Supreme Demon

Chapter 1947: The wolf is eating meat for thousands of miles.

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This is the terrible place of this fierce battle!

Ling Feng is proud of the world, only two punches will suppress the second soup of Wu Zun, the strong posture makes the face of the audience all shocked, they have never imagined this scene, a **** is actually wild To this extent, I completely ignore the space of the **** of soup, and kill it with a punch.

That violent style, how many gods lost.

"How could this be?"

Some of the virtual stars can not accept such an ending, Wu Zun was suppressed by the second, is being greeted by the mountain village star god, the slap in the face, the face is also drawn.

The pain is terrible!

More importantly, they know that the soup is doing its best, and Lingfeng has not, just two punches to kill the soup, which is what other gods can do?

at least.

The power of being in the first level of the gods is also the character of the three great wizards, which makes people very stressed.

"Sufficient taste!"

Some of the gods in the mountain village can't help but sneak a sneak peek. The horrible chill of the punch to the flesh makes them happy. After many years, they think that one day they can sneak into the face of the gods.

They didn't do it, but Lingfeng did it!

"Not quite right!"

The poetry of the oriental poetry was shocked and realized that things were being pushed in an uncontrollable direction. Ling Feng’s reaction was much more intense than she had imagined. She knew that Ling Feng had previously been low-key, but at the moment it was really strong. There is absolutely no need for low-key.

"Things are getting tricky!"

Her mouth was pumping, and some headaches said: "I am miscalculated. This character is different. He attaches great importance to his subordinates and servants. He also attaches great importance to the two gods."

There is still a sentence in the oriental poetry that has not been said. "Fortunately, the rain is not here, otherwise God knows where the **** is going crazy."


It is the current situation that is a headache. The idiot of soup wine hurts the servant and his majesty, and completely angers the wind, and the role he plays in it can not be seen by the character of the shrewd guy.

This is a killing game and a suicide bureau.

If she does not force Ling Feng to the point where she is running out of water, she will not have the need to appear, and she does not have the power to prove that Ling Feng can completely suppress the situation.

At that time, Ling Feng reacted to this issue from her hand, will she choose to vote?

not to mention.

Is the person with such peerless power really able to control it? Such a character is low-key, is his ambition just this?

“Either it’s not dazzling, or it’s dazzling!”


The poetry of the oriental poetry was straight, and I thought of this terrible possibility. The head was even more painful. She thought that it was a pig that was forced to come out. I didn’t expect it would be a wolf. The wolf would eat meat for a thousand miles, when its tooth decay appeared. That is the beginning of blood disaster.

Battlefield center.

Ling Feng Shenmu Sensen, he stepped on the chest of the soup wine, hollowed out, directly suppressing his entire body, and then he slaps and then slaps the face of the soup.


A crisp sound, the skin is fleshy.


A loud noise, **** and fuzzy!


A burst of blast, the bones of the bones shattered.

At this moment, the strong wind of Ling Feng was a mess, the head of the soup was collapsed, and the face was full of blood and tears. The face that was not handsome was twisted at this moment. This picture made people heart straight.

however. Ling Feng did not let the soup drink like this, but he smashed his internal organs with one foot, grabbed the arm of the soup wine with one hand, and suddenly slammed it, and it sounded crisp and screamed with soup and wine. The arm was torn off, bloody, irregular tears, even the bones

Crushed by the wind.

"Do you dare to kill me?"

The soup was smashed and twitched and asked. "This is a void road. If you kill me, you can't live!"

"Who cares?"

Ling Feng underestimated, but the anger in his heart was madly smashed. If the leader of the wilderness was tragic, the whole **** would be mad, and this culprit was still fearless. Is it true that he does not dare to kill the gods?

Void anger?

come on!

Then let the real "empty sky" fly together!


Another sound is crisp, Ling Feng tears the other arm of the soup wine, and the dripping blood makes the hearts of the gods pump more. Is this a **** or a demon king, how can it be so violent to this extent?

Is he going to tear the soup into pieces?


Ling Feng did not stop here, but to tear the legs of the soup directly, and the bones were pinched, and then referred to as a knife, the knife cut off the head of the soup, let the body of the body two points, the whole body is like Five horses are divided into corpses.


The soup was so fierce that it was stunned on the spot. Although the injury did not cause a **** to die, the dying is serious, and it will not recover for a long time. Even if it recovers, there is no top resource and magic. The potential and strength of soup wines are weak.

This is to abolish the soup!

At this moment, many of the gods of the virtual star trembled. This year's three mountain village gods are different from the past. They not only face up to the virtual star gods, but also show their fierce side. They dare to target him and they are completely abolished.


Ling Feng kicked the head of the soup wine and let it hang on a mountain.

"It's enough!"

An old **** of lightning appeared on his face, and his face had an irresistible anger. "Do you dare to abandon the soup?"

"Don't dare, I just did this!" Ling Feng proudly looked at the void, directly against the god, what about the six-level god?

"Do you really think that I dare not kill you?" The old **** was angry and shouted.

"Don't dare!"

Ling Feng bluntly said, "I can drag your entire power by yourself, you don't believe it, come over and get rid of me!"


The old **** is full of convulsions, and I can’t wait to kill Ling Feng on the spot. The rules of the empty road are like this. The new disciples can challenge each other and challenge the gods of the last session, but put an end to the gods of the previous session. Challenge this god.

Just because.

There are too many differences in the realm, and the arrogance and confidence of the new gods will be completely destroyed. How much potential can the gods who lose their spirits have?

This is the protection of the new god, and it is quite strict.

Even the three major clan will not challenge the rules of the empty channel, which will affect the entire clan's entire power, which is quite unfavorable.

of course.

There is no such rule if it is at the same level.

"Hey, this account first remembers that when you step into this realm, you must take it off!" The old god, screaming, flew to the head of the soup, and put his body together, though flesh and blood. Blurring, but still able to recover.

However, the soup that is so badly hurt is worried about the future.

"That will wait!"

Ling Feng said strongly. "However, I think you should find a more concealed place and kill me directly. Otherwise, when I step into the sixth-level god, you will have no chance!"


The old **** only felt that the scalp was blowing. This person was too stunned. In public, he debunked his mind and despised him. It would be a spike to threaten to be in the same realm.


At this juncture, I said that there are many mistakes.

"Do you really feel that you are invincible this time? I am a lot of stars and arrogance, and sooner or later someone will stand up and take you off!"

The old God is very cautious, did not mention the three great characters, like those savvy characters will be forced to stand up to suppress the wind because of the momentum, afraid to remember to hate him, then what do people want to do, why do he To tell the finger?

"Why wait for them?"

Ling Feng scornfully said: "If you are willing, you can completely suppress the realm and fight with me at the same level!"

"Either you get rid of me, or I tear you apart!"


The old **** of the gods is mad, is there any more vicious than this?

In public, challenge yourself to fight with the same level. If he is really doing it, fear is the real idiot. Although his potential is not weak, it is equivalent to the level of soup and wine. Isn't that looking for death?

This is even more ugly!


The old **** is embarrassed and difficult to ride.


Just as he frowned, a voice sounded. "Why do you want to kill the gods, I will kill you!"

Hearty and mixed with smiles.

A **** of heaven and earth like a jade flies down, his face is filled with a faint smile, the momentum is collapsed, the world is arrogant, and the gods are swallowed, and the stalks come to the opposite side of Lingfeng, let Tianyu lose color and let the ground shine. .

Laughing God Bai Yuheng!

This is the first master of the five, the mysterious whereabouts, second only to the original three great wizards, a smile and a country, this is not its beauty, but the laughter of the world, it is reported that some people in the five have challenged white jade Heng, but was suppressed by his laughter.

This is a legend that even the drunken soup does not dare to challenge!

"Yu Heng, is you?"

The old **** of heaven is a happy face, and it is backwards and quietly, and the battlefield must be given out.


Ling Feng did not want to let him go, said: "There must always be a first come, then you threaten to suppress me, then we must suppress the realm, let us divide life and death?"

"...your uncle, deceiving too much!"

The old goddess wants to marry her, this cargo is completely eyeing him, not endless, to beat him to waste wood in the realm of the first-class god, and if he is irritated, he is really doing this, afraid of the trap of the middle wind.

But if he does not bear it, he will be despised by people.

"Tang Tian Shen will put you in your eyes?"

Bai Yuheng smiled indifferently.. "That is too important for you. If you want to kill you, why do I need to go to the virtual star gods? I kill you enough!"


He did not give the opportunity to open the wind, striding forward, the momentum of the body slammed, the strong momentum directly pressed to Ling Feng, to turn the tide here, let the virtual star regain confidence.


Ling Feng blinked, and the corner of his mouth smacked a smug sneer. "Five first, but what about?"


Laughing God's face is a stiff, this is the second time someone does not put him in the eye, the first time in which year? It seems that the opponent’s grave has grown grass, right? And Ling Feng is the second!

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