Supreme Demon

Chapter 1932: Strong enough to make them humble!

Virtual Sky Cave!

Here, there is a vast expanse of mist, and it is like a fairy light flying in the void. From time to time, there will be real dragons, gods and other creatures. The sacred momentum will spurt out, and you will feel refreshed when you take a breath, and you will indulge your life at a glance.

A mountain is so vast that there are hundreds of mountains here, and the same piece of sea can not be seen at the end. The momentum can drown a heavenly character, and the picture is really too stalwart.


Hundreds of strange mountains seem to form a beautiful mountain, and they are like the "branch" of this strange mountain. The difference is that the sacred momentum on the top of the mountain is even more shocking, let people fascinate, and on the mountainside At that time, the divine momentum is much thinner.

this means.

The cave house above this strange mountain is more important, which is more conducive to their cultivation, and there is where people compete.


These hundreds of strange mountains are not entirely theirs. When they came, they have already stayed in dozens of gods, all of which are the wizards of the centuries. Some gods have entered the fifth and sixth grades, far more terrible than they are now. Like Wang Yuan is one of them.

However, it is Wang Yuan and other gods. In the virtual sky cave house, they only live on the mountainside and want to fly to the top of the mountain. That is equivalent to challenging the authority of the virtual star. Now Wang Yuan does not have such qualifications.

Sacred Cave House!

That is not only the strength, but also the potential and strength. Not everyone is eligible to live in the sacred cave house. In the past 100 years, the ten sacred cave houses on the top of the mountain have only lived in the eight gods.

Needless to say.

The eight gods are the most beautiful people in the past 100 years. They stand side by side and rank steadily. If you want to enter the sacred cave house, you must have the power to be with them. Otherwise, you will be blasted.

Lingshen Dongfu is located on the mountainside.

The rules here are not so strict, but the desire to live in the Lingshen Dongfu, and the corresponding strength, especially the gods of the mountain village stars, if there is no such strength, will be suppressed by the gods on the virtual star.


The forces on the virtual star will not be able to deal with each other. If they forcefully enter the spiritual house, they will also be suppressed by other forces.

Power here is respect!

This is the law of the forest!

This is the real world of martial arts, and want to be recognized by other gods, and even bow down, it is necessary to show the power of the eye, force the road, and push the world.

of course.

There are not many Lingshen caves, only more than 30, and the rest of the caves are located at the foot of the mountain. However, even the weakest heaven-level caves can not be underestimated. In the cave, the gods are sprayed, and the clouds are steaming, and the picture is very shocking.

the difference is.

Because of the different locations, the Tianquan Dongfu is different in the Shenquan and the divine momentum. The eastward direction is scattered in the sun, making the divine momentum even more dazzling, while the west and the north are not overwhelming because of the sun, and the sacred atmosphere is far less than the East and south.

no doubt.

The Tiandong Dongfu is the new disciple who needs to be robbed, and the Lingshen Dongfu and the sacred Dongfu are not what they can now enter, or they will wait until the last gods are far away from here, or they will advance strongly and stand proud. The gods who forced the last world bowed shoulder to shoulder.


This is not the problem they have to consider now. At least they don't have that qualification yet, and the Tiandong Dongfu is what they want to pick. The southeast and the northwest are quite important.

To know.

Being able to get more sacred atmosphere will make the Tianshen martial art progress faster, and the rare sacred atmosphere will curb the progress of the gods. After a decade or so, even a hundred years later, this gap will be completely enlarged. .


After the voice of the vain disciple fell, the gods of the gods suddenly appeared brightly, and looked at the mountains in the southeast direction. Although there were many gods, there were still several mountains. Empty, they hope to be able to pick up the next few mountains.

"Hey, the Dongfu in the west and the north are different, and the west will be more sacred."

At this time.

On the virtual star, a **** looked indifferently to the six "mountain village stars" gods such as Ling Feng. The gods were contemptuous. Obviously, in terms of position, they did not want the "mountain village stars" to get the southeast direction. Dongfu.

Needless to say.

This is to force the six gods such as Ling Feng to the north and the western cave, and the gods on the virtual star are the candidates who are qualified to take the Dongfu in both directions.

The contempt of the red fruit!

Lingfeng's slightly sullen mouth couldn't help but release the cold light. At the first level of the heavens, if he was in the virtual world, he would kill it directly, and such a person would like to force them to suppress them and destroy their future.

Even the king and the spirit are resentful, but the heart is full of sorrow. Over the years, the gods of these other stars have suffered too much bullying. If other stars are able to pick them up, why are they so backward?

Different resources!

Different realms!

This is very important!


The king and the spirit said in the heart that they are not copying the old gods and other gods, but they are really awakening here, pushing to the virtual star gods, and this virtual heaven is the opportunity.


Just as Ling Feng was about to open, the other three gods flew in, and they fell in front of Ling Feng. They said with a smile. "The west cave seems to be more suitable for me. I don't know what the three are?"

"This is exactly what the deity means!"

"The west is bright."

The three gods of Lingfeng were stunned for a long while, and they looked at the other three gods with sorrow. They felt a sorrow in their hearts. How inferior to be able to do this kind of thing? The wizards who used to be on the stars are willing to be oppressed at this moment.

Is the virtual star really strong enough to make them humble?

How far can they go?

No wonder these other stars have not been able to reach the virtual star gods in these years. Even these strengths are even more powerful. I am afraid that there is no courage to challenge the virtual star gods.

"Do you want it?" Ling Feng looked at the three gods, and his mouth was licking.


One of the gods said, he did not notice the sneer of the corner of his mouth.

"You want it, that belongs to you."

Ling Feng didn't care, said: "We don't need it, the west is too dark, the north is too cold, the south is too weak, we come from the east, naturally we have to sit in the east."


The three gods opened their mouths, but they didn't know how to interface, but they knew that this person would be unlucky.

All the time.

Other stars and gods are not as good as the virtual star gods. If they really pick them up, it is just a self-deprecating, and they don't want to confront the forces on the virtual star. It is very idiotic.


This character is different. He came strong and didn't care about the north side of the west house, but the south side could not see it, but he wanted to go straight to the east.

The tone is big, but the death is terrible!

"Three, don't come, do you know the consequences?" One of the gods advised.

"You are despicable, don't persuade others?" Lingkong indifferent smile, they are not the last life, they lived bloody, Lingfeng conquered the Daoshan, and pressed the eighth day, the ninth In the battlefield of the sky, the entire Hengtian Star is no longer the previous one.

This world!

They want to be strong and live!

This world!

They have to make a day on the virtual star!


The three gods were red, and then they snorted and said, "You will regret it!"


They flew out and stayed away from the three gods of Lingfeng, only because they knew the proud gods of the virtual stars, and only by the words of Ling Feng, these gods would choose to do it.

"Humble your knees, you won't be respected by others, it will only make others more despised!"

Ling Feng sighed lowly.. "To be strong, strong can make opponents bow down and let them bow down!"

His voice is like a mosquito fluttering its wings, very subtle, and in a noisy scene, the sound is instantly obscured, only the king and the spirit near him can hear clearly.

They looked at each other and knew that Ling Feng was really irritated. The three great wizards were not here. If Ling Feng did his best, the audience was really not enough to fight.

"This rhythm is very positive!"

The oriental poetry and poetry are full of smiles, a bit silly, and people can't see the true intentions of their hearts. She has been looking at the winds before, so she did not hear clearly, she heard very clearly.


This is the direct feeling of oriental poetry. Those who dare to say such words are either blood-stained or pushed to the virtual star god. No one has ever done it before, but now there are people who dare to stand up.

God's Spirit!

If she had a different position, she would like to applaud now.

"What are you going to say!"

When the voice of Lingfeng fell, there was a **** on the side of the virtual star, ignoring the wind, the horror of the gods, as if to eat Lingfeng, the arrogant attitude of the condescending The king, the spirit can not help but face a cold, a suffocating is emerging.

"Three caves in the east, we are set!"

Ling Feng’s strong opening completely ignores the attitude of the imaginary gods, and said wildly and wildly, full of unbearable power.

"Not satisfied?"

The **** sneered, and the sin test said. "That will hit you!"


His body flashed and appeared in the face of Ling Feng in an instant. He punched straight into the face of Ling Feng, and he was so quick that he was shocked. The boxing style was even more powerful. He only opened up and teared open space. A black hole, then the black hole ignited, and the fire devours the black hole, forming a fire hole.

And this punch is from the fire hole, and Wei Li is exploding. If you hit the door on the Ling Feng face, his handsome company will be directly disfigured.

Ling Feng once swore that whoever dares to destroy his handsome looks, he will destroy his life!

"I used to think that everything should be reasonable. Later I figured out that not everyone is willing to listen to the truth, at least... should let them calm down and listen!" Ling Feng sounds cold, full of blood and madness, then he Raise your fists.

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