Supreme Demon

Chapter 1946: Despise any substance and power

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This is the most tragic battle for the king and the spirit. The unpredictability of the drunken soup is not imaginable, and its madness is beyond imagination.

The king, the spirit of the gods and bones are broken, want to get up, but can only be depressed and vomiting blood.

The whisper is half-waste, and my heart is lamented.

How many gods and gods like her will do their best to save her life? Her insistence is arrogant, but the arrogance here is also abolishing her "fire", and she thinks a little more, such soup, can God suppress it?

In the gods.

Qin Feng is one of the most miserable ones. The top true **** is like an ant in front of the gods. The strength is not enough to see, and Qin Feng, who is damaged by Dantian and blood is counter-current, is afraid to be truly abolished.

of course.

Such a squatting character will naturally not be placed in the eyes of these gods. No one will value the life and death of the servants and their descendants, as if their lives are not life, not worth the money.

"How can soup wine appear?"

In the void, the oriental poetry is frowning. This person is still too bloody. What she wants is to force the wind to come to the court, instead of offending Ling Feng. If this person attaches great importance to his majesty, then things will change. It’s tricky.

At that time, the price of oriental poetry would be even greater.


She does not know the importance that Ling Feng attaches to Qin Feng. Qin Feng is the head of the world, and it is an important figure in the layout of the devil in the virtual star. If Qin Feng is killed, the first step of the rebellion will fall. .

How much blood can I fill in to make up for it?

How much life can you sacrifice to recover?

This is not only angering the wind, but also angering the gods!

Blood hate, when using blood to clean!

"Not so serious?"

Ling Yun said on one side: "Ling Feng is very indifferent to this true God. He is usually cold-speaking, but he attaches great importance to the little Loli rain, it seems to be his sister."

"That's good!"

The oriental poetry is slightly exhaled. Fortunately, the little loli is not here, otherwise it is really necessary to provoke the wind.

"Lingfeng waste wood?"

The soup wine looked proud, despised the audience, and looked coldly at the main building, saying, "Come out and die!"


There was no turbulence in the main building. There was no one in the Buddha. Just as the soup couldn’t help but want to step into the main building and push the cave, the main building suddenly glowed, and the two figures stepped out. The footsteps are heavy, even if you are far away, you can hear clearly.

They are dull.

Their face is frosty.

They are full of anger!

Although Ling Feng has always been in Dongfu, when he walked out of Dongfu, he was able to clearly sense the momentum of drunkenness, as well as the tragic words, the tragic blood of Qin Feng, and he was too late to rescue.


The **** momentum in his heart is igniting, the **** field on his body is burning, the other is hidden, going to his uncle's imaginary star god, this moment Lingfeng has no hidden thoughts, only the blood of the world.

She wants to see it, then let it look completely!

She wants to persecute, let him know how heavy this price will be!

To the virtual star!

At this moment, Ling Feng only wants them to know what is the pain!

"I am here!"

Ling Feng swaggered out and walked out of the main building, facing the soup, but only at a glance, then flew to the king, the spirit, and asked. "How are you injured?"

"I can't die for the time being!"

The king vomited blood and said. "But, it will be handed over to you!"

"I'm very angry!"

Lingkong glared at the soup and said to Ling Feng. "Ling Feng, completely scrapped him!"

"it is good!"

Ling Feng didn't say much, turned and flew to the whisper, picked her up, and said softly. "Nothing to worry about, this is what I owe you, I will cure you, let you have contempt for this world." capital!"

The heart of the wit is warm, looking at the face that is close at hand, and suddenly wants to cry.

She insists!

But she hopes to get more attention. She did not find it in the gods of the virtual star, but found it in this body.

Ling Feng handed the whisper to the rain, and then handed over a storage space and said, "Take her up!"


He flew to Qin Feng and looked at the fierce picture of the flesh and blood. His eyes suddenly became bloody, and the murderousness was more abundant. Others could know the importance of Qin Feng. The need for Qin Feng was needed, and Qin Feng was needed against the gods. Guwu needs Qin Feng more.

Too many needs, then do not allow any problems!

Because of the suspicion and forced thinking of the oriental poetry, Qin Feng was seriously injured and dying. It is likely to be abolished. This is the bottom line in tearing the heart of Ling Feng. When he starts not wearing the bottom and pants, that is His crazyest moment!

It's now!

Just at the moment!

"Oh, that's interesting!"

Ling Feng picked up the **** Qin Feng and handed it to the rain. Suddenly said, "I want to save him anyway. As for this blood hate, I will clean them one by one. They don't want to, they are very proud, then these will be It’s all gone!”


Falling in the solemn head of the rain, and then holding the whisper and Qin Feng disappeared, but the king and the spirit are dragged out of the battlefield. She knows that this brother is really going crazy, and with the terrible power of his power, even the three great wizards It must be bleed when it appears.

"Waste wood, either smash, or die!"

Tang wine despise Ling Feng, did not pay attention to it, Zhang mad, he also feels that Ling Feng is the king's level.

"rest assured!"

Lingfeng stepped forward step by step, his mouth glared at Sen cold and **** smile.. "I won't make you jealous, let alone you bow down, all I want is your blood and your flesh!"

"court death!"

The soup was suddenly angered, and the mouth spewed out a sip of water. The endless force ignited in it and violently pressed against Ling Feng. This was a sip of the king and the spirit, and it was the second contempt attitude.


Ling Feng is different from the king, and it is different from the spirit. He raises his hand and it is a punch. The fist is completely burned, and it is burning and burning. It has a space on it, and it burns empty. force.

Qin Feng and Wu Yu used life to interpret the anger in Ling Feng's heart. At this moment, he only needs blood!


The drinks were scattered, and the punches were completely cleaned, and the fists did not stop. In an instant, they appeared in front of the soup, and the sound fell on their drunk face. The power of terror made the wine face collapse on the spot. Blood and tears flow.


The soup wine fell three thousand feet, and the miserable sorrow sounded through the whole sky, and people were shocked to fall down. What is going on?

Five second, the characters who are valued by the three great wizards are so vulnerable.

They thought that it would be Ling Feng to fall down the blood.

"Five second, huh!"

Lingfeng eyes are red, the **** figure seems to be igniting, the blood is back, the void path is looming, and when his voice falls, it has already used the speed of the inch, so fast that the gods will suffocate.


This is the second punch!

The body of the soup is like a boat in the sea. It flies three hundred miles and smashes a mountain. Even if the lines are torn in this box, the strength of the hole is extraordinary, affecting the whole block. The door may be difficult, but it is still possible to tear up a few lines of emperor.

"蝼 ants, I will make you die very rhythm!"

The soup was flying in the air, and the anger was unstoppable, and the space on the body finally appeared, like a drop of wine evolved and magnified, and it appeared in front of him.


He grabbed the wine gourd at the waist and opened the gourd mouth. The wine was full of the sky, filled with the whole sky, and the three hundred miles were all in it. It merged with the previous space to form nine spaces. The power is quite the same, but the atmosphere is comparable. One of them is true.

Even the second-level gods are hard to distinguish.


The soup wine is holding a gourd, urging nine spaces, and banned from killing Lingfeng. That is the world’s imposing manner, and it’s not a lifetime. The ghosts are screaming at this moment, and Wandao is collapsing.

This space is more terrible than Haotian and Yan Yan!


Ling Feng blinked and smiled, and it was crazy.. "Then you will completely scrape you in your most confident place!"

call out!

The inch fairy shines, and it has already appeared in front of the nine space in an instant. Then there is a space on the Lingfeng fist, and the hole is finally completely born. The stars are a little bit, and the scent of the wild is fascinating.


He punched out, the mountain shouted, the sound of the heavens roared, the hollow power was fully displayed, and the heavens were trembled, and when it appeared, the nine spaces of the soup were actually broken. Can the illusory space withstand the empty sky?

next moment.

Lingfeng Boxing carried the empty giant force and slammed into the wine gourd space. There was no fierce slamming sound. Only the shattering and fierce sound, the punch directly broke the space of the wine gourd, and then the strong smashed in the soup wine. Body.


A bang, mixed with the squeaking sound of soup, the punch penetrated the body of the soup, shredded the five internal organs, the terrible hollow is to destroy the blood of the soup, let it violently bloody, fallen on a spot On the mountain, I have not climbed up for a long time.

Despise any matter and space!

This is the hollow and the wind that has been baptized by immortality.

People completely stunned, even if the oriental poetry was shocked, I did not expect that Lingfeng would be crazy to this extent, to this extent, the space made her feel scared, and the sacred space seemed to swell in the moment of its swing. Hey.

To the virtual star, the gods were silent, and they felt the pressure for the first time.

The mountains and the stars are bright, but many people still choose to be silent.

"Injury my brother, I want to marry me, I will let you know what you will pay!"

Ling Feng strode to the soup wine that was vomiting blood. One foot fell on his chest and condescended, and the **** was stabbing the self-esteem of the soup. He would be despised by a mountain village star god.

"Do not!"


Ling Feng slaps the palm of the soup on the face of the wine, leaving his teeth falling off and bloody, and his face is collapsed.


Lingfeng and another slap in the face of the soup wine, let its skin fall off, the bones shattered, the whole face is completely unfamiliar, that is, the soul is greatly affected. good night.

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