is as warm as a spring. It is difficult to shoot out potentials like people, and to win the power of ethereality and ability rather than confrontation.

"do not worry!"

Lingfeng smiled, raised his hand, and the flash of light flashed on his body, like a space directly shrouded in the rain. In an instant, the pressure of the rain that almost suffocated disappeared, and Lingfeng was still so calm, which made the spirit The air and the king are all amazed.

This dead metamorphosis is really more abnormal!

The spiritual space they can't see through, can hold back the pressure, at least into an extraordinary level, and this is something their **** space can't do.


At only half an hour, Qin Feng knees on his knees and squats directly on the floor, but his face is bloody, but he does not ask for help. This makes the spirit, the king and others look bright. This person may not have enough potential, but It is definitely a personal thing.


An aura flew in, and Qin Feng was enveloped in it, making his pale and **** face ruddy.

"This mountain is not quite right, Lingfeng, we really have to cross here?" Lingkong frowned, this mountain is too vast, far from knowing the end, and now they are almost unable to hold on.

God knows that there will be terrible things in it, and at that time, they are weak fish, and they will be thrown away at any time.

"This is the best way to be good for you."

Ling Feng said with a word and said: "If you insist on it for a while, you can benefit for many years, and... I think if you can persist, it will be easier to get through."


At this moment, the spirit of the sky, the king is very eager to die.

They are all intelligent people. Can you not hear the meaning of Lingfeng?

He was worried that they couldn't pass the road, so that made them insist, which is why he has to cross the road.

"Are you not knowing anything about the virtual star?"

The king’s eyes are wide open, and this dead metamorphosis seems to be more than they know.

"Have I said that?" Ling Feng asked innocently.

"con man!"

"I have heard of Daoshan, but I don't know its origins." Lingkong frowned and asked. "Lingfeng, can this mountain really cross?"


"How to cross?"

"The road is here!"


"Your way has been reached?"

This is the place where the king, the spirit and other people are curious. Ling Feng is so ambitious and has such a detailed understanding of the Tao. It is precisely because the Tao has already reached the state. Otherwise, isn’t it looking for death?

"My path is not here!"

Ling Feng shook his head dullly and said: "Maybe, my path will be targeted, and it will be much sharper than you."

"I am here, just want to know where the truth is."

"What do you mean?"

"Soon, you will know."


Really fast!

When the gods, the spirits and other gods and gods can't hold on, Ling Feng sacrificed spiritual space and completely enveloped them. One person took down the whole piece of pressure, and the magnificent atmosphere of the world was unimaginable, and the gods were so horrified. Be dumbfounded.

"This is the body space!"

"The Lord is eight, the town star!"

The next moment, Ling Feng lightning forward, inch fairy in the gods, become more terrible, the hurricane was picked up by it, like a sword, tearing the ground, and when he went deep into the center of the mountain The sky is full of light and forms a chain, which is pressed against Lingfeng.

The way to go is to follow the heavens, and the way to serve is against the heavens.

These are two opposite forces! Ps.. second later.

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