Supreme Demon

Chapter 1048: unprecedented!

In front of Dongfu. Ling

The wind is vacant, and the gods despise the eight wild, cold and bloody, and look at the gods around them. What makes them angry is that there are still a few of them in the mountain village gods, and they are also coveted.


Those few are the gods who are cheeky and ask for the door, but now they are directly against the eyes, to the rain, but also shameless?

"You are so damn!"

Ling Feng said, when the mountain gods are trying to stand up, there are still people pulling their hind legs, which is even more disgusting than the evil stars.

He let the king and the spirit leave, facing the gods around him.

"The fourth god?"

He looked at Cao Yan, and the anger in his heart was burning heavily. This is the real culprit. The rain is so fierce, it is caused by this god, and it is exposed to the gods. This is quite dangerous. There are endless troubles. "

It is the deity! Cao

The first step in the flames, flying on the void, confronting Ling Feng, with a smile on his face, is only very contemptuous. Because of the power of the king and the spirit, he really did not face the wind and kept a high posture.

"Is it hurting the rain?"

Yes! ""

Are you seriously hurting the king and the spirit? ""

If you are talking about the two wastes, my answer is... you are right! Cao Yan said proudly.


The king and the spirits of the sky suddenly snarled, snarling them in the face of the gods, which is equivalent to public slashing, which makes the two proud gods more tragic and more depressed and vomiting blood, but they are not as strong as Cao Yan, can only be angry Get itchy. "

You are very arrogant! ”

Ling Feng squinted and said: "To the virtual star gods, I am not abolished, not worse than you!"

"court death!"

Cao Yan’s face suddenly cooled down, and a palm smashed it, but it was weak, but it revealed an inexhaustible force. It was such a light palm that killed the king and the spirit, until now they are still depressed.


At the moment when Cao Yanguang’s palm appeared, Ling Feng suddenly burst into laughter, and the smile was cold and embarrassing, only because his **** figure had seen the truth. "

interesting! Ling

The wind is cold and mocking. "In this case, I am going to get rid of the rules, should you be inside the rules?"


His body suddenly flashed, and it was almost suffocating to the gods. It was the inch of the light, and when it appeared, it was already in front of Cao Yan, and then the interception technique burst into its hands, and the rain fell, Ling Feng It’s completely stimulated, there’s no hidden meaning, it’s the top power. thorn


The whole world is tearing, and the Tianwei of the interception technique is vividly displayed. There is no terrible momentum, but there is a blasphemy.


He only used two natural forces, but did not use all his strength, but it was the two forces that burst into the momentum of the mountains and seas. When it appeared, the whole piece of void was gray. true

Positive interception, no solution!

He did not dodge to the extraordinary light palm, but also torn openly the void space, the terrible fierce force until the moment when Cao Yanguang smashed, it really burst open, do not give it time to dodge.


A **** voice rang in the palm of Cao Yanguang. The interception of the heavens was banned, and the palm of his hand was torn open. Then it appeared on the arm of Cao Yan. The thorns flashed and waited until Cao Yan reacted. Only the fierce screams are left.

Because of this, one of his arms was opened to the shoulders, and the murderous light was still shining in it. There was no possibility of recovery and it was completely abolished.

"This... how is this possible?"

Cao Yan was shocked. I didn't expect that the power that he used was still abolished. It was totally unbelievable and understanding. "

Is this your strength? ”

Ling Feng strode forward and completely ignored Cao Yan’s panic. He said with a sigh of relief. “Is it possible to defeat the king and the spirits with your strength? If you are really fighting, you are not their opponent!”

Despise them, are you qualified? Ling

The wind is strong and questioning, so that the gods are puzzling and unbelievable. When the fourth champion kills the king and the spirits, they witnessed it, but now Lingfeng is questioning the fourth, not the king, the spirit? This

What means?

What is even more frightening is that Ling Feng even directly despised the weak palm of his hand, suppressing it strongly, and being more powerful. It is not what they can understand.

"They are ants, I can despise!"

Cao Yan endured the pain and said in a haze. "Oh, don't think that you can suppress this palm, you can beat me!"

"蝼 蚁?" Ling

The corner of the wind can't help but rise up and said, "In my opinion, you are the real ants!"

"I will make you die even more tragic!"

Cao Yan’s face is even more ugly. The god’s mouth is more poisonous than him. He stabs his heart, which is more exciting to him. Only by using **** means to suppress it can he be insulted.. “I will use strong power to let you know what Is the real king!"

This is exactly what I want to say! Ling

The windy smile.. "But before, I want to ask you to let me use the power of three-level gods to fight with your realm? Or let you continue to hide that force to fight?"

The void is lost, people are shocked by this sentence!

Only when the distant oriental poetry is laughing, she knows that such a thing can't hide the character. Such a sly person can make her a helpless person. Can the area be hidden?

"Three levels of gods, concealing a heavenly force?" Wang

The spirits and spirits are shining in an instant. They believe that Ling Feng’s eyesight will not be targeted at this time, so that the previous defeat can be understood.

That Cao Yan was using three heavens to suppress them, which led to their fierceness, but the third heavenly force was so deep that they could not see through it.

The other gods are still in a sluggish state, and they have never thought that the truth of the matter is like this.

In the realm of the second-level gods, although the king and the spirits have not yet entered the top, they are also six-level characters. Unless they are against the top three wizards, who can strike the spike?

When he is Zhou Qitian, Dongying Yingyu, Shangguan asked the sky, or is it a enchanting Lingfeng? "

You are going to talk nonsense! "that

Cao Yan’s face was concealed, and his heart was full of shocks. I really didn’t think Lingfeng could see through it.

"Reassured, I will tear open your true face!" Ling

The wind is now directly contemptuous. Such characters are not enough for Bai Yuheng and soup wine. The two are not as good as themselves, but at least they are bright and upright, and this is a sinister and sinister little person. Profit

With the hidden third force to kill, but also despise others are ants, this way of stealing the bell is the real shit! Say

Finish. Ling

The body of the wind flashed, and it appeared in front of Cao Yan, and then pressed to Cao Yan. It was still two natural space, but the power of the game was completely different, forcing Cao Yan to do his best to suppress.

Suddenly, Ling Feng’s body disappeared, and he pointed to the knife and bowed to Cao Yan’s arm. boom

The loud noise!

On Cao Yan’s arm, there was a force in the sky, flying out of the gray space, and on that day it was covered with a light gray fog, which was extraordinary, able to cover people’s eyesight, and when the three forces appeared At that moment, Cao Yan’s face became completely gray. First

Three heavens! positive

It is hidden in the space above the arm, blending with the palm of the hand, the power that bursts out is the three-level god, and this force is tempered by Cao Yan for many years, which is even stronger than the other two forces. In general, people can understand that the two geniuses of the king and the spirit are "killed." This

It is against the rules! "

Now, the reason for killing you should be enough? ”

Ling Feng was full of ridicule, so the shameless gods still saw it again, using the third force to despise others, worrying about the king, the spirit, and jealous of their potential, they want to completely abolish.

Not only the pattern, but also the chest!

Cao Yancai is the real ants!

"It turns out!"

The king and the spirits laughed loudly and swept away the depression in their hearts. They had been seriously injured before, and naturally they were to be killed by the third-level gods. This is not a question of their strength, but a question of realm.

"To be inferior to what extent will this kind of thing be done?" Ling Feng asked Cao Yan.

"Ah, I want you to die!"

Cao Yan is angry and angry, and he is resentful. This truth is revealed. He will be severely punished by the empty road. The price is not small. For him, Ling Feng is the real culprit. What makes him hate is why Ling Feng is like this. Great?

"You are not qualified enough!"

At this moment, Ling Feng’s strong mess, said: “If you are hurt, you will die, I am grateful to you for giving me the reason to kill you!”


Ling Feng, who had never used the swordsman, was finally used at this moment. A savage blade carried the sky full of light and rainbow appeared in front of the gods, and then the instinct of the sky appeared, the thunder and the sorrow, the mighty annihilation of thousands of roads, terrible. and

When it fell, the whole sky was turbulent, and the water was like water, and it was torn in an instant. Only the blade was eternal. "

Let's die! ”

At the same time, Cao Yan is no longer hidden, and directly uses the third force of heaven. The strength is higher than before. But people still have the momentum and power that are not much different from those of the previous spikes and spirits. Take the facts that were previously concealed.

then. One

The monuments appeared in front of the people, and there were three heavenly spaces formed, in which a sword was buried.

Sword monument! This

It is a very fierce sword technique in the empty road. It was once fierce in the last world. The power is evident, but Cao Yan is far from the top of the sword, and even the top sword is in front of the real interception. Only bowed. when

When the sword was on the murderous blade of the heavens, it did not appear to be shocking, but it was only a personal show of the savage blade. It was banned from killing on Cao Yan, passing through his head and in his body. Flashed. under

A moment.

The heavens and the earth will calm down, and people will be scared and stunned. in

The empty road kills God, this is unprecedented!

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