Supreme Demon

Chapter 1006: restraint!

&bp; phantom monument! This

It is a more complicated problem that Ling Feng guessed.

The mother-child monument can be understood as the attack of the son wind, so the mother monument is angry, and it is a matter of doing it. The problem is that the bronze monument is a dead object. Even if the birth spirit is born, it should not be born with the mother-child monument. . and

And. This

The bronze monuments are rare, and the world can be found on one side, not to mention the bronze monuments on both sides. but


The illusion monument is completely different. The monument can illusion a picture similar to the virtual body, and even can transform everything in the world, twist the space, let them see the general spectacle of the mirage. Want

It’s really an illusionary monument, and now they are all illusions, and they are trapped on bronze monuments. "

Is it too bizarre? "proud

The mane on the top of the bird’s head trembled, and the heart trembled. If the mother and son were able to deal with it, the illusionary monument could not find the object. It was like standing in front of a mirror, what did they do in the mirror? use? and

If you want to break through this heavy bondage, you must start with the bronze monument, but the problem is that they first need to find the bronze monument.

"What kind of guess do you have?" The king’s heart is bitter, but the situation is already so they have no choice.

"The second!" Ling

The wind said seriously. "The illusion monument, what we are seeing now is the illusion, but this illusion is too powerful, the real one can not doubt, but it is not a problem for Tianzun."

"What should we do now?" asked the empty frown.


Ling Feng said simply and directly. "We have no other way. Only open this illusion and open it up!"

"How do you open it?"

The king looked around and said distressedly. "We haven't known where the real problem is now."

The proud birds and the spirits are also frowning. They can't see through this illusion, they can't open this terrible cage. Although Lingfeng guessed it, it still couldn't see through. In this case, it is much wrong, but if Nothing is done, they can only die here.

"The illusion we can't see, then look at the essence directly!" Ling

The wind is screaming. "What is the essence of bronze monuments?"

Twist the space! ”

He did not wait for the other three gods to respond, and he said directly: "I don't know how the bronze monument is twisting the space, but where is the source of strength, I have to open it and see the truth."

"this" three

The gods look at each other and the gods are full of worries. The previous hurricane was seriously injured by those blue lights, and they are even more so. If they are still shopping, they may die.

"Don't take risks," said the arrogant bird.

"I know." Ling

The wind waited until the injury recovered. This said: "As long as we open this door, we will be able to see the truth. Naturally, we will be restrained, and I will not smash and open the bronze monument."

When the sound fell, he was in front of the bronze monument.

"Can't beat, then look for restraint!" Ling

The wind smashed, and then a piece of ink flew out of the stone, divided around it, a stone like a god, a stone like a phoenix, and when they were pulled out, the whole world was with a dull and heavy taste.


Time and space tremble, hurricane violent, and when this power falls, the middle of the blue light, the two between the two shots endless power, this day to explode this place, forming a valley-shaped wave to dive around, The three gods were shocked to fly.


The terrible sound waves swayed in the void, and Ling Feng used all the strength to sacrifice the seven heavy stones in the nine heavy stones. The huge weight reached 3 billion kilograms. It was the giant force that even the four gods could not hold, and the air waves that could be played could A **** died on the spot. but


It was such a huge weight, but bowed in front of the moss, but it could not be pushed forward, but was resisted, but at this moment the seven heavy stones were not annihilated, although the boulder gave a dull and loud noise, but the ancient The power will not be destroyed.

Obviously. nine

The origin of heavy stone is extraordinary, even if it is the power of heaven, it cannot be abolished. versus

At the same time. Ling

After the wind body, the blue light is seven, and the direct kill will come. It is wonderful and there is no sound, and there is no momentum. If it is not Lingfeng, I know that it is really necessary to be annihilated at this moment. he

Quickly dodge, use the speed of the cents, this is fascinating. under

A moment.

The blue light was slowly dissipating, and the trembling between the heavens and the earth continued, and the king waited for his face to be pale, fearing that Lingfeng would die in that terrible power. "

Jiuzhongshi can't restrain the bronze monument! Ling

The wind sighs, and the power of the stalwart stone is far from being exerted. The power of pure power wants to threaten the magical power of the law. First of all, it must reach this level, and once it is in the extreme degree, the law can be directly crushed.

This is the power of terrible!

of course. force

This kind of power, the progress rate in the later period is far less than the law and the rhyme. Therefore, many gods will give up directly and take a different approach. After all, it is quite a painful thing to insist on refining.


This kind of insistence is justified. As long as the power climbs to the extreme, it can suppress the rules, the rhyme, etc., like the body strength that Lingfeng comprehends. Once it is defeated, the same level of gods directly crushes the dead, and the level is higher. The gods are also to die. despise

Vision rhyme! despise

Think of any skill! This

Is in the real no solution! Want

Is Lingfeng in the realm of Tianzun, what is the illusion of the district? In the face of the body, any force must be destroyed, but the problem is that his realm is not enough now, too far from Tianzun, so the body can not suppress the bronze monument. "

Then change one! ”

Ling Feng's eyes are burning, and a screaming screams the heavenly path to the murderous blade. In the endless light, the law is born, carrying the powerful force of the Thunder and the smashing to the bronze monument, the sinister blade of the heavens shoots the edge at this moment, killing There is no sound, and it is suppressed. choke

! day

The murderous blade slammed forward, but when it was not yet touched by the bronze monument, the sacred blade of the heavens seemed to fall on the heavens to the treasure, and made a dull metal sound, and then the giant force spurted up. Forming a heavy light, it will collapse around the void. Do not

It is extraordinary to say that the power of the Heavenly Dao Xiong is extraordinary. At the moment of the shooting, one of the blue light is smashed and scattered.


The sinister blade of Heaven is still not enough to see at this moment. Even if it is a blessing, it will not work. It can only smash a glaucoma, and how many glare on this bronze monument?

What's more, Qingguang is nothing but a bronze monument and the light that the living spirit radiates. If their bodies begin to shine, it is the power of the heavenly path and the slashing of the law. under

A moment.

Ling Feng Bao is solemn, using the gods to suppress the sky, the life and death gossip runs up, banned from the horizontal to the bronze monument, its power due to Ling Feng stepped into the second-level gods and sent a shocking atmosphere, shocked the blue light They all become distorted. laugh

! green

The direction of the light is distorted, and it is banned from playing in the other direction. It is quite counter-intrusive, but it is not enough.

The level of the gods is very high, and even the burning gods are amazed at this treasure, but now Lingfeng has not yet entered the realm of heaven, and can not drive this treasure, so its power is not as good as the heavenly path. Connect

With. Ling

The wind body flickered away from the blue light that was smashed, and the face was chilled. He felt that this pit should be aimed at the heavenly characters. It is too difficult to open it.

"Come back!"

He snorted and the strength of his body further boiled, and then his eyes changed, and a different kind of mood was swooping out, brewing in him, and then coming out wild.

choke! Do not

It is a sinister blade, but it is emitting a metal vibrato.

call out!

Not a sharp arrow but pierce the void!

The light is penetrating through the sky, and a strange power is violently violent with one hand falling from the wind. The screams sound, and in silence, the annihilation is all the way, that is, the blue light is in this power. In the middle of the solution, and the light is to the moss. Ding

! One

The sound was crisp, and the moss fell and fell off a few pieces of ciliary leaves. That is, the bronze monuments made a slight crisp sound. "

restraint! ”

Ling Feng’s eyes suddenly became bright. The most feared thing was that he had no strength to restrain the moss and bronze monuments. But now, one cut can actually hurt the moss and touch the bronze monument. This

It means that the power of the interception can hurt the essence of the bronze monument, and as long as the moss is disintegrated, the secret of the bronze monument will be completely exposed, and then they will face the real murder. but


It’s better than living and living here. "

But this strength is not enough! Ling

The wind quickly slid away, avoiding the horrible power of the chill, and then became frowning. The bronze monuments were covered with moss, and they wanted to completely annihilate them. It was only because of this power that they were afraid of living and exhausting. And I don't know what year and month to wait. he

We can't wait.

"That will borrow you to enlighten!"

Ling Feng indulged for a moment, the gods became strong, the suppression of this moss is far more terrible than other gods, facing life and death, under the inexhaustible pressure, Lingfeng's momentum is squirting, he wants to understand under this pressure The real power of interception. what

What is the power of interception?

After losing the tragedy and cutting the sky, the power in Lingfeng is waking up, the artistic conception is thin, and the same threshold is opened, which makes him completely different, just because it is a real interception! This

An ancient magical technique is even more shocking than regenerative surgery. If it is truly realized, one sword and one sword can cut off the starry sky and turn to the realm. It can despise the heavens and the earth, but I am the only one. Ling

The wind doesn't know where the end of the interception is, but as far as it is concerned, if it is to the bottom, his power will climb to an incredible level, and at least there will be no rivals at the same level.

If this magical technique is born, the moss and the bronze monument can't suppress him, not to mention that he still has the Nirvana fire and the world's cliffs. What kind of picture will be there, even Ling Feng himself is full of expectations. late

Ann. &bp;(

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