Supreme Demon

Chapter 1933: Brute force!

Raise your fist!

This is the response of Ling Feng!

His momentum collapsed, and it was a punch. The punch didn't have any momentum. It was like the momentum that was completely crushed by the boxing force that flew out of the fire hole. The punching of the opposite face was so dazzling. How weak is it.

It seems that a child is punching a character who is in his prime.


The surrounding gods are indifferent, and there is no such thing as putting Ling Feng in their eyes. If the boxing force can suppress the **** on the virtual star, they will dare to eat their fists. The fierce battle is about momentum and strength. It is not reflected in the punch of Ling Feng.


They totally do not believe that Ling Feng can suppress the geniuses on the virtual star.

"Frenzy, but he has such capital!"

The poetry of the oriental poetry is bright, and the human body will not be able to take advantage of the strength of the Lingfeng boxing, and she can clearly sense that the **** of the virtual star is eye-catching, and the punch of Lingfeng has returned to the truth, that is Two distinct realms.

The king and the spirit are full of contempt, and if the dead metamorphosis is so easy to be overwhelmed, are they suppressed?

With metamorphosis on the punch?

Ha ha!


A tremor, the two fists slammed into the slamming, and the smashing smashed, the mountain river collapsed on the spot. If it was not a void road, there would be a suppression of the road, fearing that the entire mountain would collapse.

Ling Feng did not move, his attitude was indifferent, and the **** of the virtual star was flying backwards, his fists trembled, like flesh and blood on the fine gold, the cold sweat of the pain, and the strength of his fist was When Ling Feng’s fist pressed over, it was instantly annihilated.

Strong and violent!

Looking at the Lingfeng, which is outstanding, and the gods are like jade, the faces of the gods suddenly changed. I didn’t expect this inconspicuous **** to have such power, and even able to press the first god.

"Refining the gods!"

Xu Hao, the **** of the virtual star, looked at Ling Feng and pinched his fist with a painful face. His face was filled with a sigh of breath. "The flesh and blood is strong, it is really difficult to deal with, but just refining is not enough!"

His body flashed and he directly killed Ling Feng. At this time, he was full of fists. He was very clear and true. There was only one fist in the real fist. The others were phantoms.

no doubt.

Xu Hao is very clever. He knows that Ling Feng is a refining god, and his flesh and blood are not comparable to him. Therefore, he will play his own speed, even if his opponent is indestructible, he will also play a blood hole in his body.


Ling Feng mouth sneaked a sneer, he knew that this is not a phantom, every punch is true, if he really regards it as a phantom, that is the real entry.


He is quiet, flashing fast, and his fist is fiercely punched, punching and punching, no slower than Xu Hao’s punch, directly welcoming, power is almost the same, and the oriental poetry is also a bright.

......A few loud noises, Xu Hao is like a lightning bolt, flying out, the fist is bent at this moment, the mourning sounds through the whole sky, and Ling Feng does not let him like this, but a strong upward, one foot On the face of Xu Hao, annihilating the horrible sound, letting you not talk about how handsome the face is.



When Xu Hao fell from the void, the whole virtual sky was in front of a quiet house. People looked at Xu Hao with inconspicuous thoughts. It was not a reaction at the same time. The fierce battle came faster and ended faster.

Ling Feng means old and fierce, directly exploding Xu Hao.

A **** on the virtual star fell to his feet like this, and was beaten very fiercely!

"I want to stay in Dongfu Dongfu, who has different opinions?"

Ling Feng is cold-eyed to the Quartet. He does not care about the gods on the virtual star. Although he wants to be low-key, the rule of the empty channel is like this. He wants to use a real power if he wants a far-reaching future.

of course.

Ling Feng did not show the strength of the world, especially the hollow, hollow particles and the void blood. It was only pressed by the gods and gods. This is the **** of the gods that was tempered by the endless resources and the virtual road. Even the second **** wants to shake. It is not easy, let alone the first-class god.

"Hugh think!"

Suddenly, an old **** flew out, the momentum is like a rainbow, pulling out the sword, straight to the wind, Xu Hao is too naive, the horrible body of the refining **** is just a body?


When the old **** came up, he used the weapon, intending to open the wind, let him be physically strong, and he could not be opposed to the knife, otherwise it would be looking for death.


Ling Feng is so strong, he meets with his fists, and he has a faint sense of space, and the whole world is grayed out, and the invincible force is rushing toward the old god.


The punch fell on the weapon, and it made a metal vibrato. The God of God shook his arms and was full of horror. I didn’t expect that Ling Feng had honed the flesh and blood to such a degree. It was hard to smash with the weapon of the gods. How terrible?

next moment.

He flew thirty feet, his feet fell on the ground, stepping on a deep pit, and even letting the gods crack.

"A brute force, afraid of you?"

Ling Feng is quite arrogant and despise the old god. If you say it, you can kill people. People are vomiting old blood.

They are gods.

Who is proud of brute force? That is a coward, it is a simple idiot with a well-developed mind.


The idiot who had been insulted by him, now beating him with a fist, seems to be saying that brute force can beat you, but let's use IQ.


At this moment, every **** on the virtual star has this feeling.

"court death!"

The old **** was provoked, and the force of force suddenly came out, forming a madness against the wind, and the air was swaying, tearing the lines directly, and then the wild power was like a flood, and it surged out.

"A sword fairy!"

The spirit of the old **** is bursting, quite powerful, especially in a sword fairy, adding a touch of sacred heroic, and then, flying a sly fairy in the sword, the momentum is shocked, and the pressure is 30,000.

He slammed into Ling Feng, and Wei Li was completely different from the previous one.

"Bad, that's pretty much!"

Ling Feng said in his heart that his boxing is like a dragon, and his body space is concealing in his hands. He carries this power. Ling Feng hits a sword on the sword. It is exactly the moment that the road collapses. .


Half-day is collapsed, and the shiny lines on the ground are suppressing this kind of fierce battle. Lingfeng still does not move, and the old **** is disappearing quickly, and a slamming sound falls on a mountain in the distance.


People were completely shocked. I didn't expect Ling Feng to be terrible to this extent. A pair of fists seemed to be omnipotent in seconds and seconds. Even if a sword was in front of this boxing, it would only be a bow.

More importantly, people just saw a magical power, faintly like a mist, but in an instant they will be able to disintegrate the power of a sword fairy, so that Ling Feng's fist is not injured, and that the strong is indeed shocked by the presence of the gods.

“Power seems to be more different than before!”

The oriental poetry shouted in her heart. Now she is very certain that Ling Feng is hiding. It is just that it is easy for the flesh and blood to suppress the two gods on the virtual star.

This requires strong field control and an excellent vision.

Such a terrible **** is still to be hidden, and the intention in his heart must be shocked.

"The second, who else?"

Ling Feng held his fist and despised the audience. He directly confronted the gods on the virtual star, but did not look to the oriental poetry. He wanted to hide, and the oriental poetry was hidden. The two did not want to be right.

"I come!"

Unconsciously, the gods on the virtual star began to look at the wind, not the previous look.


However, he was just playing, he was directly killed by Ling Feng, the invincible fist blasted a day, directly throwing his opponent into it, using the debris and madness in the space crack to kill the opponent, and after the opponent appeared, he The ankles are out and the opponent is exploding on the spot.

The third god!

"I am on!" The fourth **** flies out, which is a bit more powerful than the previous three, but it has no effect on Ling Feng. He punches out, the body space is concealed and shining, directly disintegrating the opponent's power. It will fly a thousand miles and bloody.

"Next person!"

Ling Feng's spirit is very popular, quite a bit of the taste of Jiangshan, how about the **** of the virtual star? In his current realm, he can despise the first-class gods. If you do your best, even the oriental poetry will be bloody.

"This is a coward!" someone said in a gloomy voice.


Commonly known as two scorpions, Shantou Qing!

The current Ling Feng gives them this feeling. Whoever disobeys and fights is quite wild. The four gods and blood are proving his terrible.

"court death!"

However, there are too many geniuses on the virtual star. They are completely afraid of the wind, and they are strong, and they are pressing against the heavens and the earth. A bow smashes the sky and the moon is so embarrassing. If you don’t care about the blood, he really I want to do my best to suppress it.

This is the place where the spirits and the king are curious. This is a very wrong thing. They know that the most terrible place in Lingfeng is not flesh and blood, but the invincible power. But at this moment, he did not do his best.

What do you want to do with this shipment?


After half an hour, the fifth **** fell, covered in blood, and Lingfeng chest was also stained with blood, adding a touch of blood and beauty, and this battle allowed the gods to see the limits of the wind, some gods are Flexing your muscles.

"You are Ling Feng?"

At this moment, the hollow disciple who had been watching with cold eyes asked.

"I am Ling Feng!"

"Very good, you can press the five gods, you can stay in Dongfu Dongfu!" said the empty disciple. "However, Dongfu was born with a challenge rule. Now, you may not be able to suppress it."

"At least, I can try!" Ling Feng said with a smile. He knew his own challenge and made the disciple a very uncomfortable.


What is he afraid of? I want to challenge and win the Dongfu, then let's fight, right?

of course.

If it is urgent, Ling Feng will challenge the mountain from the foot of the mountain and completely expel a **** from the hollow house!


After that, the empty disciple turned to the king and the spirit, and said, "You want to try too?" Good night.

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