Supreme Demon

Chapter 1047: Avalanche!

The king and the spirit are really desperate!

Even if the strange door of Lingfeng is very strong, it can also be faltering under the attack of the gods. There are too many cracks. It is completely passive defense, and this defense is even more powerful, and it can not stand the crush of the gods. positive

Just as the lion is so powerful, it can't stand the bite of the wolves! Do

tube. that

The defense has been shining, meaning that Ling Feng is flying back, but is it too late?


He is now in a terrible injury. Even Tianshen Dan is hard to recover in a short time, not to mention their Tianshen Dan has been consumed, even if they can recover, they can not suppress the third and fourth gods. This

It is a tragedy! can


The oriental poetry is different. She can see more, know how terrible that degree is. Returning to this level means that everything is still too late, and the emptiness of Lingfeng is scattered, no longer suppressed, but defended. , prove that he is dragging time.

He dared to prove that he felt it was too late!

In fact. on

When the poetry of the East shouted the words, the front of the empty road was shining with terrible thunder, and the electric awns appeared in the sky, and the gods who were responsible for the defensive road did not understand what it was. Then two characters appeared in front of them. he

We are not diminishing, and we are banned from passing through the magnificent gates of the empty road, and the lightning is flying towards it. Ling

The wind is coming back!

The poetry of the oriental poetry is brighter. At this moment, she is able to present the world of the wind and the shocking momentum of the body. It is far more terrible than the horizontal push of the gods, even if she is in front of such power. Can not help but tremble, to know that even the Oriental Yingyu did not let her feel this way.

He is crazy! and

She is laughing! boom

Long! end

However, Naqimen’s defense could not hold on. Under the repeated bombardment of the gods, it collapsed completely and formed fragments to fly around. The king and the spirits and others were sighing. They insisted that they still have to Become empty? odd

The door was pregnant with the rhyme. When it broke open, it was amazed, even if the emperor was shining brightly, rushing to the heights, covering up the people’s eyes, even the king and the spirit could not see clearly. The situation.

but! he

They responded quickly. When Naqimen collapsed, it appeared in the face of falling rain. Even if it was to use life to protect the rain and prevent it from being hurt more, now they just want to do their best to save the fall. It’s just rain.

They did not let the rain fall, this time around the cave is all the stars of the virtual star, with the ability to rain to force the past, it is equivalent to self-investment. "

on! "in

When Qimen collapsed, a madman to the imaginary star, he forced himself in and directed straight to the main building, and Cao Yan and so on had too much power to spend too much, and there was a moment of delay, but one step behind.


It’s not that Cao Yan and other four people are in the position, but a red-faced middle-aged, just don’t know if the face is too excited or born, but he is really excited now, although he is not strong. Maybe the tiger mouth eats, but as long as you bite a bite, then this shopping is worth it. but

! on

When he flew up to the main building, he saw a pair of blushing eyes, the wild scent of the sky was bursting in the eyelids, and the Buddha was overlooking the beings, and the eyes were filled with endless cold. Hey and suffocating. and


The master of the eyelids extended a hand, and when he had not seen it clearly, he appeared on him, and the forcible death gas penetrated directly, crushing his internal organs.


A huge force emerged from the hand, and with extraordinary momentum and strength, he threw his body back and slammed into the imaginary star who was flying behind him. Moreover, the power was actually Let his flesh and blood rot and stink.

And this is just a direction!

The other three directions of the gods were not subjected to huge pressure, and they appeared on the main building quickly. They flew toward the rain, but they did not see the red eyes of the rain, but they did not see clearly. She is now cuddling in the arms of a young man.

The king and the spirits were on both sides, and they were smiling and looking at the scene. They really did not expect that Ling Feng could come back in time at the last moment, but this is exactly what they want.

Looking at the rain, the tears of grievances, and the bloodyness of the half-body, they are distressed. can

! more

It is Ling Feng who is distressed!


Shouting in the rain, holding the wind, using all efforts, the next moment will be lost, which makes Ling Feng's heart broken, just because of his departure, led to this tragedy.

If the tragedy is really alive, he will not forgive himself in his life. "

Falling rain, I am back! Ling

The wind is soft and soothing, this simple loli is afraid of being frightened? "

Those who have bullied you, I will let them pay the most tragic price! Ling Feng said with amazement: "They want to challenge, we will accompany them to the end, they want to oppress, then they will oppress them this next life!" ”

At this moment, the swords on the main building were ringing, and the attack on the gods of the virtual star finally arrived. "

roll! ”

A blast exploded in the main building, directly causing the collapse of the entire main building, while the king and the spiritual sky were first to fly backwards. They knew that it would be a battlefield. Once the crazy lingering wind started, it would be unstoppable. They knew this very well. The horror of the characters, even the enchanting tears that can be torn apart by the bronze monuments, is really not enough to see.

Before the explosion, Ling Feng was the ear of rain. only

Only one voice! can

The galloping, the excited gods are flying backwards, like being hit by a giant punch. The body is flesh and blood in the process of flying backwards, and is strangled by the terrible sound, even the third The fourth is also like this. the Lord

The building is annihilated! day

The roar!

There is a sly picture in the whole world, a character appears in the sky with the falling rain, and the world is annihilated around it, and everything is exhausted. The emptiness seems to sing a sad song in Zen.

Proud of the void and the sun!

Ling Feng attracted the attention of the world. He flew back at the last moment and broke into the main building directly. He left the rain in his arms. Only when he really felt her heartbeat could he be relieved. As for the abolition of those gods, it was the latter thing.

There is nothing more important here than falling rain. One

Sound seconds kill the gods! this

The engraved Lingfeng is completely unmasked, and the tyrannical momentum is crushed. Even the third fourth person can feel this unprecedented pressure, not only the rhyme, but also the gas field.

"Ling Feng?"

When many people feel dazzled, is this character not flying back? How come so soon?

Soon, they will be sure, the temperament that looks like the wind is only the wind, others can not imitate, but he appeared here so quickly, so that the gods are shocked.

What is even more shocking is that Ling Feng’s previous voice actually crushed them completely. "

They have to be miserable! ”

The oriental poetry said with a smile: "I really look forward to it. If there is no such tragedy, is this guy estimated to be hidden?"

"Miss...that is our **** to the virtual star." The beautiful lady behind her reminded me. he

I don't want the mountain village star to be too strong. In essence, she hopes that the virtual star **** can defeat the mountain village god.

"Is this your pattern?" East

Fang Shishi said indifferently. "Until now you still have such a mind, then you can't get out of this predicament, your eyes will be long-term, our future is the starry sky, not the virtual star."


Although the beautiful girl is puzzled, she is still respectful.

"The essence of things is good and evil, not geography!" Oriental poetry sighed and said: "Because they are the vain gods, they can't see their greed?"

Oriental poetry is very clear. Have

Some things can only be slowly illustrated, but not too urgent, greedy everyone will have, but can not use this means, it is too despicable.

"He is finally back!"

The village gods are beaming one by one, waiting for this moment they have been waiting too long, really worried that the rain will be so dead. and


This is their last line of defense. If Ling Feng can't suppress the two gods, the two gods, the mountain village star has just stood up, and they have to fall to the front of the virtual star gods. "

Oh, I didn't expect to come back at this moment, but what about it? ”

Cao Yan said coldly, completely despising Ling Feng, the second-level **** of the district, even the king and the spirit have been defeated, he can drop? Of course

and. Ling

The wind did not pay attention to him, but the rain was handed over to the flying **** of death. He did not want to see the **** scene in the rain. He hoped that the rain would continue to be simple.

"Ling Feng must be careful!"

At this time, the king, the spirit came flying, spit blood and said: "He is the fourth in the last session, and just a palm has almost scrapped us!"

"One palm?" Ling

A glimpse of the wind, I really despise Cao Yan.


Lingkong was depressed and saddened. "To tell the truth, the palm almost lost my martial faith!"

indeed! "king

The sigh sighed.. "I only supported two palms, and the third palm was scrapped. I really didn't expect the gods of the previous session to be strong enough."

Oh? Ling

The wind is even more awkward. The strength of the king and the spirit has made him pay attention. Normally, even if he can't understate the two gods, at least use the interception technique.

And can Cao Yan do it? Want

It is also that he is also killed by a palm, and that confidence is also affected. "

Oh, that is to try! Ling

Fengshen said blushingly. "Before, he was chasing down the rain. I don't care how strong he is, dare to target the rain, he has to make it a thousand."

However, between.

Ling Feng realized that a terrible thing, he will call the death god, let him immediately inform the core character of the anti-God, do not come over, this situation he suppressed, otherwise so many genius appeared in the empty road, it is easy to let Those forces guessed some truth and then tabooed. "

Yes! ”

Death immediately acted and made a message to stop those crazy women.

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