Supreme Demon

Chapter 1990: Second-class Tenjin!

Ask again! Ling

In the heart of the wind, there is a burning fire, and the eyes are burning. This step is to be taken sooner or later. He felt that he could wait a little longer, let the power go further and the tempering is stronger. can

! life

The appearance of the Tianshan Mountains made him a warning. This starry sky is far more complicated than he imagined. Although the 16 forces are powerful, there are still many things that they don't know, and what kind of place is the virtual sky domain?

and. because

The soup wine and Bai Yuheng have been abolished, and many forces in the virtual star have already listed it as a prey. If there is a chance, they will definitely take a bite and let Lingfeng die, so that they will not have a chance to live. Ling Feng has seriously affected the future of the virtual star. he

It is a sharp knife that is piercing the thick old skin of the virtual star, stabbing the internal organs, and the gods of the mountain village are sharks. If they let them smell the blood, they will be completely crazy, then, the virtual The glory of the star's dignity for many years is disintegrating.

Such a character, to the virtual star power, can't wait for him to die immediately, at least not let him go further. In the empty road, those power figures can't kill the wind, but it is easy to abolish him. hit

One is abolished!

Playing two games is abolished!

As long as they know the extreme strength of Lingfeng, they have been looking for an excuse to abolish the Lingfeng, and then abolish it when it recovers. To the virtual star two gods, so many years, even a decade or so It can be done, and by that time, Ling Feng’s heart is estimated to be disintegrated. Even if it does not collapse, more than a decade will be enough to ruin a potential person. poison

hot! This

It is the impression of Ling Feng on the gods of the virtual star.

Although not everyone can think of this, but the previous layout of the characters and the three great wizards, the oriental poetry is definitely one of them, Bai Yuheng, soup wine can also think of, Ling Feng has never seen the two The abolished god, the things that force can solve, the head may not be solved.

This is why Ling Feng expects soup and Bai Yuheng.

"Ling Shao, is this too risky?"

The language rushed to catch up, looking at the back of Ling Feng, frowning asked. "If you let those characters know that you are asking, then the trouble will come one after another, which is quite unfavorable to us, and Ling Shao once stepped into the second-level **** , then..."

She seems to be jealous when she wants to stop. but

Ling Feng already knows, he said with a smile. "At that time, the three great wizards of the virtual star have a reason to do it?"

"This... yes." The whispered words for a moment, nodded.

"Yes, I am different from what you think."

Ling Feng brows up, Ling Xiao said. "The three great characters, Shangguan asked Tian, ​​Zhou Qitian, Oriental Yingyu, then you guess who will be the first to do it?"

This... I can't guess. ”

The wit is frowning. I feel that Ling Feng’s question is too esoteric. The three great wizards are all proud figures. They can’t challenge the wind at the same time. Even if they beat Ling Feng, they will abolish Ling Feng and lose to the virtual star face. Do it.

What are they afraid of?

How much do they have to be inferior to do this kind of thing?

but. image

They are such wizards, their thoughts are unpredictable, and they are unpredictable. At least the whisper is that they do not know who will first start with Ling Feng.

"I guess they won't!" Ling

The wind and the gods flashed and explained: "No matter who is going to do it first, then the three great wizards are playing against each other and suppressing each other. Will they be flawed by my little people?"

"What do you mean?" Wonderful words, such a profound problem, she really can't figure out for a while. "

You do not understand! ”

Ling Feng did not explain too much, but the eyes were very deep. The game of the three great wizards is the game between the three clan. This is a delicate balance. In this case, they should be more focused on this. Not yourself.

Besides, Ling Feng is really a small person in the eyes of the three major clan. Ling Feng is very powerful, but it has not yet reached the level of letting the three great wizards pay attention. when

Of course.

If Ling Feng is more and more eye-catching, at that time, the three great wizards can't sit still. There will be a dragon fight, but can the three great wizards at that time still pose a threat to Ling Feng? wonderful

The language did not ask again, she is a clever figure, knowing that Ling Feng does not want to explain this problem. but


She knows more about the intelligence of Ling Shao, and he dares to speculate that he has certain certainty.


Sitting in the cave house. Ling

The wind is closed, the blood on the body is running wildly, and at this time there is a sky, slowly zooming in, and the gods are flying out, showing the virtual image of the world's top beasts, pushing the space and pushing the time. .

The light is not dazzling enough, but the virtual image of the beast is distorting time and space, covering up the light of heaven and earth, and not letting the situation here be born. under

A moment. Ling

The wind disappeared and appeared in the seven gates of the ancient Wuta. more

It is to open the spiriting beads, the body is sitting directly in it, the triple gods are suppressed, even if Tianzun wants to see through it is not easy, and as long as Tianzun wants to spy on it, it will surely touch the ancient Wuta and the devouring beads, all of which are Lingfeng completely. Can cover up the truth. "

Come on, ask again! Ling

The wind is crazy, he is eager to go further, not only because of him, but also the whole anti-god, the **** alone is not enough, but also needs more powerful power, and he is the person who has the obligation to prove the emperor. special

Don't be here, if you don't have enough power, you will be restrained everywhere.


The wind is overflowing and the rushing, the power of star power, aura and the wildness is wild. In a short time, the whole cave house will be set to a 12-level wind. The picture is too spectacular, and the whisper in the cave is shocked. .

"Is this the picture that God asked?" She

I am looking forward to the emergence of this day. If she had felt that this hope was very embarrassing, she had been in contact with this character since she saw Qin Feng stepping into the heavens and feeling the strong will and the fact that she was dominated by a field. The spike, she also realized this power.

It seems like it’s going to be thin out! she was

With his fists in his hands, he tried his best.

The aura is like smoke, the star power is like fog, and the scent of the wild is the star in the vast river of stars, lighting up the entire Dantian, running by the human universe, flying over a point, like carrying, and each passing a hole Then, the power will undergo an essential change and become more and more glaring.

And when they enter Dantian, they are like stars. This

Different moments!

Ling Feng is not from the true state of the gods into the heavens, the sky is too big to cross, so the whole process is quite smooth, after the aura of aura, star power, and floods, the power began to spray, and the hollow and hollow particles complement each other.

then! it

They are in the friction room, giving birth to a terrible star fire, instantly igniting the entire Dantian, began to swallow the flesh and blood of the wind, the bones, etc., and the speed is extremely fast, in a dozen breaths, the Lingfeng flooded, forming a fire man. "

what! ”

Ling Feng is so miserable, even if he has experienced such tempering, but this kind of skyfire is still more torturous than the real fire, with the power of the sky, the terrible degree is far from his imagination, even the body space can not hold this way Skyfire.

His flesh and blood disappeared quickly, and his cheekbones formed black smoke in the skyfire.

It is the spirit of the formation of Nirvana Fire that has become tremble at this moment, the fire has affected it that day, and the Taiyizhen water is completely suppressed, or is bound by the prohibition, and it is the practice of cultivating the body. The process, especially after Lingfeng formed the human universe, this practice became more cruel.

call! people

The universe operates in the void, and once it is formed, it is not so easy to disappear. Only when the wind disappears into the world, the human universe will be exhausted. and

! this

Engraved, it is running wildly, engulfing the massive aura, the star power and the flood of the caves in the void to fill the gap created by the burning of the sky, which is equivalent to accelerating the burning and adding firewood.

Needless to say.

Even if it is extraordinary, the indestructible body of the gods is disintegrating at this moment, and the speed is quite fast. In a short time, Lingfeng will only have one bone left. If it is not in the soul sea, it will be suppressed. . This

At that time, Ling Feng had no possibility of making a sound. He just insisted on...

Either work detached, or die super life!

Time measurement! Ling

There is no time concept in the wind, but the whispers in Dongfu know that this has been a whole month, the entire Dongfu has been empty, and the aura of the aura has been swallowed up, even the mountains and rivers are everywhere. Has been swallowed up, this picture is too terrible, she has never heard of any **** who will swallow so much power when asked.

This means that this cave has been abolished! too


Finally, in the second month, a ray of light shines in this lingering bead. A hollow is formed in the void, and the virtual light shrouded in the human universe flies in the position of Dantian. At the last moment, there seems to be an ancient scroll in Lingfeng's eyebrows. The power of the Tao is integrated into the hollow, making it full and different.

then. One

The figure of the road slowly formed in the void, gradually becoming real, flesh and blood, cheekbones are appearing rapidly, and the fire that burned for two full months is extinguished little by little. Only two hours, the figure will be completely true. blood

The meat is strong and the bones are like a knife! This

It is the body of the Ling Feng at this moment, and his gods are more sacred, his eyes are ashamed, as if he can penetrate the Wan Dao creatures, with the shadow of the gods in the daytime, because of the wind and the body, step into the second heaven The **** figure seems to be being touched, to be truly born.

"Secondary gods."

Ling Feng said faintly, he has waited for this day for many years, and he has to say that his progress in the empty road is much faster, thanks to the emergence of the human universe, the acceleration, and the reasons for the ruin, as long as Stay here for a few more years, he will be really strong, not afraid of any bondage.

Ps.. second later. (

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