Supreme Demon

Chapter 1993: Frustrated!

A full twenty-one god!

This is the strength of the mountain village star gods, Ling Feng strives to let them stand up, instead of letting them keep squatting, some gods feel it, and therefore they struggle hard, these 18 gods are.

in spite of.

When they face the gods of the imaginary star, they are still too weak, but they are willing to use the blood to activate the blood of the mountain village star god.


The brother of the soup wine looked at Qin Feng, who was headed by the faintly. He said, "However, the first **** is not qualified. I don't bother to abolish you. My goal is to Ling Feng, or he is now in front of me. Let me have a confession to my brother, or let me take a knife!"

"The first level **** also wants to meet us? Are you enough?"

"Do you want to participate in these things?"


The gods of the virtual star are quite arrogant, although they also want to take advantage of this opportunity to abolish some of the characters, kings, and spirits of Ling Feng, but who is willing to lower their identity to abolish them?


Their main goal is to Ling Feng, as long as the suppression of the wind, then these little people can not afford to wave, can not affect the overall situation.

"Then we should be qualified?"

The fifteen gods step forward, the gods are cold, quite strong, they are all two-level gods, have this qualification.

"Hey, you don't have to worry, waiting for this battle to end, we will naturally visit each one!"

To the virtual star, a **** said, "You will lose your hand, why not talk about it? I really don't know who gave you the courage to face us!"

no doubt.

This is the root of the previous world's contest, the mountain village star **** directly fell, and the 18 old people, middle-aged gods are not weak, but they are not strong enough, it is normal to be forced to press.

Only, they are trying their best to do it.

"I hope to use this blood bone to cast a miracle!" said an old god, "We were not as good as the virtual star at the beginning, but I hope that the latecomers will not follow our footsteps, a life and death, we will only talk about it. Are you obsessed?"

"That's a good thing. If you want to abolish us, then you have to pay the price. How about shopping?"

"When Grandpa won't blew himself?"

Some of the oppressed gods directly spoke and used self-explosion to suppress them. They had already eaten enough losses. Now they see the dawn, and naturally they don’t want to be so annihilated. At least they can’t see it in this life, but they don’t have to be wronged again. Be bullied.

"Do you really want this?"

One to the imaginary star God said, "You have to figure out the consequences of doing this!"

"What are the consequences?"

The former middle-aged **** said with a smile: "Why are you born, how can you die? Come on, come on!"

The atmosphere is dull!

It’s like a hurricane before the storm!

Like the cold scenery of the cold knife!

The mountain village stars are very tragic. They know what it will be like to go to the virtual star gods at this time, but they have reasons to do so. Like them, the gods only want to do more things for the younger generation.

Even just let them stand!

Even if you are full of blood and life!

At this moment, they are standing here!

Perhaps they will bury this mountain, but let the mountain gods who can stand up one day come here, they will worship with respect and worship, this is enough!


In the most boring moment of the atmosphere, the virtual light on the main building suddenly disappeared, which means that the characters in the main building have asked for success, and Ling Feng finally took the second step on the god.

In fact, it is exactly like this.

In the eyes of the public, the main building slowly opened, and a young man with a smile on his face slowly walked out and looked at the gods. He smiled lightly.

“Is it really lively?”

Ling Feng stepped in front of the rain, patted her little head, nodded to the whisper, and then went to the king, the spirit, Qin Feng three gods, smiled and asked. "What is important today? Is it something?"

"No!" Lingkong was stunned and didn't know how to respond to this guy.

"That's really weird."

Ling Feng smiled and looked at the gods all over the sky and asked. "I am not asking the second-level gods, are you cheering and applauding?"


The imaginary gods don’t know how to answer the question. How idiotic can you ask such a question?

Cheers applauding?

Are you coming to hit your face?

However, the atmosphere is a bit awkward, and the gods have not fully reacted. The mountain village stars have not reacted. They are here to challenge the wind, and the Lord is here to live and dance. Nothing.


"It's still too scornful!"

The oriental poetry looked at the handsome face of Ling Feng, and she smiled in disappointment. Some people could not see the problem. Can she still not see it?

People like Ling Feng are afraid that they will have known such a situation before, and they know that most of the gods are targeting him, and he is like this, like a smiling face, this is still Not enough to explain the problem?

Not afraid!

This is the strong attitude of Ling Feng!

Seeing this scene, the oriental poetry suddenly did not expect, until the virtual star gods are not weak, but the three great wizards are not born, how easy is it to suppress Lingfeng?

"Hey, the Lord is finally there!"

The old man smiled and said, "We are afraid that you will not dare to appear, and it is happening now!"

"So, do you want a gift?"

Ling Feng said with a smile on his face. "Don't be too heavy, the soldiers can be treasured, I don't pick this person!"


People have been defeated by the shameless spirit of Ling Feng. Didn’t the goods show that they are in the market?

It is the king, the spirit and other people are aphasia, the eyebrows are straight and black lines, is this goods coming out to dry up?

"Gift your uncle!"

A hot young man couldn't help but jump out and screamed coldly. "The man is coming to hit your face. When I challenged my **** in the door, it is time to pay the price. You step into the second-level god, I will challenge you naturally. Not too much!"

"Have my face?"

The smile on Ling Feng’s face was frozen in an instant, and then he said seriously. “My face is thicker, you must use some strength.”


People think that this person is simply a topic terminator, and he is dead.

"You...when I dare?"

The young man seemed to be stimulated. He felt that Ling Feng was ridiculing him. His body flashed and he was directly oppressed by the wind. The power exploded in the air, forming a wolf, changing from one to two, and then by the two. Forming a wolf group to bite into the wind.

Two heavenly forces stirred up in the air, lighting up the eyes of the wolves.


They are wild, and the power forms a hurricane to tear open the emptiness of the void, forming a big hole, and pushing the eight wild.


However, just as people were shocked, in the moment of Qin Feng and the king waiting for anxious moments, a crisp sound made the whole scene out of control, and the incomparable group of wolves instantly annihilated, and the young man’s face was one more. The palm print is very bright.

"Have your face, is this like this?" Ling Feng asked.

"court death!"

The young man was a glimpse first, and then his face was red. He didn't know how Ling Feng shot, and his face had already had such a slap in the face, which humiliated the heart and made him completely crazy.


Just when his power was thin, Ling Feng suddenly appeared in front of him, and the fan of the handcuffs was on his face. It was a rather weird force, even ignoring the defense of nature, not shredding, but assimilate into.


The young man fell down on his face, vomiting blood, his face flushed, and his grief and anger. He was arrogant and thought that he could suppress the Ling Feng who had just asked for success, but he did not expect to be beaten like this.

He wants to fly, don't want to be insulted like this!


Ling Feng did not satisfy his wish. He backhanded, his slap in the face, and his face was bright.


Ling Feng even smoked a dozen slaps, and the face of the young man was shaped like a pig's head. The blood was overflowing, and the strength of his body was broken at this moment. There was no ability to resist. This is the true star. Thought-of.

They can't think of Lingfeng dare to be born!

They can't think that Lingfeng will be so powerful!

They even think that the wind is more crazy than they think!

Seeing this, the oriental poetry is completely dead, Ling Feng did not intend to end this matter, but to straighten to the end, to beat the dignity of the mountain village stars, to crush the face of the virtual star gods.

Do you want a face, don't we shame?

This is the mind of Ling Feng!

Qin Feng’s face tends to be dull. The person is not a coward. He was born for a reason, and he knows that the horror of the lord is really urgent. There is no one in the virtual star **** that can suppress him, that is, the old man. God will bow down.

The king and the spirits retreat backwards. They know too much about the character of Ling Feng. He dares to do it at this time, which means that he has full control to suppress the gods to the virtual star. It is likely that this is his elaborate layout.

However, the eighteen gods have their heart to persuade, can look at the appearance of Qin Feng and others, or shut up at the right time.

just now.

The whole stage is Ling Feng, here will be his battlefield.


Ling Feng punched the young man out and then turned to the star gods, grinning. "What did you say earlier?"

"His uncle, the men are coming to kill you!" A middle-aged can't stand the face of Ling Feng at this time.


His voice had not yet fallen, and he saw a shadow of lightning coming to him. He could see it, but his body couldn’t keep up. When he reacted, he only felt that his throat was sweet and he rushed out against the blood. , dyed red clothes.

Then, his body flew backwards into the distance, and Tianli was disintegrated in the void, completely uncontrolled.

"The person who said it was not clear enough. I didn't hear it clearly. Can you say it again?"

Ling Feng smiled and looked at the gods around him, like a lion, despising a group of wolves! good night. (

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