Supreme Demon

Chapter 1049: Battle sound!

≈amp;bsp; Vain bleeding, bright red!

People are stunned and trembled. They did not expect to be so brave and killed Cao Yan in the face of the gods.


He is using this strong posture to show his resentment, but also to warn that the gods of the virtual star have some taboos to avoid, otherwise they will annihilate their hands and feet, even if it is a void rule, Ling Feng can also despise! when

Of course! This

The contempt is based on Cao Yanxian’s offense. This is because there is no life in the rain. Otherwise, even if the wind breaks the rules, it must be smashed. Even if the big man of the empty road comes out, he can’t suppress the crazy linger. wind. under

A moment! Cao

The body of the inflammation is torn, and the blood of the red blood forms a blood mist in the interception technique, which is scattered in the void, which makes the face of the evil stars become pale.


They think that it is only Ling Feng who squats, even if he is crazy?

But now Lingfeng is really dare to kill God, Cao Yan is a **** end, and since the appearance of this character, the empty road has not calmed, to the virtual star Tianshen has been bleeding. Take

The former was Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu. They were slainly out of the empty road. They were even rejected by their forces. Until now, they are not known, but now they are Cao Yan. Their hidden strengths are fighting, and they are estimated to be their strength. Powerless to refute. Do not


If Ling Feng let Cao Yan go at this moment, with the power of his power, I am afraid that it can really be saved from the empty road. At most, it is to pay some treasure resources, and Cao Yan will also be punished, but it will not be serious. The degree of death. and

Now Ling Feng is directly serious, adding this process. Ling

Severe and bloody, this moment Ling Feng will fully show himself in front of the gods. "

It’s really poisonous! ”

Oriental poetry smiled and said, does not care about Cao Yan's life and death, Cao Yan's thoughts are too heavy, too little tricks, but the pattern is too small, the chest is smaller, I think I can deceive the world, but I don't know how idiotic it is. . This

The kind of character is not enough to die!

What really made her pay attention to is the strength of the world that Ling Feng is now showing. Only then does the blow really make her tremble. At least she doesn’t feel that she can suppress the Lingfeng to this extent, and the blow is only true. Only when you face it, you know its terrible degree.

“Previously, he said three levels of gods?”

Yes! ”

"This means that he has asked the third-level gods first, and the degree of progress is really cold!"

to be frank. that

The beautiful woman was also trembled. Until now, she really understood the meaning of the oriental poetry. If they had done it before, the current estimation would be very miserable. Ling Feng, who is in the realm of the second-level god, can push it to the virtual star. God, what about the three heavens?

and. only

Only that blade can't show the horror of the wind. If it does its best, it can face the four gods. In this level of power, there are really few gods who can compete with it. not


Now Ling Feng is really a step toward the three great talents, with absolute juxtaposition qualifications, while the oriental poetry is good, but has been in the second-level heaven and earth, in the tempering of heaven, the realm has been spiked by Ling Feng. image

Their gods look at the problem very comprehensively. Lingfeng shows not only the strength level but also the potential. short

In a few short years, you will realize the three-level **** of stepping. How terrible is this potential? to

Less, oriental poetry does not feel that I can do it. ...


Looking down on the rain, wanting to lick its flesh and blood, drink its blood, have you ever thought about it now and now? ”

After Ling Feng smashed Cao Yan, the anger on his face did not dissipate, but strode to the virtual star gods. "Because we were born, you will be overwhelmed. Is this the virtual star?"

"Are you afraid of shudder?" Ling

The sound of the wind is fierce and fierce, and the gods of the imaginary stars are discolored one by one, which is in the depths of their hearts.

They are still scared!

"We have not taken the initiative to provoking, but you have chosen us. Is it really easy for us to bully?" Ling Feng's eyes were sharp and violent, and he said: "From this moment on, you want to fight, we will accompany you!" "

From this moment on, it is impossible for you! ""

From this moment on, we will single out to the stars of the stars and suppress you for ten years! "that

The repressed voice is rushing to the heart of the imaginary gods, like a sword with a handle, killing them in their hearts, splashing endless blood, so the strong wind makes them feel tremble, and the more terrible is that Ten years of suppression. Of course


Ling Feng did not care about the minds of the illustrious gods. He was moving forward, flying a **** on one foot, tearing the tears of his dantian on the spot, blurring the flesh and blood of the flesh and blood, and damaging the bones and bones more seriously.

Such injuries can be recovered at least for a few months and require strong resources.

boom! he

Once again, he appeared in front of the second god, punching his head, letting him dodge and counterattack, completely helpless, and then the **** was vomiting blood in the tragic sound, the soul was damaged. , at least one year can not recover. can


Ling Feng did not stop, but continued to move forward, appeared in front of the third god, punched out, crashed on the spot, brain bones have been split, the impact is quite serious, directly leading to the scene fainted.

"If you hang down, you have to pay the price of blood!"

"This is my rule!"

He is like a wolf into the flock, contemptuous of the eight wild, no one **** is enough for him to punch and kick, only the enveloping of the wind is the collapse of the gods, although the collapse of the road is not as good as the interception, but the power is also It is not the presence of the gods who can withstand. complete


The interception technique is too bloody, and the power is too devastating, that is, Lingfeng can't stop the interception, but if you lie on the god, you don't want to die, so Lingfeng doesn't want to do too much. to

Less, in the case of falling rain is only a serious injury, he does not want to face the empty road! but

! This

These gods are unforgivable. He said that to suppress them for ten years, they must suppress the decade, so that they have not been incarcerated in this decade, let them completely ruin this decade, and completely destroy their arrogance.

Let those who want to be alert to their gods, they are not the object of bullying. "

run! ”

People are horrified, Ling Feng is too horrible, with their current strength, there is no possibility of suppression, and once detained, they will be half-dead and ruined for several months, which is a bit heavy. but


The result is more fierce than they think, but the moment of escape will be detained, and then the wind will be smashed on the ground, and half-dead, whether it is flesh and blood, bones, or the damage of Dantian than the previous gods more serious.

That is, the third person was also detained. Even if he showed out the three heavenly space, he could still be suppressed by Ling Feng on the spot, kicked half dead, almost abolished, and then simply lay on the ground and pretend to die, no more than before. Demeanor. "

Ling Feng, I am the same as the mountain village god. "when

When Ling Feng came to the mountain village gods, several mountain village gods immediately smiled and said, almost flattering. "

Yes! ”

Ling Feng faint smile.. "Everyone is a mountain village god!"

"Right right!"

Several gods immediately said with a smile, I hope that Ling Feng can look at the "same village" and let them go. Of course

and. on

When they were secretly sighing, Ling Feng directly slammed them on the ground, using their hands to pull off their arms and feet, and the punches were extinguished, and then kicked on their backs and kicked out. .

"We are different!"

You like to squat, but I like to stand! Ling

The wind is sullen and sullen, saying: "Because you are the same person in the village, you can't be forgiven. You have to squat, what should you use?"

Then it will be abolished! "he

It is said that this is the case!

The hands and feet of several gods were completely abolished. Even if they can recover, it is estimated that they will not be as good as before in a few years of rest. This makes several gods tremble from their bones. Lingfeng is too poisonous, which they did not expect.

"If you can't be respected, at least people are scared!"

Ling Feng didn't know who said this, but he thought it was a truth! no

Then, they rushed in front of them, and these gods were playing tricks behind them. He was not an idiot.

The entire battlefield was completely empty. Only the few gods of Lingfeng could stand here, but the gods of the virtual star were the next big film. The three great wizards were not born. In the case that the previous Wizards did not come out. No one can suppress the rhythm and madness of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng proudly looked at the gods and said dullly. "Is it because we are from other stars, we have to squat and be bullied by you?"

"I don't accept it!"

“Millions of villages and stars are even more dissatisfied!”

If you want to insult us, you will carry this kind of battle to the end! Ling Feng said strongly. "Before, I didn't want to care too much, but you are too deceiving. If I come back one step later, I am afraid that the current rain is already your meal." ”

"I am angry!" Ling

The wind said seriously. "You can retreat before, but now I will not allow you to retreat. I will go to the dead side of this battle. You will try your best to recover. When you recover, you must tell me, let me go." You are going to waste, but even if you don't tell me, I will know."


To the virtual star, the gods want to die! "

You want Dongfu in the southeast, are you? Ling

The wind and cold smiled and said: "But here is the name of Ling, not just this heaven-level cave!"

"From this moment on, I am here, I am going to challenge the gods of the virtual star. I will hit the door. First, the heavenly cave, then the sacred cave. I want the name of the cave in this direction!"

It is a **** battle!

This is a powerful fight!

The persecution of the gods of the imaginary stars finally forced the hurricane to madness, and he wanted to completely knock down the imaginary cave. surname

Ling! p

s.. five more!

For five consecutive days, I don't know if everyone is cool and uncomfortable? stay

The fragrance is a bit tired these days. I will take a rest for two days tomorrow, and then we will fight again. late

Ann. ≈amp;bsp;

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