Supreme Demon

Chapter 1052: Challenge the sacred!

Three-level god! ≈gt;

This is the realm that Ling Feng did not show, but after real contact, I will know that the suppression power is not something that the second **** can do. At least the third **** has hinted at the first in Lingfeng. The turbulence of the three gods. ≈gt;

At the second level of the gods, Ling Feng will force them, but now Ling Feng is a step further. Is such a character not qualified to challenge the four-level **** in the holy cave? ≈gt;

and. ≈gt;

Ling Feng can be cross-level, even if it is a virtual road in this day, he can still do it, this is not the other gods can match, at least the characters of the three great wizards. ≈gt;

Obviously. ≈gt;

Now Ling Feng is qualified to fight against the three great wizards, and he has progressed too much. It has only been a few years, it is already a three-level god. If he gives him more time, he is afraid to ask the top gods. ≈gt;

More importantly, they don't know what the three great wizards are in. Now, if they are still in the realm of the second-level gods, they are completely unqualified in front of Ling Feng. ≈gt;

have to say. ≈gt;

Under the strong potential of Lingfeng, every **** of the imaginary gods feels the tremor of the trepidation. In the future, I am afraid that this is the home of the god, and the gods who dare to challenge it will be less and less, and until now, They realized how stupid it was to covet. ≈gt;

now! ≈gt;

Ling Feng is moving step by step to the sacred cave house. When he takes that step, the whole empty road can be heard, and a **** is flying in this direction, wanting to know the ending of this battle, especially The gods who were previously forced out of the virtual heaven house by Ling Feng, they are all expecting that the gods in the holy cave house can suppress the Lingfeng. ≈gt;

In this way, they will be able to return to the virtual sky, otherwise they will be "homeless" in this empty road. ≈gt;

The king, the spirit, and so on are also flying fast. They are serious and pale, standing in the void, looking at the blade-like body of Lingfeng. They did not expect that Lingfeng would challenge the four-level **** of the holy cave. The situation is now completely inclined to them, there is no need to do this kind of risky thing. ≈gt;

but! ≈gt;

Ling Feng is more crazy than they think, banned from flying to the area of ​​the fourth-level god, the power of the body is shining, lighting this mountain river. ≈gt;

"This is too dangerous!" & ap;gt;

Some mountain village gods frown, and feel that Lingfeng should challenge it later. Now the realm is not that step. If he smashes blood in the sacred cave house, he is afraid to directly abolish it. Those who are in the virtual star will not let this opportunity pass. . ≈gt;

"Where, the spirit is empty, why don't you persuade?" Several old gods said to the king and the spirit. ≈gt;

"We don't know!" ≈gt;

Lingkong sighed and said: "He didn't discuss with him, and he was injured in the rain. At this time, he has to do something, afraid that no one can persuade it." ≈gt;

"We are also worried!" & ap;gt;

The king frowned and said. "But he has always been a loser. He dares to challenge it with certainty." ≈gt;

"I hope so!" & ap;gt;

Now the mountain village gods pin their hopes on Ling Feng, do not want to suffer any harm, Ling Feng will be crushed to the virtual star gods, then challenge the four gods, and even the character of the virtual star god, as long as the victory Is it abolished? ≈gt;

"The fourth level of the gods!" & ap;gt;

The **** of death said on the side, he was responsible for guarding the rain, but now Lingfeng wants to challenge the four-level **** on the sacred cave. The rain is too worried, and then it flies out. Although the death is not suitable, it is not stop. ≈gt;

and. ≈gt;

He really knows how violent it is after the comprehensive display of Lingfeng's strength. At the second level of the gods, the four gods of the refining gods are strongly suppressed by them. Now Lingfeng asks the three gods, even the empty road. God can also suppress. ≈gt;

"Not self-reliant!" & ap;gt;

This is the voice of the gods to the virtual star. Even if Lingfeng is now in the third-level god, some gods think that Lingfeng is looking for death, but this is exactly what they want to see. ≈gt;

"Miss, can he succeed?" ≈gt;

Wuyue eyes flashed, always feel that Ling Feng is a arrogant mad, too contemptuous to the virtual star god, which makes her heart very unhappy. ≈gt;

In the past, they were scorning the mountain village gods. When did they turn to the mountain village stars to despise them? ≈gt;

"He is a madman!" & ap;gt;

Oriental poetry said plainly. ≈gt;

"So, Miss also thinks that he will not succeed?" Wu Yue was happy. ≈gt;

"He is very arrogant, entering the empty road, this crazy thing is not done in a few." Oriental poetry said with a smile. "Can you see him fail?" & ap;


Ask yourself, Wuyue has a very unpredictable feeling in his heart. ≈gt;

"Every step seems to be mad, but it is all done by him. It is very dangerous to challenge the sacred cave house, and it makes people feel that they are not self-reliant. But if there is no such strength, is it enough to have courage?" ≈gt;

"Although he is crazy enough, he is not an idiot god!" & ap;gt;

"Miss mean that he will succeed?" ≈gt;

"If a man of a hundred percent can't do it, it's really disappointing." The poetry of the East poetry said lightly. ≈gt;


Sacred cave house. ≈gt;

The mountains and rivers are as magnificent as the rainbow, like the phoenix of the wings, spreading in this mountain river, dazzling and arguing. ≈gt;

now. ≈gt;

In the four-level Tenjin area, a four-level **** has been volleyed, and Mori calmly looked at the Lingfeng that came in step by step. They also knew the fluctuations of the former Tiandong government, but Ling Feng also Not at that level, they were not easy to do, but did not expect the **** to be hit the door. ≈gt;

This madness is rare in the world. ≈gt;

"It's really crazy. After expelling me to the imaginary gods, I still have the courage to run here. Is it crazy?" A four-level **** said with a sneer. ≈gt;

"Does he think that we are also the third-grade gods and other slag?" & nbsp;gt;

"The four-level **** is completely different. If he dares to challenge us, I will crush him first!" said a middle-aged god. ≈gt;

"Wait, wait for him to speak!" ≈gt;

A young **** said this way, the gods are contemptuous of light, but really did not put this second-level **** in the eyes, unless the three great characters can cross the level, but even they want to cross two levels It is also a luxury to overcome them. ≈gt;

At least they think so. ≈gt;

at last. ≈gt;

Ling Feng came to the sacred cave house, looking at the fascinating glare of the earth, and the more extraordinary cave house, the eyes of the gods shine, where he can sense the scent of almost squirting. ≈gt;

Obviously. ≈gt;

This sacred cave house is more suitable for him to practice, and this trip he is going to knock it down. It is not the one or two level four gods, but the whole four-level gods area. He wants to be completely surnamed here. ≈gt;

And this is the price that the gods of the imaginary star have to pay! ≈gt;

They will not completely hurt them. These gods will not know what kind of punishments will be imposed for making mistakes. Only when they fight back strongly can they make them tremble and fear, and they will lose their courage and arrogance. Then they will never have the courage. For the mountain village god. ≈gt;

Ling Feng stopped and looked into the distance. ≈gt;

"I am Ling Feng!" & ap;gt;

Ling Feng said with aloud: "I don't think I will say it, you should also know that I am the Lingfeng that suppresses to the stars of the virtual star!" ≈gt;

"Oh, it’s really crazy!" ≈gt;

Some four-level gods can't wait to put their fists on Ling Feng's face, and after suppressing the three-level gods, the goods went to them to find a sense of existence, but they were waiting, waiting for Ling Feng to open the two words. ≈gt;

"I come to challenge!" & ap;gt;

Ling Feng seems to know what those gods are thinking, and directly tells them, simply and neatly. ≈gt;

"We meet you!" & ap;gt;

Ling Feng’s voice fell, and a middle-aged **** was already unable to hold his inner heart. He was forced to come to Lingfeng, and the four heavens formed a dragon, shining in the void, and quickly forming a dragon knife. Come to Lingfeng. ≈gt;

Rolling lightning! ≈gt;

Power overshadowed! ≈gt;

The gas field, degree and strength of the four-level **** are not comparable to the three-level god, even if the third person is not enough to look at the middle-aged god, it is the same as the sky. ≈gt;

It can be said that this punch alone can suppress the power of Cao Yan when he was in full bloom. It is not a level at all. ≈gt;

and. ≈gt;

The middle-aged **** did not see Lingfeng in the right eye, and the second-level **** of the district was not worthy of his full strength. ≈gt;

Boxing like a knife! ≈gt;

The middle-aged **** of the gods will kill the wind in front of the wind, and the dragon knife is tearing the clothes of the wind, covering a radius of two thousand miles, completely without the opportunity to escape from the wind, strong pressure. ≈gt;

In the face of such power, even if Ling Feng exhibited the strength of the second-level gods, it was dangerous. I was afraid that only the interception technique could withstand it, but it was only to withstand it. It is unrealistic to want to kill it. ≈gt;

however. ≈gt;

Ling Feng did not intend to dodge, nor even thought about using the interception technique. He could see that the middle-aged **** should have just asked, and the fourth Tianli space was not solid enough, although it was better than the third. , but not yet to the extent of the Scorpio. ≈gt;

thus. ≈gt;

At the moment when the fist was killed, Ling Feng became more direct. ≈gt;

boom! ≈gt;

Between the electric and the Flint, Ling Feng kicked out with a fist. In the boxing, the road collapsed and formed a madness, and it quickly fell down. Before the collapse of the road, the three spaces shimmered, and the two were hollow. One is Tianyuan. ≈gt;

And when this fist bursts open, it is the power to destroy the world. On the spot, the world is trembled, even if the emperor is shaking slightly, and when the fist falls, the middle age The **** is like a bolt of lightning, and it goes straight down and disappears. ≈gt;

Just a punch! ≈gt;

The fourth-level gods were suppressed, and they bleed and vomited blood. Their faces were inexplicably frightened and unbelievable. They did not expect that Lingfeng was a three-level god, and did not expect that the power of that punch would be strong enough. ≈gt;

And when the middle-aged **** was flying backwards, Ling Feng appeared in a more horrible degree, punching in his abdomen, and the power of the collapsed force penetrated the middle-aged god’s natural defense, a little disregarded, and then collapsed. Then he took the middle-aged **** to the mountain river. ≈gt;

Ps.. The body is very uncomfortable tonight, it should be a cold, the mind is groggy, the first one will be updated tomorrow. ≈gt;

Goodnight, everyone! ≈gt;

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