Supreme Demon

Chapter 1045: How to write anger?

Tang Yan meat!

Now the rain is in the eyes of the gods is the Tang Yan meat!

Her blood is a natural medicine, flesh and blood is a natural medicine, that is, the bones are all natural medicine, even if it is just a bite, people will be endlessly made, it is a treasure of heaven and earth that is hard to find! because

and. in

After the departure of the oriental poetry, Cao Yan and other gods and gods will completely redden, looking at the rain in the main building, full of greed, as long as they can survive the rain, they can go further in the realm of the gods, and if this "Tian medicine" is raised beside them, they will make rapid progress. This

Will be shocking! "

on! Cao

The blast bursts and sprints directly to the main building. The strength of the body is shining brightly, and it is necessary to make the rain fall. "

She will be ours! ”

The gods are excited. If the oriental poetry is desperately suppressed, they will feel pressure, but now the pressure disappears. The rain does not have any relationship with it, but just hurts her. but

The pressure of the gods, even the Eastern poetry is not willing to pay such a price, it is not worth it. As for the king, the spirit and the three gods of Lingfeng, they are not in his eyes. Now the last six The four of them are back, what is the wind in the district? in

Among the four powers, even the genius is going to bow! when

The jealousy in the heart disappeared, they became crazy and unparalleled, and they had a rather sinister policy in their hearts. They had to raise the rain and raise it, so that Ling Feng knew that he would offend the price of the gods, and let the mountain gods know what they want. The price of standing up.

next moment.

They appeared directly in front of the main building, with Cao Yan as the ban, and banned from attacking the main building, wanting the first rain.


At that moment, there was a sudden fog around the main building, and the next four virtual bodies appeared around the main building. The town was sealed in four directions, and the extraordinary power was in the hands of the hand. The tyrannical force pushes forward.


A rainbow appeared between the heavens and the earth, pressing forward in front of the main building, and directly retreating a **** that was attacking. The tyrannical force was smashed here and set off a mushroom cloud. "

Ling Feng! "people

They were shocked. I didn't expect that the character would appear at this moment, and then they wouldn't be the real body of Ling Feng. It was just a virtual body. Wei Li was far less tyrannical than before.


The power that these four virtual bodies can use is not terrible. It seems to be weakening. It is obvious that the mountains and rivers where the wind is in the wind may be too far away from here, or they may be in a fierce battle, so the brand between the gods is not so strong. "

Oh, I am here, I want to suppress you, let alone be a virtual body! ”

Cao Yan’s cold smile laughed, and the eyes of the gods appeared in a ray of light, and then the palm of the hand was shot, but the powerless but full of chilling power, the power of the world, directly appeared in the face of Ling Feng. "

Tao Yun! Ling

The wind is sinful and expressionless, and the celestial world sounds suddenly smashed out. It is like a frenzy that is completely pressed against Cao Yan, and it is smashed with the weak palm of the light, playing nine days and pushing it together in the distance.

The whole world is stirring! mad

澜 澜 澜 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 澜 , Is this a step?

Cao Yan stepped back two steps backwards, his face shining with cold light, and the rhyme actually penetrated the cockroach directly, and fell on his body, but also torn the ban on the light palm, to show its true strength, And this is its taboo. because


He stepped back two steps and suppressed the rhyme, and did not want to show his true power. but


The rhythm of the rhyme is far more terrible than people think. It rushes past, and the other gods beside Cao Yan directly collapsed, letting them bleed, full of horror, just vain, just so tyrannical, if true How terrible is it here?

"Abolish him!"

The third **** of the same comes with Cao Yan, who is powerful and powerful, and his power is directly exploding. It turns out to be a three-level god, directly tearing the rhyme and making strides forward.


Even when he was moving forward, the footsteps were heavy. Obviously, the power of the rhyme was really too overbearing, and the annihilation of nature, but it was only an impact.


His flesh and blood, the tyrannical force directly tore the rhyme, step by step approaching the Ling Feng virtual body, and the strong power is to fight Ling Feng. Road

rhyme! its

The really terrible place is the suppression of the Tao, and if this suppression is held up, then there is no use, and the virtual body is far less than the main body. In front of the third-level god, Ling Feng’s virtual body is not enough to see.


Suddenly, Ling Feng’s four imaginary bodies merged, exploding infinite potential, pressing against the second god, the powerful power can indeed confront it, but only for confrontation, want to suppress the three-level **** The second is basically impossible. and

And. This

At that time, the second one did not reveal the true strength, otherwise the rhyme could not be suppressed.


Before Ling Feng left, just to lay down the virtual body of this rhyme brand, did not leave the real virtual body, on the one hand because of the pressure of the sea of ​​death, he needs more power to suppress, and on the other hand in this void Tao, he did not expect anyone to dare to do this step. This

It is his misstep, but now it may be the reason for falling rain and blood! "

Give it to me for the rest! Cao

The cold smile, quickly rushing to the other direction, where the loss of Ling Feng virtual body suppression, already weak, as long as the second to contain the Ling Feng virtual body, it is only Qimen can not suppress his characters like ... to

Virtual star! One

Among the colorful mountains and rivers, Qin Feng is moving forward and intends to cross this mountain river.

can! on

At the time of its galloping, a light sword on the back of his hand shines, showing a picture of bleeding, and a light rain rises and falls in front of him, and the picture appears vaguely.

The king, the spirit is bleeding, the rain is escaping, and behind them is the pursuit of the gods.

In that storm, Qin Feng can clearly see the gorgeous face of the rain, can see the tragic appearance of the king and the spirit, and let the whole sky collapse, as if the mountain is destroying.

This is the real **** death!

"You are looking for death!"

Qin Feng’s footsteps stopped, and his face sparkled with a cold and stunned killing. The horrible momentum was pushing around, and the three characters of Bai Yuheng, Tangjiu and Miaoyu who were galloping with him were all shocked.

They are completely unclear about the situation, and they do not know why Qin Feng is out of control and resentful to this extent. "

Kill the empty road! ”

Qin Feng directly opened, and moved forward, and at this time, the inch of God directly exploded, like three lightnings in the dive, completely disregarding the attitude of Bai Yuheng, Tangjiu, etc. No one knows more about this scene than he does. The characters will be crazy. Ling

The sword of the wind is too important, but it is not only him, but the sword that is made out of the spirit of the gods. It is integrated into the stone, which can present the picture and show its **** and dangerous. Qin Feng can receive it. To, and against the gods are more able to receive.

After the lord left, the characters in the Void Road actually went to the rain to kill the hand. This is simply to challenge the anti-God's counter-scale. If you don't rush back immediately, if you have time, he can guarantee that he will fight against the virtual star. ! "

Qin Feng, what happened? "White

Yu Heng, soup wine immediately flew, and pulled a whisper, her degree is too slow, basically Qin Feng at this moment of rhythm. "

Falling rain is hurt, and it is being suppressed by the gods of the virtual star! ”

"Wang, Lingkong and Lingfeng?" asked the soup wine face a little unnaturally.

"Ling Shao is not in the empty road, is carrying out the task, or can you let the clowns bully?" Qin Feng said bloody. "The rain is hurt, the blood is not enough to kill them. They want to collapse, then we will completely smash this day." broken!"

This is a strong determination, but even more violent after being stimulated! This

It is fighting the whole anti-God!

Although Qin Feng does not know which step to take against the current god, but at least it should radiate to the entire starry sky. As long as the gods step into the supreme star, the rhythm will be unstoppable. However, when the starry sky is touching the taboo of the gods, then the counter God dared to sacrifice the knife to the entire starry sky. and


He knows the meaning of falling rain for Lingfeng. There are not many relatives of Lingfeng. If the rain falls to the empty road, Lingfeng must be shopping inside, even if the characters of the empty road can't hold back. day

In the collapse!

People are angry! wide

Cold Palace!

Ye Witch is looking at the void in the distance, watching the clouds and clouds, some into the gods, completely unaware that the jade cup in the hand is cold, but at that time, a light of her palm is present, and a picture is presented. . and

In that picture, the fascinating little face of the rain, the rhythm of life and death, and the madness of the gods of that day are all present.


The jade cup in the hand burst instantly, and the whole world was cold and cold. An unprecedented **** atmosphere was stirring up. She couldn't help but get up, looking into the distance, and the gods were cold.



A woman behind her disappeared and was spreading around, knowing further news.

Soon, she appeared in front of Ye Witch.

"He is carrying out his mission, and the four vain roads are actually coming back today. The king and the spirit are defeated, and the rain is seriously injured!"

"The kill!"

The witch’s **** was stunned and said immediately. “Go to the Lord, I want to fly to the Void!”


"In addition, let Qin Feng immediately rush back to the empty road, if he goes back late, he will come to see!"


Obviously, this goddess is a member of the anti-God, otherwise it will not be so resentful on this issue, and will not know the seriousness of the matter. The rain is now the opposite of Lingqing, which is the owner. My sister, if there are even the close relatives of the people, they can’t guard them. What is the meaning of the rebellious god?

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