Supreme Demon

Chapter 1008: instinct!

&bp; void. Ling

The wind is flat, and the whole person is emitting a touch of magic, which is setting off his madness at the moment. ten

Wan Blade!

If other gods are exhausted and depressed, but he does not have this feeling, and threatened to throw a million blades, this is to complete the rhythm of a great feat, but the problem is the meaning of a million blades Where is it?

At least, the three gods such as the proud bird are thinking like this. They think that there is no essential difference between the 100,000 and the million blades, but they will be more skilled. can


They don't understand! ten

Wan Blade makes Ling Feng truly into a state of innocence, ignorant, like a child who has just opened his eyes, not blind to the world, his eyes are clear and powerful, but often it is this kind of eye can see many things. Nature.


What Ling Feng wants is that practice makes perfect, and the 100,000 blade makes Ling Feng familiar with the power of interception.

When Ling Feng’s slashing knives are more and more, and the interception techniques are more, this will form the body’s instinct. The lightning can be cut off from the sky. It’s just like eating and breathing. Is this kind of power still in need of artistic conception? ? that

It is art! that

It is perfect!

That is the mellow metamorphosis! that

The truth of the interception is not in his heart, but in his body, into his flesh and blood, to know that instinct is more terrible than true. Now

At the same time, Ling Feng is doing this.

choke! day

The murderous blade trembled, and the wind blew the blade and smashed it. It teared open a heavy blue light and was approaching the bronze monument. This time, the blue light around it formed a comprehensive chill, and it was impossible to prevent it, even if it was the body space. Not enough for a moment. laugh


Ling Feng's back was pierced, forming a blood hole, bloody.


Lingfeng's arm has a blood hole, blood is like a note, and the pain is straight. The blue light has a terrible power to swallow, and the non-power can suppress it, forcing the wind to use the Niezhen fire to devour. choke


The sinister blade of the heavens then smashed out, forming a gorgeous light blade, straight down, tearing the blue light away, and it seemed that the wind was trembled in the middle of the wind, and the fog was being disintegrated by a force that came to the fore.

however. Ling

The wind didn't care at all, like if you didn't know the general, or a blade and a blade, he found the direction to be bold, bravely forward, and could not change his mind because of the end of the branch. Hold


It is his resilience!

adhere to!

It is his wild roots! "

Really crazy? "The eyebrows are deeper and wrinkled. In the face of this life and death, his mentality is a bit unbalanced, and more wild and more proud of the wind?"

Will he be out of balance because of too much pressure?

"Not like a demon?"

Jiao bird is very worried, Ling Feng is his life and death brother, so many years of ups and downs, has long been inseparable, he is afraid that the brother to leave first, but do not want to leave first. he

Then metamorphosis, even the king of the king must be afraid? and

And. Want

It is for the goddess to know that because of their own, Ling Feng is braving the life and death, and directly into the devil, will they be crazy when they are crazy?

"Not in the magic!" Wang

The person carefully looked at Ling Feng for a moment and said: "He has no signs of enchantment, but his mentality is estimated to be unbalanced."

Do we want to persuade? Asked Lingkong worried.


Tsundere bird shook his head and said: "The current Lingfeng is too wrong. If this time disturbs him, it is very likely to push him into the devil, then it will be more dangerous."

So what do we do? ""

Wait! ”

The king said: "Wait for two months, or wait until he is exhausted."

We are indeed waiting, and the first class is one month. in

In the process, they quickly recovered, and polished the heavens to make them sharper, and the three gods also rushed to the blue light, using the blue light to further polish, if their power can shake the blue light, that resilience And the horror will be far ahead of the previous.

have to say. he

They are successful. Tianli Space is broken by rice every time, but when it is recast, it will be stronger. There is no essential change at one time, but thousands of times? he

They were polished in the first fifteen days, and the next fifteen days were in the blue light. only

In just fifteen days, they felt that Tianli had a qualitative change, and the power was exploding and indestructible. This made the three gods ecstatic, especially the king. He felt that the Tao of the Tianzun sword was growing and was rumoring. The sound of the day.

"Millions of blades!"

tired! deep

Tired of fatigue!

Ling Feng felt that the whole body was numb, blood and blood flowed backwards, and even his fingers became pale. The tiger's mouth was full of flesh and blood. He withdrew from the blue light and had a faint smile on his face. although

However, tired and weak, but as long as he wants to be able to pull out the evil path, this is not a power, but an instinct. Do not

Use it to think more, don't worry, just cut the blade!

Let's not say whether this instinct is a supreme truth. Just saying this instinct, it is the same as breaking the limits of physical fitness. It can also erupt when life is exhausted. For the opponent, it is the most deadly. "

Really, why do you want to be true? Ling

The wind smiled and muttered, and I couldn’t feel it. Then I don’t need to feel it. Isn’t it more powerful to integrate it into the flesh and blood? "

Let it go! Ling

The wind said plainly, like breathing, but when his voice fell, the fog that lingered in his heart spread out, a void-like light flew out, with the taste of Xianli, filled with Xianli The texture, the real appearance in the heart of Ling Feng. Of course

and. that

When the virtual light only appears for a moment, it disappears quickly and merges into the skeleton of Lingfeng. It is the artistic conception without integration, and the instinct is integrated. This

At the moment, Ling Feng has more extraordinary ideas. Even this kind of interception can be integrated into the body. Why can't the rhyme blend together? However, it was very difficult before, and it was necessary to "cook and make perfect", at least to make the rhyme and so on reach the conditions of the flesh and blood.

This process is torment!


It may not be successful! this

Engraved, Lingfeng's flesh and blood sacrums are growing and squeaking, like the tender grass sprouting from the land, and the sound of flesh and blood creeping, and then the faint virtual light is from the bones of the flesh and blood. Flashing past.

This is the end. Ling

The wind body calmed down, no more light was shocked, and there was no material flicker. The fog in the heart was still there, and the stunned people could not see clearly, as if everything that happened before was not true. can

Ling Feng knows that the interception technique really presents a corner, even if it is only a star in the sky, but that power has made it useless. and


He can clearly sense the qualitative change of body physique, the body space is hard to launch 30 ft, the flesh and blood is more solid, the feeling is being pushed to the level of the third-level god, let him feel that if you squat on the gods, estimate Both flesh and blood can kill one.

What's more important is that after the power of the corner of the heavens is integrated into the flesh and blood, the Lingfeng physical energy is recovering quickly. An unprecedented tyrannical force is brewing in the body, as if the next moment is going to destroy the earth. "

Against the road! Ling

The wind and the gods suddenly turned bright, suddenly read the essence of interception, what is the interception? that

It is to go against the sky! This

It is essentially the same as the empty road and the way of life.

In the past, Ling Feng felt that he was very eager to do his best. However, it was discovered that the empty road and the interception technique were pushing him to the side. He was the magical skill for him. "

Two months, worth it! ”

Ling Feng said with a smile, even if this is completely soy sauce, it is worthwhile for him to run this kind of harvest. Of course, if you can open the bond and get the real dragon blood, it will be more valuable. "

Ling Feng, don't worry anymore! ”

At this time, the king and the proud three birds seized the opportunity and quickly flew forward. The persuasion said: "Although we are trapped, there is still time, and we don't have to put too much pressure on ourselves."

"Yeah, don't rush for a moment, always can figure out a way." Lingkong also persuaded. "

I feel calm down, realize the true meaning, and constantly try to figure out what is more appropriate. "The king is more euphemistic.

"What do you want to say?" Ling Feng frowned. "

That is, "The proud bird bluntly said. "Can you not use such a dull and silly approach? This is very shameful. ""

Silly and stupid? Ling

The wind is awkward, and some of them are crying and laughing. If this is stupid and dull, isn’t the epiphany more stupid?

"Practice makes perfect, maybe this is more suitable for me."

It must be impossible. "The proud bird screams." "You don't want to face, we have to face." ”

"Do you believe that I am calling you?"

Ling Fengqi’s straight fangs, striding forward to the Aojiao bird, so the arrogant bird smashed the scorpion, joking, this is not a question at all? "

This is not dull and stupid! ”

Ling Feng did not chase the proud bird, but solemnly explained: "I waved a million and a hundred thousand blades, it seems a bit stupid, but after this million blade, the heavenly path will become my instinct, I You don't have to think about it, as long as you reach out, you will catch it, close your eyes and kill."

it works? ”

The king, the spirit, the proud bird, the three gods immediately came forward, asked a little doubt. "

Instinct does not need to think, instinct will not delay, want to kill it, want to get it, is there faster than this? Killing a blade is enough! ”

"Isn't a blade just too thin?" asked the proud bird.

"What kind of head needs two blades to end?"

"This is what you are looking for?" The king, the spirit is very surprised, together with this goods can always find some novel things and experience.

"Yes!" Ling Feng said affirmatively. "

But what does this have to do with the shackles? ""

I am motivating that kind of power, blending blood and bones to form instinct! Ling Feng solemnly said: "Sometimes instinct is more terrible in your artistic conception, so that you really appreciate this difference, you will know how powerful it is." "Say


He turned to look at the bronze monument, his face filled with a smile that others could not understand. This step will be completely different.

"It's time to open the shackles and take a look at this grave!"

good night. &bp;(

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