Supreme Demon

Chapter 1019: Heavenly riser!

&bp; Qin Feng, Tang Jiu, Bai Yu Heng was born!

This is of great significance to the anti-God, only because of their birth, it means that the wilderness will finally set up a butcher knife on the virtual star! Slaughter

The knife is going, annihilating the world! and


Now Tangjiu and Bai Yuheng really let go of their postures, and they are frightened by the respect of Lingfeng. Even their characters are so terrible. They can completely suppress one side and rival the gods of the world’s empty space. The empty and the king are not eclipsed. Such a character bows to Ling Feng and can explain the problem. he

They can't see through, but Qin Feng is different.

He is one of the people who really knows the horrible character of Ling Feng. Even Xianli has been born. Can you find a few geniuses who can match him? Yes

The day is light and the sky is light! "

Born out! ”

Ling Feng stood on the main building and looked at the three gods and the martial arts, the **** of martial arts. The gods were shining with the burning light. Now they only have the ability to protect themselves. but


Ling Feng hopes that in a few years, and even decades later, the wilderness will be a vast force, able to pick up this corner of the virtual star.

"Yes!" Qin

Maple is in the body, while Tangjiu, Baiyuheng and others are the foreheads. They don’t know the origin of Lingfeng now, and they don’t know that they have no possibility of turning back from this moment. he

They are already members of the anti-God! From

From this moment on, they are destined to cover the virtual star!

"Everything is careful, find the murderer behind the scenes as soon as possible!" Ling Feng said. "

Yes! "in

In the field, only Qin Feng can read the meaning of Ling Feng's words. "All things are careful" refers to the matters that should be paid attention to in the process of creating the wild, and it is secondary to find the behind-the-scenes.

This is also the place where soup wine and Bai Yuheng are inexplicable. Normally, the murderer behind the scenes should be in the empty road. It should be easier to start from here. "

I know your questions. ”

Ling Feng said: "The murderer behind the scenes should be here, but here I am here, as long as I find it, I will directly abolish it, but it is one thing to find the murderer behind the scenes, but to find out the truth is another One thing."

I want you to check their intentions and the forces they use. Can you understand? ”


Soup wine, white jade, and heart-to-heart, to find the real evil behind the scenes, but the lack of truth and key, it is useless, only to find out their intentions, the use of forces, etc., can clean up their tragedy, can be that Behind the scenes, it’s fierce.


Yes! "under

At the moment, headed by Qin Feng, the four characters quickly flew out of Dongfu, flying towards the vast gate of the empty road, and left without any hindrance, disappearing into the more vast and vain star. From

From this moment on, they are the wolves released by Ling Feng! because

There are so many forces here, and the ability of the empty road is all over the sky, so don't be forced to do so. Lingfeng is not going to do it. Everything can only rely on themselves. but

! in

When Qin Feng left, he took away the Lingfeng Jiucheng Zhibao resources. This is the foundation for building the world. In the early period, Qin Feng needed only the true gods with outstanding potential, and it was kind of unnoticed, or The genius targeted by the influencers is more conducive to control and development, and by the end of the day, the sky will radiate the whole to the virtual star.

And then!

The butterfly will take a strong take-off and step into the virtual star. With the focus on the wild, we will control the source of the news. The hidden **** will enter the virtual star only after the butterfly, and the master will die. They will fight against the gods in life and death. sky. straight

The evolution of the virtual star pattern. Session


The true essence of the anti-God will step on the waves, and open to the indestructible stars of the virtual star in an invincible position, and at that time there will be no more power to suppress their rhythm. because

and. day

This step of desperation is extremely important. If the wilderness is annihilated, then the entire anti-God step will be affected, and this strategy will be disintegrated. "

Brother, can they succeed? "in

After the gods left, the rain looked at the distance, and some boring asked, she used to have a companion, but now she is left alone, and her brother like Ling Feng does not have much time to accompany her.

"I don't know!" Ling Feng was a bit heavy.

"Brother, don't you know?" The rain was shocked. This deceitful and step-by-step brother actually had an invisible layout.

“It’s raining, there are so many things in this world that are immeasurable.”

Ling Feng painfully touched the small head of the rain, saying, "We used to be powerful. It is because there is a **** in the support. If there is no such old tree, we have already been swallowed up, and here we can only rely on it. Have yourself, once the intention is discovered, we have no possibility of surviving."

"Falling rain, from now on we are on the whole to the virtual star!" Ling

The wind and the gods are flashing and killing the momentum. This is not the goallessness. It is the truth of the matter. Any force in the virtual star is afraid that it will not come back against God. What's more, Ling Feng's ambition is too big, and the anti-God is a dark force. Inadvertently, the empty roads will be bloody. Will they hope that this force that can shake them will appear?

I don't want to be unwilling!

"Brother, they will succeed!"

Falling rain in turn comforted Ling Feng, giggling. "This is the instinct of falling rain. It is very accurate to know the instinct of falling rain."

"I hope so!"


Abandoned field! Yan

Zhu Ling is sitting on the wooden chair at the front, and the jade hand picks up a purple grape and chews it in his mouth. He feels the sweetness of the grape squirting in the mouth, and the chewing moment is fine, which means that the grape seed is not intended. Spit with the skin. positive

When she wanted to take off the second grape, a deacon quickly walked in. The wrinkled brow and the heavy sound of the footsteps made Yan Zhuling slightly squint, and then the eyes turned to the rear. "

what happened? She asked.

The Taoist, a heavenly woman came to the door and asked to challenge the cloak! "The deacon's face was a bit ugly."

Challenge the cloak brother? "Yan Zhuling's brows are slightly undetectable and wrinkled."

not sure! "that

Deacon said dullly. "That is a temperamental cold girl, the gas field is too terrible, she just said such a sentence, then no longer speak, we have discussed a few moments, I feel that things are too embarrassing, especially to The Taoist request."

You won't ask again? ”

Yan Zhuling is somewhat annoyed. What is this? If the goddess is called by other dojos, they are not so good, but now that people just come to the door, let you panic like this? "


The deacon's face instantly became red, and they wanted to ask more, but whenever they wanted to speak, when they were on the cold temperament and the world, they couldn't help but shut up. "

Let's go, let's see it in the past! ”

Yan Zhuling still has some understanding of those deacons. One or two did not ask much. She felt normal. Not every deacon must be able to speak, but the gods shut up completely. This is a bit embarrassing. "

Yes! "that

Deacons sighed with relief and this led the way. flood

Abandoned field feast living room!

The atmosphere is even more embarrassing. A tall and beautiful jade girl stands in the center. She is cold and indifferent. It is so standing, but it is the center of the whole feast living room, and the peerless face is even more suffocating. where

I am afraid that the old road and Yan Zhuling's old road in the rainy day can't help but stagnate. This kind of face seems to be better than Yan Zhuling, and there is a kind of indifference and dusty taste, as if it is a red dust fairy. and


Yan Zhuling is a type of soft and feminine, and this celestial woman is a type of queen. She is the master of the game at the moment she appears, and her temperament is even better.

Not much time.

There was footsteps in front of the banquet hall. Yan Zhuling quickly came to the banquet hall, and when his eyes caught on the goddess of the tall jade girl, he couldn’t help but stunned, even if it was the same level of the goddess, even the jade girl of the same value. When facing the goddess, she couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority.

That temperament is almost like a fairy!

That cold is almost like a fairy!

Then she is a fairy! This

For a moment, she finally understood the reason why the previous deacon was lost. Even if she was facing the goddess, she couldn’t help but lose her words. If she wanted to say something, she would be so stunned, as if she would open the atmosphere. As long as she asks, she is jealous of this female fairy. "

Are you the lord of the wild? ”

However, before the Yan Zhuling opening, the tall jade woman asked.

"Yes!" Yan Zhuling swallowed subconsciously. "

Let me challenge the cloak! Although the voice of the tall woman is very light, there is an inexhaustible force.

"Do you want to challenge the cloak brother?"

Yan Zhuling found himself lost, which only pressed the strange feeling inside, and asked for a change of tone. "

Do not! ”

The tall goddess of the gods flashed, the corners of his mouth were slightly bent, and then he said coldly. "It’s another cloak!"

That cloak? Yan

Zhu Ling asked some people with a dumb smile. "

Yes! ""

However, he is not the **** of my ruins. "Yan Zhuling explained."

I know that! ”

The tall woman said indifferently.. "But I think you should be able to contact him and inform me whenever he appears."

Are you ordering me? "Yan Zhuling’s heart is resentful, and this goddess is too strong."

Not! "that

The tall woman faintly glanced at Yan Zhuling and said, "You have the right to choose, but if you inform, when you encounter difficulties in the flooded road, I will do my best to help you, once!"

consider properly! "Say

At the end, the tall woman turned directly and disappeared into the Hongdao Dojo in an instant. call


Until the tall woman left, the gods couldn't help but breathe, and the boring gas field on the heart spread out. "

Who is this, the gas field is too terrible! "The old road rained in the morning and asked."

"I don't know, but I should be able to find out!"

"That will check it!"

Zhu Ling's eyes flashed, although the tall woman was too strong, so she did not like it, but the real Wizards character should be more proud than others, she has such capital. and


Now the ruins of the ruins are difficult and difficult. If you can get the help of the goddess, it is a blessing in the world. &bp;(

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