Supreme Demon

Chapter 1931: Nether hole house!

The sky is shocking!

This is the first bloodline formed by Ling Feng with a void road. Until today, it really shows its genius, so that the power of the empty road is so important, and because it is weak, because it is strong, it can show the void. Extraordinary.

Guwu proud of the world!

This is another bloodline formed by Ling Feng in the wild, and the power is shocked. Now the ancient Wu is still far from showing its most unpredictable side. This is not a problem of ancient Wu, but a problem of Ling Feng.

Reversing the heavens by humanity is destined to be different from that of ancient Wu. Therefore, the ancient Wu blood is weak and suppressed, and the blood of the void is showing its power.

Once the ancient martyrdom was horrified, there were too many miracles, and the gorgeous people were fascinated.


Once the ancient Wu also died in the ancient times, Ling Feng did not know what happened, but this proved that there was a problem with Guwu, or someone was targeting Guwu. He wanted to go to the ancient Wudao, but he was wrong. Enter into the air.

What makes him ecstatic is that he is more unpredictable in his own way. This will be a greater legend than Guwu. Therefore, he focuses on reversing the heavens and the weak ancient Wudao.

What he wants is to make Guwu proud, but this is not his own thing, but the whole against the gods.

When the gods are pushed against the stars, the ancient Wudang is prosperous!


This is the third blood vein formed by Ling Feng in the wilderness. Once it was able to suppress the ancient Wu and the empty road, it can reflect the horror of these blood. Ling Feng did not know the origin of the floating butcher, but he wanted to come to God. A person who has brought the world back to the world with this blood.


The emptiness of the blood and the ancient Wu will be very large. On the contrary, the blood of the floating squad that appears in the power of the gods will appear gray, so Ling Feng made such a choice.


Because of the **** operation of the float, the voids have become different. What appears in front of people is a pale gold, filled with a little bit of red space, the power is not weak, at least able to suppress the scene, not weaker than others.

It is the king, the spirit, and the curious look. We have thought that Lingfeng can sacrifice its own space, but Lingfeng did not do this, but waited until the time of crossing.

"This is his space?" Lingkong said in his heart. "Is he not talking about empty space before?"

of course.

He did not ask questions, but he couldn't figure it out.

Lu Jingdao’s eyes swept slightly to Ling Feng, and his expression was indifferent. He was not surprised. This blood is very good, but in front of the empty road is slag. However, he can’t see the wind, just as he can’t see the East. Ying Yu, Zhou Qitian, these characters are average.

In fact.

Like these wizards, there are treasures in the body, some core secrets, the forces on the stars do not want to let others know, this is understandable, even the empty road will not go into these things.

As long as they are good for the empty road, they will not ask.


If these disciples dare to harm the interests of the empty channel, even if they are the wizards of the three clan, they will also fall.

This is the strength of the empty road!

They don't care about these secrets because they feel they can control the whole situation and they have such qualifications.

"Is this going to be the way?"

The oriental poetry is utterly awkward. Although the pale golden space is powerful, it is far less than her sacred space, let alone the space of the oriental Yingyu's 鲲鹏. Is such a character really worthy of her attention?


Suddenly, the oriental poetry grasps the key point, and the corner of the mouth can't help but raise a good-looking arc.

The current state of Ling Feng is only stronger than Lingkong, and is equivalent to the king. Is it easy for such a person to cross to Daoshan?


Ling Feng’s performance on the Daoshan Mountain is too eye-catching. He is proud of the two spirits, despising the pressure and not being bound by any constraints. Is this just a pale gold space?


The oriental poetry is quite affirmative. With the strength of her sister and her sister, Yingyingyu, she still has to do her best in that mountain. If Lingfeng does not have that kind of power, can it be easy to cross?

"This is not his real space!"

Although the oriental poetry does not know how Ling Feng was done, it is quite different from what she felt in the virtual world. At that time, Ling Feng performed very horrifyingly, and until now she still has her heart.

In a hurry.

Thirty-two gods have all sacrificed the space of the gods, so that Lu Jing, the **** moon, and the madness of the heavens, are not stunned by the presence of the gods. This is simply to madden them.

"Who is it?"

Lu Jing was full of sadness, and he just had hope in his heart. He felt that he could find the future here. What he did not expect was that he hoped to become desperate soon.

Life is too big and too exciting, he feels that he is not ready yet.

"I am afraid that I am not in these people!"

The **** moon looked at the gods who were at a loss, and frowned. They had been waiting for the appearance of this person, and even the powerful people on the whole virtual star were paying attention to this matter. After all, the influence of the empty road was great. Is equivalent to the whole to the virtual star.

At the time when Xueyue Tiandao and Lu Jing appeared, they were also eyeing.


Things are at this time, and the characters who activate the empty world do not seem to step into the void. This is a great irony. The rules of the void have killed the true Genghis.

The empty road is a shame!

"Look, find that person right away!"

In the void, a big man in the Void Road said to several disciples that if the character is not here, he will definitely be among the gods who have been eliminated.


Several disciples immediately flew out of the void and walked toward the front of the virtual world. They wanted to find the person immediately. If there were any problems, it was estimated that these big men would go crazy.

"I am with you!"

Lv Jing was in a hurry, this kind of taste can only be realized by him, and he does not want to wait for a moment, he must find that person as soon as possible.


Only two hours, Lu Jing and the disciples flew back, his face was like a soil, especially Lu Jingyu, from time to time, he could see the truth from his face, and several big faces were embarrassed in an instant.

“Is it still?” asked a big man.


The three disciples were full of bitterness, and this feeling was really uncomfortable. The future of the empty road was collapsed at this moment.

"Looking for it all?"

Another big man asked with a gloomy face.


A white disciple spoke up and said, "All the gods who have crossed the emptiness have all seen it, but they have not found it. Of course, those who have been killed are not among them."


Several big men sighed, filled with sorrow, and the world was born. They were not waiting for the prosperity of the empty road, but a joke.

"Check, the reason for the birth of the air sector as soon as possible!"

Several great people said to the **** moon, the empty world can not be born for no reason, there must be problems, and just before, they did see a figure sitting in it.

This is not illusory!


That **** disappeared out of nowhere?

"It's you!"

The poetry of the oriental poetry rose up and stared directly at Lingfeng. This person was too disguised. She was suspicious of Ling Feng because of the Daoshan incident. If she was unwittingly, she would be deceived.

He is so realistic!

"Get your fox tail out sooner or later!" Oriental poetry said in his heart.

"First arrange them."

A big man in the void looked at Lv Jing, who was lost, and sighed. He knew that Lu Jing had waited for so many years. He hoped that it would be uncomfortable, but this time it should not be so sad.

He said to the **** moon, saying, "The things in Dongfu are handed over to you."


Several big men left to find out the truth about the birth of the empty world, while other big powers are indifferent to leave, and they have not expressed their attitudes on this matter. Needless to say, if the empty roads are ushered in the prosperous world, for them Not necessarily a blessing.

"I will arrange the cave for you first, then you will take the servant next."

Due to the influence of the airspace incident, Xueyue Tiandao did not have any mood at the moment. He simply confessed a few words and took away the three wizards, such as Oriental Yingyu and Zhou Qitian, and handed them to the hands of three heavenly figures. The Wizards came to pick the Master.

The other gods are the other disciples who are handed over to the empty road, and they lead the position of the empty road away from the center.

They are very fast, and they fly three thousand miles in the blink of an eye.

at this time.

A mountain of mountains appeared in front of them, showing a colorful color, extending from the sky to the ground, the mist of the shackles, covering the entire mountain, not really cut.

Each mountain is more like a **** country on the Shenwu continent. It is so vast that there are hundreds of such mountains here, and this is just a corner of the empty road. It is conceivable how far the empty road is.

Each mountain is a cave house, and every disciple of the empty road is qualified to have a mountain here.


Even the characters from the big forces, such as the spirits, are also exclaimed when they face these mountains. However, the gods on the virtual star are very calm. They have long been accustomed to the vastness of this mountain. Not the other stars are comparable.


They are more pampered, while other stars are more adaptable, whether it is the quagmire or the Shengshi Mountain, but most people only see the advantages of each other and ignore the advantages of their own.

“Here is the virtual sky cave house, you can choose the cave house here!”

The indifferent opening of a void disciple is not directly divided, but is chosen by thirty-two disciples themselves.

"Interesting!" Ling Feng blinked, these hundreds of mountains, in fact, some people have entered the country, leaving a small number of places, but the mountain is sturdy, the momentum is prosperous, can be called a piece of land, practice here There are certainly a lot of resources and progress that can be obtained, and the Void disciples will lead them to this small mountain.

Before, its purpose is obvious.

Crossing is nothing but a threshold!

And how much can you get in the future, and which step do you take? This is the most important thing.

Ps.. Serious Karvin today, waiting for the fragrance to sort out the outline, always feel that writing is not exciting enough.

I am sorry tonight, sorry, everyone, apologize. good night.

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