Supreme Demon

Chapter 1044: Tang Yan meat!

&bsp; Falling rain!

All along, this true woman is raining down the insignificant figure of Lingfeng. People know that there is such a little loli, but she has never paid attention to it, but never thought that she is not a character, but a creature. .


Her blood is a treasure, it is rare and precious, and it is hard to find in the world.

This kind of life comes out, this is the opposite of the road, and her blood, flesh and blood, bones and so on are even more natural medicine, if you can drink a bite, eat a piece, God knows how it will change?

Originally, such a truth had to be eternal, but did not expect that because of Ling Feng’s departure, the king and the spirit were seriously injured, which directly led to the rain, and was injured by Cao Yan, revealing his true identity.

"This magical heavenly medicine is kept by the side, no wonder the wind will be so powerful!" some characters exclaimed.

"The birth of a natural medicine, the blood will be more extraordinary, just sniff a bite, then I feel that I can go further. What if I really drink a bite?" Some gods are bright and really coveted. "

Oh, it’s just the character of Ling Feng. Even if it’s killing, the rules of the empty road will not sin us! ”

The gods of the imaginary stars became blushing, and looking at the back of the rain, it was like looking at prey. "

Is it a creature? "on

It is in the distance that the oriental poetry is in the distance. Her gods are different and can see through many things, but the rain is that she has not seen it at all. She used to think that the little Lolita’s body is very clear, but Never thought of the above.

"I am afraid that something is going to happen!"

The oriental poetry frowns, and even the crazy character of the virtual star, this rain is mostly unlucky.

"Miss, do you want to..."

The beautiful goddess behind the oriental poetry is bright and greets the oriental poetry. Such creatures are very important to them, and if they fall into the hands of oriental poetry, there are really few gods in this empty road. Dare to do it.

Even the Ling Feng must vote for the rat! "

idiot! ”

The poetry of the oriental poetry changed wildly and looked at the beautiful girl. "Do you really want to die?"


The beautiful face of the beautiful woman was instantly pale. She had never heard such a harsh reprimand in the mouth of the oriental poetry, and the oriental poetry even talked about the word "find death", but she still had trouble. "

The whole state of affairs is out of control! "east

Fang Shishi did not respond and explain, but looked at the distance, his face flashed a cold, and Cao Yan was already making mistakes. Is he really a problem that others can't see?

Falling rain is taboo!

Is it really simple to be able to raise the power of these creatures? Need at least a few Tianzun? Even if the oriental poetry is facing such a force, it must be cautious and solemn, especially at this delicate moment.

What's more, here is the empty road!

Even those big people who are coveted by the rain will not be too arrogant, otherwise they will endless troubles, and the oriental poetry will be taken here. It is equivalent to being dead, even if it is an oriental poetry. because


They must be cautious in this matter, the more intelligent people, the more they will not be taken at this time. and


Here, what is paying attention is the contest between the gods, and this contest is in the rules. How terrible is the wind in the realm of the second-level gods? Until now, the poems of the East are invisible, but one thing is certain. If they do their best, the three wizards will be born. Want

It’s raining and dying, and the people present are estimated to be killed!

"Tian medicine only!" East

Fang Shishi said lightly and lightly. "Although rare, but this is not the most important!"

What she really wants is the power of the Tao. Only when she truly integrates it into the body can she write a distinctive future, and the heavenly medicine is in a childish way. she was

The eyes flashed, and suddenly there was a very subtle strategy!


"Where to escape!"

After Cao Yan’s slight sorrow, he was completely insane. His body was like electricity. He shot directly to the rain. Raising his hand was a powerful space for heaven. Lightning passed through the king and the spirit, and he was to be detained. "

open! "king

The singer, the spurt of the spurt, but tried his best to pull forward, and crushed with the Tianzun sword and the void. Although he did not break the force space, he shocked it and slammed it in the distance. Falling rain is to escape from the sky. but


It was this rain that was still affected. The turbulent power of the space of God that day was fatal to the true God. Therefore, she spurted blood, and the flesh and blood of the half-body was blurred, and the more dazzling heavenly medicine was turbulent. Let the gods of the gods completely blush. "

On, heavenly medicine! ”

"If you eat her, you can be detached!"

People are surging forward, completely ignoring those mountain village stars. In fact, the mountain village stars are moving forward, especially the gods who do not deal with Lingfeng. They also want to share a piece of it here.

The current rain is Tang Yan meat! "

she is mine! Cao

The fire is cold, not the ordinary, the lightning forward, one foot will fly the king, a punch will fly the air, let them flesh and blood, the vitality is weakening, and at this moment, they will not be able to abolish it, more importantly, Falling rain.

call! drop

Rain knows that the situation is serious. She can only try her best to rush to the main building. Only there is safety. Now she cares about her life and death, not because she is afraid of death, but because she is reluctant to be pampered. she was

I want to wait until Ling Feng is back! she was

I want to see more of this brother!

She shed tears and broke out the potential of twelve points, soaring the speed to the extreme, little by little near the main building. but

! she was

Can the speed be compared with Cao Yan in the state of prosperity?

"You can't escape!"

Cao Yan quickly approached the rain, the smile on his face was nervous, and then his hands were lifted up, and he grabbed the rain, and he had to complete the whole oysters to prevent the waste of this precious medicine. "

Crush the sword! ”

The king is bloody, but he is screaming. The current situation is too dangerous. When the rain falls, it will be oystered. With their current ability, there is no possibility of reversal. If the rain is tragic, they will live in this life. Self-blame. because


He desperately squeezed the sword! boom

! Profit

The sword blasted and rushed into the sky, forming a world of light, dispelling the light of the heavens and the earth, and the hidden power of it was madly rushing into the distance. inverse

God sword!

This is what Ling Feng handed over to the king before he left. If he encountered problems that they could not solve, involving life and death, he would immediately burst and he would fly back in the shortest possible time.

And now, the king chooses to use it! "

I hope he can come back soon, otherwise it will be too late! "The spirits squatted up and rushed to Cao Yan with all their strength. They wanted to stop them before the rain fell, even if the blood was scrapped."

But it is still too late! Of course

and. on

When Cao Yan was about to catch the rain, an aura flashed out and suddenly appeared behind the rain, and it was able to withstand the hands of Cao Yan and suppress it.

"Who?" Cao

Yan was shocked, and then anger looked at him behind him.. "Who dares to beat Laozi?"

Giggle, this world dares to open to me, you are still the first one! ”

A chuckle, with a quiet taste, the oriental poetry appeared in front of Cao Yan, she said with a smile. "The name of Laozi is very good, that is, I don't know if my sister would like it."

Inflammatory breath, his face hurts hot, although he is the fourth in the previous session, but he has not dared to jump out to the extent of this hot female board. more

What's more. Want

Let the Oriental clan know this title, and estimate that there will be some old antiques jumping out to kill him!

"Spoken mistakes!" Cao

Inflamed and stunned, said with a smile. "Previously because it was too anxious!"

"I thought you liked this title!" said the oriental poetry smile.

"The poetry and poetry sister laughed!" Cao

Inflamed and straight, almost scared the urine, is the other two clan dare to call it in front of the oriental poetry, it is estimated that it will lead to shopping, let alone him? "

Let her go, it’s just a child. "east

Fang Shishi looked at the rain with all his pity.

"Oh?" Cao

Inflamed in the heart, looking at the falling rain that disappeared in the main building, indifferent smile.. "Sister Shi also coveted the medicine?"

"I just pity the child!"

The oriental poetry sighed and said: "It is not easy for her to ask the world, why should you be so hard?"

Oh, we are not easy to practice! Cao

When you have a heart attack, you feel that things are undergoing qualitative changes, and the problem of getting involved in oriental poetry will become complicated.

"Does practice is a shortcut?" Oriental poetry said with a smile.

"Sister, the medicine has a relationship with you that day?" Cao Yan asked. "

No! ""

Sister, if this is the case, don't stop it? Cao Yan smiled indifferently. Now he is full of madness. As long as there is no connection with the oriental poetry, there is no relationship, and he is not worried about offending the oriental clan."

What if I want to stop it? "The poetry of the East is cold and indifferent."

I think the sisters can't suppress so many of us? "This

At that time, the third person who had never spoken before appeared, and behind him was the **** of the imaginary star. Everyone wanted to smash a piece of flesh and blood on the rain and drink a blood, and this is not with the East. Clan impulses. "

Do you really want to do this? "The oriental poetry sighed and asked.


Cao Yan’s wild smile, this is not just a natural medicine, but also to suppress the arrogance of the wind, and it is good for me to the virtual star. I don’t think the teacher or sister wants to see the virtual star being bullied.


The oriental poetry said with a blank expression: "I can't stop you, but I hope you won't regret it!"

Finish. she was

Turning around and leaving, there is no meaning to stop, only because this time the rain, the spirit, the king, etc. have stepped into the main building, at this time they did not escape, but hide in the main building, which means there should be a defense gate At least some time can be suppressed, and what she has to do is to fight for that little time.

This is enough! Fives

More, good night! &bsp;(

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