Supreme Demon

Chapter 1994: Cross kill!

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That is the suppression of the world, it is a wild life!

Ling Feng is using real strength to let those imaginary stars who are coming from the momentum to shut up. Even if they just ask for success, his power can complete the degree that many gods can't.


His gesture is quite mad, and he is ridiculed to face the gods of the imaginary star. Are you dare to say it again?


More suppression!

At this moment, he is here, the gods of the sky come, you dare to speak, he is completely suppressed today.

have to say.

Ling Feng’s wild gesture really makes the illusion of the illusion of the stars, is this time the Ling Feng is so strong to this extent? So what kind of realm asked to be born? Even the original three great wizards are just like this. Isn't this the fourth wizard?

Previously, although the strength of the two gods was not strong enough, it was far from the tyrannical tyranny of the old gods, but it was easy to kill the spikes, which made them feel tricky, because people could not eat the wind, do not know this person’s The extent to which real strength is terrible.

It’s scary to eat!

"This time the **** is not as good as before!"

The poetry of the East is disappointing. It is only the pressure of the imposing manner that they are eclipsed. What kind of future is there for such a god?

more importantly.

This time to the virtual star **** is really not good, and the mountain village star **** is showing its proud side, this person is a sharp knife, is opening to the fragile side of the virtual star.

It’s more than the gods, and the whole to the virtual star!


Her eyes flashed and she felt that her previous countermeasures were wrong. She tried to force Ling Feng to lean on them. She never thought about Ling Feng. At least she did not study enough. Such characters would have to be forced to happen. What kind of thing?

If she succeeds, she can get what she wants, but what if she fails?

If one day, this person really wants to be juxtaposed with the three great talents, get the attention of the empty road, and even show the power of the Tao?

At that time, did she have any choice with the Oriental family?

"Then try to be friends with you!"

The poetry of the East poetry, the characters like Ling Feng, will not be controlled by her, but she can see that Ling Feng is a person with a strong feeling, as long as he finds its weaknesses, he can prescribe the right medicine.

This is what oriental poetry is good at.


Ling Feng is a bit stunned, is the virtual star so imposing? They have been brewing for so long, is it going to end like this?

Then the momentum and situation he had previously cast was so wasted?

"If there is nothing, go back, here is a big wind!" Ling Feng grinned and said, completely to the virtual star **** as a cat and dog, and its real purpose is to encourage them.

What he meant was that you are coming, brother can't wait to kill you!


When the voice of Lingfeng fell, the gods of the imaginary star were red and short of breath, as if they were greatly insulted, and even the blue veins on the neck burst out. They looked directly at the wind, and there was an uncontrollable anger in the eyes. meaning.

"Ling Feng, you are too crazy!"

A middle-aged **** said with anger, "I will wait to suppress you!"

"That's right, soup is my brother, my brother is humiliated and abolished, my brother naturally has to do his best!" said another middle-aged man.

"The deaf child is humiliated and feels the same. Today, the Lord will go to die with you!"

Bai Yuheng's uncle spoke, his voice was cold and flamboyant. They couldn't let Ling Feng go down like this. The momentum should be suppressed by them, and now Ling Feng just asked for success. If they can't suppress it, then there will be no more behind. may.

Now is the time to suppress!


Just as they spoke, Ling Feng was like a phantom, suddenly flashing, sharp fists, directly blasting to a god, and playing the other's face, this moment he used the speed of the gods, lightning.


Concealed, there is also a gas field in the body space on his fist. This power has been exposed in front of Hong Lin, so Ling Feng did not intend to hide all the time. It is time for people to know his madness. It is time. Give the mountain village star **** a little confidence.


A loud noise, mixed with the sound of a cracked bone, a broad-faced youth flew out, the flesh and blood of the body was dying piece by piece, and a **** fog appeared in the void, and when the blood was exhausted, the first The three gods were suppressed and confused on the spot.


More than fierce!

At this moment, the wind is like a tiger starting, the gas field is over, completely suppressing the gods to the virtual star, so that the king, the spirit and so on are full of splendor, such a wind makes them both tremble and worship.

"Repress him!"

At this time, the brother of the soup wine flew out for the first time, the momentum was overwhelming, the gas field was rumbling to the Lingfeng, the unique suppression power is swallowing the eight squares of void, and then a thin space appeared, a golden light scattered three thousand Nether.

Light as a starry sky!

Sheet metal is like a golden dragon!

This is two different spaces, but it can be completely blended in the soup wine brothers. A space power may not be enough, but if these two spaces blend together, then his strength will change qualitatively and further.


The Tangjiu brothers and sisters are solemn and solemn, and they fly out of a judgement pen in the center of the two spaces. At this time, the space is more like two dragonflies, and the judge pen is infiltrated in it, and then splashes ink to paint and sketch the world. .


The judge's pen in the hands of the soup wine brothers infiltrated in the thin space of the starry sky, and then raised the pen to outline, one cross is a sacred weapon of the gods, swaying to the wind, lightning and lightning.

no doubt.

The brothers and sisters of the soup wine and the soup are different from the martial arts. One is based on wine, and the other is based on words. A drop of wine can be buried in the sky, and the middle is more bred.

Such a judgement pen can not help but look amazed, even if it is a bit of a shock, this alternative martial art is easier to enlighten, far less difficult to enter the body, but this martial art will become more powerless in the later period, but as long as it is It’s endless scarcity.

This time.

The soup wine brother is presenting this aspect.

Ling Feng Li Quan greeted, a powerful force swayed the eight wild, hard and smashed that one, and made a loud noise, and then he strode to the soup wine brother, to force him to do his best.


The soup wine brothers are chilling, and they are portrayed in the void. They are erected in stone, and there are seemingly imaginary shadows in them. There are mountains and rivers, and the ancient gods sing in Zen.


Ling Feng Li Quan ushered in, strong suppression, but clearly felt strenuous, this vertical is five times stronger than before, just a sum, there is such a power, it is really shocking.

"Ten, can seal the sky!"

Finally, the soup wine brothers shouted, infiltrated in the thin starry space, portrayed a horizontal, and infiltrated in the sheet metal space, portraying a vertical, a horizontal and vertical, the word "10" formed by a word, full of heaven and earth , gestating the top blood kill.


Different from the previous one, this "Ten" has no loud sound, only the trembling sounds, and when such power bursts, the whole world seems to be sinking, and the void is flying because of the "ten". Over, and present a black hole like ink.

This is annihilation!

This is a cross kill!

Undoubtedly, at that time, the murder between heaven and earth soared fifteen times, and many old gods were eclipsed. How many second-level gods in such a word can withstand? How many gods can force it?

"A little doorway!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, the brother of the soup wine is far deeper than the soup in this way, and is already at the peak of the second-level god, the power is naturally not comparable to the soup, but now he is facing this character.


Ling Feng, who is in the second-level god, has no fear at all. At this moment, he wants to be shocked!

"It’s just a little doorway!" The soup wine brother laughed wildly.

"But, it’s still the door to the left!"

Ling Feng completely despised, he raised his fist and kicked it out. At that moment, the body space finally showed the edge that he should have. The momentum was empty, and the world was horrified. Although still in the middle of concealment, the big men in the empty channel All are clear.

Oriental poetry can also be sensed.

"To lose!" she said with a frown.

"Yeah, Ling Feng is still not as good as the virtual star god, naturally want to lose!" Ling Yun said with a smile.

"The loss will be Yuan Yuan!" A beautiful woman next to the oriental poetry opened.


next moment.

The fierce fist slammed into the incomparable cross-killing, long fists like dragons, fiercely suppressing the past, ruining and ruining the cross-killing, how spectacular the picture would be, as if it were ancient.


The cross was completely annihilated, and the fist was fierce like a dragon. His life fell on Yuan Yuan’s body, and his body seemed to be like a sea boat. He was directly shot by the waves, and his chest collapsed and his flesh and blood were blurred.

Cross kill is seconds!

This is going to be a shocking day. People are stunned and unbelievable. God knows how far the punch is wild, and the power of the second-level **** is so destroyed.


At least many gods can't figure out what it is, and what really knows this kind of power is that it is not easy to think that Yuan is losing everything and being able to live under the pressure of body space.

The rhyme opened his mouth, and he couldn’t spit out half a word. The whispered words were silent, but the gods shone with different gods. They once stood at the same starting point, and now the fate begins to be different.

"How can this be?"

Yuan quickly got up quickly, and that punch almost broke all his internal organs, but did not destroy his cheekbones and Dantian, which means that his power has not been lost.

"Weak, it is a mistake in itself!" Ling Feng said lazily, it is good to tell the truth, but the immersion is not enough. Just like this martial art, only the rhyme will be the real power. Reflected to the point of being impossible.

Therefore, Ling Feng has no expectation for this kind of Tao, and he is looking forward to the future of Yuan.

"I want to suppress me, at least take some sincerity?" Ling Feng smiled and looked at Yuan, and looked more and more to the stars. Ps.. second later. (

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