Supreme Demon

Chapter 1989: Ask again!


Almost as soon as Ling Feng entered the virtual sky, the whole virtual sky was boiling, only because the pictures of the hundreds of Tianshan appeared, crossing the whole virtual sky, earth-shattering, attracting the gods of the virtual heavens to fly, want to find The mysterious god.


When they flew, they had already gone to the mountains and air, leaving the regrets of the sky.


Ling Feng stepped in a foot, and fell in a mountain, where the proud bird has been waiting for a long time, with a big cloak, covering up the handsome face that Ling Feng wants to hit him, face full of laughter, can It’s really fun to meet here.

"They are coming?"

The proud bird greets the front and looks at the fingers of Ling Feng, where the light flashes, it is the spirit of the beads.


Ling Feng’s forehead said, “Death and rain are different creatures, so they will not be suppressed by this virtual Tiantian. The spirit beads can be completely sealed, and they can use the gods as long as I like. Penetrate the beads and feel the four sides."

"That's as soon as possible!"

Tsundere said eagerly, he only wants to know what kind of situation is that Shou Tianshan, as long as it is not a live tomb, it is beneficial to them.


Ling Feng was the forehead, and he quickly flew to Shoutianshan in a short time.

"Death, rain is about to see your performance at this moment." Ling Feng's fingers trembled, the clearing of the light flashed, the lingering beads on the misty atmosphere, and the rain and death appeared in the fog .

This is just a virtual body.

"Check it out, there is no strange door and dead air here!" Ling Feng asked.


Death is not ridiculous, he is the most loyal subordinate, Ling Feng is flying, naturally to bring the death, but the death is equivalent to the dead, will not be suppressed by Qimen, not even sensed, and the devouring bead is another piece Space can suppress the dead air.

of course.

More importantly, the **** of death is only a true god. It has not yet entered the gods, and will not be sensed by the Tianshan Mountains. However, Ling Feng is very much looking forward to it. The **** of death can alarm the picture of the Tianshan Mountains.

The dead and the fairy are not bound by the virtual heaven, which is why the gods can take away the treasure resources in the virtual sky, but the creatures can't.


Sixteen top powers are solving this problem.

"Don't worry, the rain will do its best."

Falling in the rain waving a small fist, quite simply said.

next moment.

They entered the Shoutian Mountain, and the feelings of falling rain and death were all unfolding, flying in all directions, and Ling Feng was doing his best to use the body to suppress the spirit of the gods and the **** of death, worrying that it was really a living tomb, that The first creature may start with the two.


They are fast, and they are thousands of miles in the blink of an eye. They are approaching the center of Shoutian Mountain. They are different from the last time. At this moment they are coming in from another direction, and the arrogant bird seems to feel this atmosphere and actively guards the body next to Ling Feng. If there is a change, he will do his best.

Half awkward.

They came to the center, the **** of death and the rain were full of seriousness, and the cold sweat was on their foreheads. The pressure to exert this sense of consciousness was still great. Although they have not yet sensed anything, there is always a very shocking feeling. .

After a few hours.

They walked through the Shoutian Mountain and came to the edge, until it was dead and rainy.

"What did you find?" Tsundere asked eagerly, this is about his future.

"A bit fuzzy!" said the rain and frowning, if the real body should come in, it will be more clear.

"What about you?"

The proud bird shook his head in disappointment and asked again to death.

“It’s really vague!”

The **** of death pondered for a moment, saying, "However, I did feel some dead air here."

“Is there really a dead air?” The proud face of the bird is a joy, which means that Shou Tianshan may be a tomb, and the real dragon may have been killed.

"I can't be sure, I want to go again." Death said dullly.

"I also have this meaning!"

Raining nodded and said seriously. "However, the focus of this time should not be placed on the Shoutian Mountain, but as far as possible in the heavens or the geocentric space."


Suddenly, Ling Feng and the proud birds are stunned. When they come up, they look at the Shoutian Mountain, and ignore a very important place, that is, the sky and the geocentric space. I thought that the wolf's tomb was not in the void. ?

Even the beasts can find ways to bury the mausoleum in the void, Tianzun characters?

How much heavy space will it tear?

The geocentric space is even more different. Sometimes the geocentric is a more terrible place than the sky. The space is suppressed by how much force, it will become stronger and more terrible, and it is harder to find the true dragon to bury itself in the earth.


Ling Feng nodded, directly rising into the sky, strong suppression, tearing a heavy space, walking through the space, and even using the power of interception, let this rhythm speed up, and cross in a short time.


He flew to the Shoutian Mountain, and Tianli directly broke through the Shoutian Mountain and walked through the lightning.


One day later, he rushed up the rock and flew directly out of the Shoutian Mountain. His face was slightly pale. The heart of the Shoushan Mountain did have terrible pressure, and his strength was quickly weakened. The rain and death of the gods were Even more miserable, the power is being quickly weakened.


Ling Feng did not dare to delay, the first time he walked away, he finally knew the difference between the Tianshan Mountains, the underground is different, it seems that there are different mountains and rivers flowing in the sun and the moon, forming another piece of mountain and river.

With just a dozen breaths, he flew out of the Shoutian Mountain with the proud bird and flew directly into the distance.

Until five thousand miles later, Ling Feng stopped and released the rain and death to ask questions.

"Have you ever felt it?"


The first opening of the rain, said: "Although not strong, but in the heart of the earth is different, it should be another space opened up, I smell the smell of ghosts, it is quite dangerous."

"What about you, death?" asked the proud bird.

"The death is very heavy!" The **** of death did not conceal, and he pondered for a moment.

"So, this is indeed a tomb?" The proud bird is ecstatic, although that Qimen is very dangerous, but as long as he does his best, it is possible to open.

“Is it heavy?”

Ling Feng is not as optimistic as the proud bird, but a heavy question.

"Not heavy enough!" The **** of death should be.

So Ling Feng understands that there is dead air but not heavy enough. What does this mean? This kind of deadness appeared in the tomb of the gods, that is the tomb of the dead, but it is not right in the unfathomable true dragon tomb, only the gods, or the dead of the heavenly spirit, which proves that in the tomb The creature is either half dead or still alive, and Ling Feng speculates that he is half dead.

More likely.

“Is there really a living thing?”

The smile of the proud face of the bird stopped abruptly and asked with a frown.

“Not sure, but there is such a possibility.”

The **** of death explained: "I can't feel much because of the seal of Inqimen, but some people deliberately do this, the purpose is not simple, or be careful."


The arrogant bird sighs, the meaning of death is to persuade him to give up, such a powerful Qimen, even if the half-dead creatures are enough to swallow them into slag, the result of forcible intrusion will most often die very badly.

Does he not know?

Can you just give up, can he be willing?

"No need to be so pessimistic!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Shou Tianshan is here. It must be a dragon tomb. It can't run away. As long as you are strong enough, you can use it."

"Can't wait!"

The proud bird said with a bitter taste. "Although the potential is very strong, it is subject to some care, but it is far less than the real dragon. If it is strong, it will be troublesome."

"If you are looking for treasure, it is not impossible!"

Ling Feng said seriously. "Now our strength is not enough, it is still weak. I mean, when we ask the second-level gods, we can come and explore. If we can enter, I will accompany you in. If things can't be done, Then you have to wait."

"Wait a minute?"

"To borrow the power of other people!" Ling Feng said with a smile. "When the Tomb is born, some top gods always have to do something."

"But, that's the treasure resource..."

"The resources of the treasure are important, and it can be unimportant. As long as the real dragon is bloody, that is enough."

Ling Feng said coldly. "The treasure is just a foreign object, and the potential is fundamental. Moreover, even if they get the resources of the treasure, they may not be able to take it back, and the price to pay is very heavy."


The proud eyes of the birds are bright and the forehead is right. This is indeed a viable solution.

"When I ask the second-level god, I have to take a look at this dragon!"

The proud bird said with a strong voice. "When I bathe the dragon, I have to suppress the real dragon!"

"Don't forget your mission."

Ling Feng has some headaches. This is a mad bird, which always makes him not relieved.

"Reassured, I have a sense of proportion."

They cherish each other and then fly to the distance. In the distance, they scatter their bodies and return to the real body.


Ling Feng long breathed a sigh of relief, the pressure of the mountain, the life of Tianshan is more terrible than he imagined, the death is not completely revealed, there is not only the problem of death, there is a horrible breath, more shocking than death.

The rain is falling, and the death is weakened by the power of the gloomy.

"Ling Shao, are you coming back?" The whispered words greeted.


Ling Feng took the towel from the whisper, and thought about it. "I have to ask again. When I am going to ask for success, there will be a breath. When you don't have to cover up, let them know."


The whispered words suddenly stunned, and some looked at Lingfeng with some incomprehensibility. Ling Feng asked her already surprised. The speed of progress is no other. The key is to ask other people to know during the process.

That is equivalent to giving a perfect excuse for those who are stunned by the imaginary star gods, and Ling Feng abolishes the soup and Bai Yuheng. Can the forces behind the two people not hate?

To the virtual star has been so insulted, they do not want to eat raw Ling Shao? good night. (

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