Supreme Demon

Chapter 1018: The team is standing at the beginning!

&bp; Hey!

Taiyizheng water shape and Shenquan quickly melted in the body of the two gods, a little sprinkled in the void, only part of it into the bones, and more of a real water is the formation of fog, surrounded by the bones, flesh and blood Growing up. early

Time. Two

There is a bit of redness on the bones of the gods. In the deduction of time, the Yinhong is spreading in large pieces until it spreads into the void, forming a vague human body. Then, the misty Taiyizhen water is quickly integrated into it, breeding hemorrhage.

In particular, the spirit of the sky above the bones, in the time of the surging of the water, the sparkling, a willpower is blowing, becoming brilliant.

Two souls that were once proud and tragic are making unyielding will, persisting in meditation, and persisting in immortality.

laugh! in

After the integration of Taiyi Zhenshui, the Nie Lie fire that is igniting the flesh and blood of the two gods is going out and going to the end, and when this power gradually disappears, the interest of Tangjiu and Baiyuheng is increasing. end

to. in

After a full eight months of refining, the Neyre fire finally extinguished, but the fire is not dying in the two gods, nourishing oneself, this is a great creation, not only the qualitative change on the spot, but more importantly, the latter The potential is thin.

Here! Two

The gods are completely different, and the previously decadent temperament has become more intense. The once-destroyed bones have been recasted at this moment, becoming more sturdy, a bit of a sacred weapon, and are moving toward Lingfeng. more

What is important is their Dantian, the Dantian that was previously ruined, completely recast at this moment, glittering, although no power has been born yet, it exudes a magical tremor. This

It is Dan Tian born in Nieki! This

It is the most terrible Nie! Want

It is not the baptism of massive resources, and the melting of Taiyi Zhenshui at the last moment. They must be buried here. It is a terrible day that cannot be refined. Not every martial artist has the courage to face this. but


I have to say that I am being bullied. The two gods see through the world and the willpower is stronger than others. This is the possibility of success. Otherwise, even the top genius will be wiped out before the Nirvana.


Bai Yuheng first woke up, his mouth was straight, even if he had already passed through Nie, but the suffering he experienced in it was eternal and indelible. Even if he woke up, he could understand the pain deep in the bones. Want

I know that Bai Yuheng used to be a god, and it can make the gods and gods feel painful to this point. How severe is the pain? "

It hurts too! "soup

After a moment of shuddering, the body of the wine finally opened his eyes and his flesh and blood was cold. The pain made his hands and feet numb, and he did not want to live. If it was not a strong willpower and the appearance of the last moment, the willpower would collapse.

"I finally woke up!"

Ling Feng looked at the two gods with some tiredness. He waited for eight months here. When necessary, he used extraordinary power to suppress the rhythm. The consumption was also very much, but the two people who made him ecstatic The gods finally succeeded and did not live up to his expectations.

This means that there will be two top talents in the sky, and in the future battlefield, the anti-god will be more dazzling. "

We have succeeded. "White

Yuheng and Tangjiu were confused at first, but they did not come out of Nirvana. But when they sensed the changes in flesh and blood and body, they immediately burst into laughter and smiled and wept. This

One day they waited too long! This

One day they look forward to it for too long!

They almost waited for this day!

and. he

We are not only recasting the bones and flesh and blood, but more importantly, we have completed the feat of the world. How do you know how amazing the world is, how many characters are on the waist, how many wizards are buried in the front of the loess, and they have succeeded?

"Yes, you have succeeded!" Ling

The wind said with relief. "Although this level is not enough, but it is possible to recast your muscles and bones, and let your potential go further, I am still very happy. Of course, Nie is really powerful. This is not just this. You will appreciate it later."

Tang wine, Bai Yuheng eyes blush, quickly look at the body, check the bones and dantian, and when they found that the whole body has undergone qualitative changes, it is still trembled, these physiques are completely different, each piece of flesh and blood is exuding Endless magic.

Needless to say.

After Nie, if they step into the first level of the gods, they will far exceed the original. Although they may not be able to suppress the wind, they will not be beaten by their fists. Until this time, they will begin to face the character of Ling Feng. only

because! At

For their current potential, for Ling Feng, it is only a level enough. What is the horror of Ling Feng’s potential? and


In the past, they couldn’t see the wind, but they still couldn’t see through it. It’s not just a realm problem, but a potential problem. In front of it, the two characters actually feel the pressure of the world, even the first one can be understated. So how many weights did he have?

They are not idiots. Such problems are naturally not questioned, but they are sure that the wind is not the first **** of the universe, and at least it should be the second.

"This is what I owe you, and I will give it back to you!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "Should we claim that we don't owe each other?"

I don't know why the two gods want to violently beat people. Are they being abolished by the abolition? They are driven out of power, the whole life is gray?


They are faced with an invisible demon, and although they suffer, they will have a potential of 12 times, and even without the support of those forces, they will be able to rise in a short time. . "

Yes! "Two

Dear God said depressed. "

You have just succeeded, and it takes a little time to restore the previous realm. I will try my best to provide you with treasure resources. "When finished, Ling Feng’s hand flashed, and endless resources flew in front of the two gods."

Here is the Dongfu. There are things in you that should be familiar to me. I will give you three months, and three months later, no matter which step you take, you will be born. Ling Feng said seriously.

"Three months!" Soup

Alcohol and Bai Yuheng have a shortness of breath, which is far faster than they expected. Obviously, Ling Feng feels that their potential is enough. It should be restored in three months, and this is for the two gods who have spent more than a year. It is simply the most sacred thing. he

They were excited for a moment, and this asked: "What do you need us to do?"

Find out what is behind the scenes! ”

Ling Feng said with blood. "I will let Qin Feng and the whisper come out, and leave the empty road with you. You will be looking for the real evil behind the scenes. If there is any problem in the process, it will be decided by Qin Feng." "

he? "soup

Wine, Bai Yuheng micro-unsearchable frown, although Ling Feng said concealed, but the meaning has been expressed is very obvious, they want to listen to Qin Feng.

If it was before. Two

The gods do not care, but now they are re-casting, the potential is further, will become more terrible, in this case, let them take orders from people, and it is still the character of Ling Feng, so the two hearts are depressed.

They can't beat the wind, can they beat a sire? "

I know what you are thinking. "This

When Qin Feng opened his mouth and looked straight into the eyes of the two gods, he said, "I will wait for you to recover completely!"

This is the battle sound! "

it is good! "Two

The gods are quite simple. If they still can't beat a man, what do you mean by living? If even such characters can't win, what qualifications do they have to deny Ling Feng's decision?

Ling Feng stood on the sidelines and did not participate in such things, but sometimes it is a tendency to calm down!

He is more inclined to Qin Feng! Two

The gods need pressure, and the leader of the heavens needs this kind of pressure. He wants to use the two gods to force Qin Feng to make a quicker progress. In simple terms, now Tangjiu and Bai Yuheng are Qin Feng’s sharpening stone.

Three months! White

Yuheng and Tangjiu recovered quite quickly. Although they have not recovered to the heyday, they have also stepped into the gods. Even this time is no less than the original, which makes the two gods ecstatic.

At this time, they challenged Qin Feng. "

Not suitable here, let's leave the empty road first! Qin

Maple did not say much, and spoke directly, and then left the two empty gods to leave the empty road, but Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu are now too sensitive, so they show people in the cloak to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Ling Feng did not pay attention. He believed that Qin Feng was just like he believed in the arrogant bird. As long as he said the words, they would try their best to do it, and as long as they promised it, they would be tempted.

He sat in the Dongfu and tempered his own strength, while the rain was responsible for bringing the news here.

Two days later.

The falling rain appeared in the Dongfu, and there was a faint smile between the eyes. "Brother, they are back!"

Victory? Ling Feng asked with a faint smile.


Rain fell and said with a smile.. "The two gods are very powerful, but now Qin Feng is more terrible, quite a legacy of ancient Wu, this is very similar to Ye Jie, the two gods were completely beaten, estimated that now In the bruises."

Ok! ”

Ling Feng’s eyes flashed. He knows that Qin Feng’s efforts over the past year have been impossible. If Qin Feng, who played the ancient Wu potential, could not suppress the soup and Bai Yuheng, it would not be a problem of two gods too strong, not even Guwu. The reason is the potential problem of Qin Feng. Want

I know that the ancient Wu is the late stage, the power is really presented, the front of the mountain is not dew, just for the back of the blockbuster, just like the water storage, the early bit by bit, can make the late flood shock.

"The team is standing at the beginning!"

Ling Feng got up and looked at the distance with his eyes burning.. "Three gods, although this strength is weak, but more resilient, I hope they can polish their own blade in the virtual star!"

"It's time to let them be born!" &bp;(

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