Supreme Demon

Chapter 1007: One hundred thousand blades!

&bp; truncation!

This is the world's top magical celestial power. When it comes to the end, it can directly open the starry sky, despise the world's tens of thousands of ways, and smash the ancient wilderness. This magical celestial power is rarely born, but it is necessary to be shocked as long as it is born. only

Because it is too extraordinary!

Just because it is terrible!

To know. This

The kind of heavenly power is the invincible weapon that can be born, and it breeds spiritual creatures such as the sacred butterfly. This is not something that can be done by other celestial functions. In short, it is only a matter of intercepting the sky and cutting the sky. It is a corner of its power, equivalent to the branches and leaves that grow on ancient trees. branch

Ye can be shocked!

What about the towering old trees?


Lingfeng holds a hand-carrying scorpion, and there is a trekking butterfly hidden in the chest. Therefore, the interception force that can be seen is very limited, and now the branches and leaves are all removed, and the towering ancient trees really show the original scene, which makes Ling Feng See the true meaning of the interception technique.

however. which is

It is to get rid of the branches and leaves, Ling Feng looked up and could only see the roots of the towering ancient trees. I couldn’t see the tip, and I didn’t know how strong the old tree would be, so that he didn’t really touch. Through the old tree, in the endless fog, I can only peep into the vague roots of the old tree.

If in the past, Ling Feng did not have to be too anxious, he could push it a little bit, and set aside the heavy fog until the real towering trees appeared in front of him, but now it is different, and the interception can restrain the moss, so he It is necessary to do everything in its power to comprehend the true meaning and use this magical power to suppress the moss and bronze monuments. "

I need some time! ”

Ling Feng said to the three gods, the attitude is serious and solemn. "I can restrain the moss and the blue light, but the strength is not strong enough, so I have to go further."

how much time is required? "spirit

Empty and frowning, this is the power of Tianzun's casting. Even if it used to be the world, the residual power is still not something they can touch, at least the heavenly characters can open.

But now it’s only the second-level god, isn’t it necessary to step into the heavens?

"Not sure!" Ling

The wind sighed and said: "Soon, but for thousands of years!"

"Are you not asking Heaven?" Lingkong straight fangs, how can they wait for thousands of years?

"I hope to find a more effective way, but for now it is the only one." Ling Feng faintly said, "It is almost impossible to open the moss with our current strength, but I think this should be feasible. ”

"What about the world?" asked the king. three

The gods are bright and envious, and these forces can make martial arts cross-level and powerful, and if the wind uses this power, they are not hopeless.

"Not yet!" Ling

The wind said solemnly. "But if two months later, I still can't open the door, I will risk using the world!"

"Okay, we are waiting for you!"

The king's forehead, he saw the determination of Ling Feng, if Ling Feng can go further, it is more beneficial for them to open the bronze monument, only two months, they can still wait. "

Just decided, we have to go further! "proud

The birds said that they had just stepped into the second-level gods, and the strength was not solid enough. Although the two months were a bit short, under the pressure of life and death, their potential would be doubled, and then they would be solid and open. Moss is more hopeful. "

it is good! ”

Ling Feng indulged for a moment, and then went on to say: "I think this illusion may be the projection of this grave. If we can break the bond, we might be able to get this treasure."

"That's even more open!"

The bird is excited. This treasure is equivalent to the treasure of a top Tianzun. If you can get it, you don't have to worry about it for thousands of years. Although it may not be able to get the blood of the dragon, it should not be worse. "

rip off! "spirit

Empty and strong said: "The endless treasure, the lord!"

If you become a king, we gamble! "The king firmly said that he looked relatively thorough. Obviously this is only the speculation of Ling Feng, but he is willing to speak out, is to encourage the gods such as the proud birds, so that they will not be disappointed and pessimistic, regardless of the madness of life and death. With

Rear. proud

Jiaotian, Lingkong, and the king of the three gods sit in the void and temper the space, but they are always vigilant to prevent any changes in the moss, because they are only tempering the forces, so this aspect is not affected.

"Let me see the true face of the interception."

Ling Feng strode forward, his face chilled, his heart was one, his momentum was like a dragon, and he was crazy. under

A moment.

He held the heavenly murderous blade and rushed to the bronze monument. The blade fell down, and the hollowed-out force on it was mixed with the ambiguous power of the interception technique. At that moment, the space was torn, completely uncontained. . and

The terrible force is penetrating this defense and strength.

laugh! One

The blade fell, touched directly on the moss, the strength was suppressed, the moss was torn, and the two mosses fell, but the wind did not fall lightly, only because the terrible counterattack was just beginning. green

Guang Wandao, chilling.


A light formed a ripple, swooping around, killing Ling Feng, strong to swallow Ling Feng, and Ling Feng is trying his best to use the Heavenly Blade to push forward. choke

A loud noise. Ling

The wind fell thirty feet, the tiger's mouth was sore, cracked open, and the blood was shining, and then there was a more chilling sound behind him. The voice and the blue light were visible to the eyes of the gods, and they were audible. choke

! he

The backhand is a blade, and the use of it is the blurry one of the interception technique. Although the interception technique can restrain the blue light, Lingfeng is still vomiting blood by the terrible blue light, and the blood hole is split in the chest. . Want

It is not that he is physically strong, afraid that he will be smashed by the scattered blue light.

no doubt.

The blue light is more violent than before, and seems to be furious because of the annihilation of the moss, wanting to annihilate the wild god.

"Come on again!" Ling

The spirit of the wind is serious, exhausted all efforts, and a blade, let the terrible force rush across, squatting on the blue light, the crazy power will annihilate the moss on the spot, and then fell on the bronze monument. green

The bronze monument was not trembled, and even no sound was emitted. However, Ling Feng was hurt by the recoiled force and had to fly backwards. "

Come again! "This

The moment of Ling Feng is completely a madman, regardless of life and death, I do not know life and death, he is to be under the suppression of this blue light, to see the essence of the heavenly technique, to understand the true meaning.

and. he

Still using the most primitive skills, practice makes perfect! One

blade! This

It is the most common blow. Only one blade naturally does not have the power of this style, but it has a 10,000 blade and a million blades. book

Read a hundred times and see for yourself! when

However, this is not a reading of the book, but to read it with all its heart, to feel the meaning of it, to understand the strength between the words, naturally to open this door, naturally able to appreciate the true meaning. cut

Heaven is also like this! Ling

When the wind blew out a hundred blades, he had a more comprehensive understanding of the interception technique. When he took out the blade, he had another interpretation of the interception technique. He pushed forward little by little to remove those. The wrong direction, finely crafted, polished out the true meaning of the interception technique.

"One skill, a hundred times to get started!"

"One skill, thousands of times to go to church!"

A skill, thousands of times can be a master! ”

This is what the old man of the Holy Mountain said. At the beginning, Ling Feng’s experience was not thorough enough, but now I really understand the profound meaning between the old words.

"That hundred thousand times, a million times?" This is what Ling Feng asked. Snapped

! when

When the old man of the holy mountain slaps on the head of Ling Feng, he straightens his eyes and says, "What kind of exercises need 100,000 times to be able to comprehend, to what extent should the qualification be dull?"

The wind qualification is not dull, but he still has a hundred thousand blades!

A full thirty days. Ling

The wind is a tireless little monster, and the hard-boiled scorpion has a hundred thousand blades. The moss on the bronze monument is tens of thousands of pieces, forming a small piece of bareness, but for the whole monument, it is tip of the iceberg.

can! To

At this moment, Lingfeng's blood is almost dry, and he has to take medicinal herbs to persist. "

Is this what he said goes further? "The soul is stunned, and the martial arts are excuses for an instant epiphany. This kind of hard-won come, you can only practice one skill.

practice! Lift

The blade can be killed. but

This can only reduce a little time. If it is for God, this time will be enough, but for the bronze monument, time has no meaning at all. What they need is strength.

"He came to realize this way!" said the proud bird, but he also felt that this way is a bit earthy! "

Don't tell me that he is such a blade and it is so powerful. "The king cares for the forehead. If Ling Feng really came to this step, they are all geniuses who want to die."

Ok! "

He used to be not like this. ”

Tsundere bird swears. "Fortunately, he was not like this before, otherwise I feel that I want to die."

What the **** is he doing? Asked Lingkong.

"In the enlightenment." The king responded. can


They are frowning. In their power, only the ignorant martial arts will be able to enlighten the sword over and over again. For them, the epiphany is the flying flower and the leaf, not relying on the stupid hard way, but the eve Comprehension. "

Feeling crazy! "even

The proud birds must not stand down. Most of the things that used to be humiliated are that he is doing it, but now it is the turn of the wind, but it is a fun thing if it can be heard. to

Less, if those goddesses know that they can be laughed at, the proud birds feel that they are going to win the wind in this respect. you

Look at how crazy and stupid the other person is, and how smart he is. "

Ten thousand blades, still not enough. ”

Ling Feng's eyes are turbid, like the fog filled with thousands of roads, but you can look carefully but you will find that the gods are very hot, like stars. "

Then you will have a million blades! "& bp;(

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