Supreme Demon

Chapter 1053: Dao Zhen suppression!

Bang! ≈gt;

The loud noise of this mountain and river burst open, awakening the mountains and rivers thousands of miles, Ling Feng punched down, the middle-aged gods lived in the soil, surrounded by a giant pit of three hundred miles, dusty. ≈gt;

Blood is flowing, the world is boiling! ≈gt;

The fourth-class **** of heaven is actually beaten by a three-level god, not to mention that the gods of the virtual star do not believe, that is, the mountain village **** also feels incredible, and at this moment the momentum of the wind is really scattered, three heavenly space Light up the entire piece of void. ≈gt;

Three-level god! ≈gt;

When such a realm emerges, the illustrious gods are stunned and trembled. In the past three years, Ling Feng directly asked, if he is given him thirty years, is he going to step into the top god? ≈gt;

By then. ≈gt;

To the virtual star, how many gods can suppress the momentum of this character? For now, one person to the virtual star **** of blood, is pushing the momentum of Ling Feng to an unpredictable world. ≈gt;

Extraordinary! ≈gt;

Undoubtedly, if this momentum continues, the future empty road will be the home of this person, even the three great wizards will also bow, only because the progress of this **** is too terrible. ≈gt;

Even more frightening is that Ling Feng is now across the level! ≈gt;

"The third-level **** is so terrible!" ≈gt;

Wuyue is a bit stunned, even if it is the Oriental Yingyu, but now the character has not shown full strength, which means that Lingfeng really has the qualification to compete with the Oriental Yingyu. ≈gt;

however. ≈gt;

The oriental poetry is a serious face, and the **** figure falls directly on Lingfeng. When Lingfeng’s fist appeared, she sensed a kind of tremorous fluctuation, but Lingfeng’s hidden deeper, non-caoyan In addition, even if she can't see through, this is what makes her startled. ≈gt;

"What is it?" ≈gt;

Yan Yixiao, an oriental poetry exhibition, looked straight ahead and waited for the scene to appear. ≈gt;

"It's really abnormal!" & ap;gt;

The king and the spirit do not know what to say. Just take the next task. In three years, they ask the third day of the gods. How can these geniuses live? ≈gt;

One thing is for sure, if they don't catch up as soon as possible, they will be left behind by Ling Feng. ≈gt;

but! ≈gt;

At this moment, they are relieved, and the Lingfeng in the realm of the three-level gods, it is not a problem to challenge the four-level god. If you add the space of the body and the power of the fairy, the five-level gods will be bloody, now look at Ling What step does the wind hope to take? ≈gt;

If he is willing to show Xianli, then the whole empty road, even the whole to the virtual star will be trembled, the big men will not be able to sit still, and anyone knows the importance of the fairy power. ≈gt;

"Next!" & ap;gt;

Ling Feng got up from the middle-aged **** and stepped forward to the sacred cave house. The powerful momentum and the gas field made many four-level gods discolor, killing a four-level **** with just one punch, even though The four-level gods have just asked for a year, but they are also not to be underestimated. At least four of the gods in the field, there are really few who can do it. ≈gt;

"Crazy!" & ap;gt;

At this time, a young **** opened his mouth and strode out. The strength of his body was being sprayed. The four spaces appeared almost at the same moment, with an ancient taste, and an old tree was planted inside. ≈gt;

Tianshen tree space! ≈gt;

A tree can suppress the starry sky, and a leaf can open the world. This is the extraordinary space. If it is pushed to the end, it is a weapon to suppress the starry sky. It can be born in the space. This is not the general space. And. ≈gt;

and. ≈gt;

The Tianshen tree has grown leaves, the branches are thick and luxuriant, and the branches are leafy, which proves its extraordinary degree. It must be known that the Tianshen tree is only a seed at the beginning, but it is only in today's Tianli. ≈gt;

Every time there is a leaf, the strength will be strong, and each extra branch will be strong, and the leafy Tianshen tree will be able to push the power to the extreme. ≈gt;

Although the space of the young **** tree is far from that level, it has already shown that trend, which is why it can ask the fourth realm of the gods at this age. ≈gt;

"I am going to kill you!" & ap;gt;

This **** is quite arrogant, not to say that it is suppressed, but to say that it is going to kill the wind. ≈gt;

"Then you must succeed, otherwise you will pay more!" ≈gt;

Ling Feng said plainly, like blessing the young god, this shows that the wind is so bloody, he is saying that either you kill me or you will be killed. ≈gt;

Oh! ≈gt;

The young **** stepped forward and unfolded a map of God in his hand, which flew out of thousands of birds, landed in the four spaces, perched on the branches, and merged with the **** tree. Then, the **** tree flew toward Lingfeng that day. Come. ≈gt;

The **** figure is in front, the **** tree is behind! ≈gt;

Bang! ≈gt;

It’s just a birth, the world is blasting, the space around it is fast, and it’s swaying to the sides. Black holes appear and the power collapses. The power of the scorpion seems to smash the mountain and river, and it’s so boring. exhausted. ≈gt;

no doubt. ≈gt;

The strength of this young **** is stronger than the previous middle-aged god, and he came up to use the ultimate strength to prevent the end of the middle-aged god, so that even the fourth-level gods should be cautious, not to mention It is a three-level god. ≈gt;

however. ≈gt;

Ling Feng did not panic, but was calm. At the moment when the **** tree and the **** figure were killed, the three heavenly space flashed with brilliance, and a harp was formed. Only the palm of the hand was big, and the ancients were shocked. The charm of the. ≈gt;

Ding! ≈gt;

Ling Feng's finger fell on the harp, and it whispered, then he pressed three fingers and then ejected quickly. ≈gt;

The emptiness of the void, everything trembles. ≈gt;

People clearly sensed the vibrating of the harp, and they were able to see the collapse of the space in front of the wind, but no sound appeared, and the space was calm after the initial collapse. ≈gt;

It seems like there is no power to spurt out, like no one is playing. ≈gt;

but! ≈gt;

The face of the young **** was suddenly pale, only because he felt an unprecedented chilling power, which made him fry. ≈gt;

Sting! ≈gt;

In the silent, the **** figure was actually torn apart from the middle, and then a piece of yellow and fading on the tree of God, like the leaves that were sown by the cold wind, was too unusual, but this kind of thing should not appear on the **** tree. ≈gt;

Stinging thorns...≈gt;

The next moment, the scene of the scorpion appeared, the **** figure was torn apart, shattered into pieces in the breathless, and the **** tree was in the process of flying, the leaves were dying, falling, waiting for it to fly to Ling When the wind is in front of it, the blades on it are also faded and clean. ≈gt;

bass! ≈gt;

At that moment, Ling Feng pointed to the harp, making people feel that the surrounding world suddenly dimmed, and the young man had a feeling of blindness. When his gods light up, he only saw that the leaves were The broken Tenjin tree only sees the **** tree that the bark is dying. ≈gt;

"Ah, no!" & ap;gt;

The young god's face was disastrous and miserable. The **** tree was his root that day. It has been cast for more than 30 years to have such a scene today. If it is so ruined by Ling Feng, not only will his realm be plummeted. It will affect his future. ≈gt;

but! ≈gt;

Ling Feng did not take into account the feelings of the young god. He moved forward with a hand penetrating the fragmented **** figure, grabbing a branch, stabbing it, and then smashing it and falling on the trunk. Hands rubbed hard. ≈gt;

Rub! ≈gt;

At that moment, the hearts of the young gods are broken, and the hands of Lingfeng seem to have a kind of magic. No matter how powerful his strength is, no matter how he dodge, he is fixed in life, and then he looks at the power and is cut off by his life. Drop it. ≈gt;

"Ah!" & ap;gt;

He screamed and bleeds directly, falling in the void. ≈gt;

The **** tree was cut off, affecting his natural space and letting it show signs of collapse. In this case, if he dares to target the wind, then he is looking for death. This **** is able to explode even the space. Strong character. ≈gt;

Boom! ≈gt;

Ling Feng seems to be aware of this as well, punching the face of the young god, throwing it into the soil, and then step by step, persevering, completely ignoring the screams of the **** that day, and not using the power, Just use the flesh and blood body to violence. ≈gt;

The ridiculous thing is that the young gods did not dare to sacrifice the space of heaven, and pressed the broken branches of the gods and the broken gods into the body, letting the wind blow, and the body curled up like a shrimp. . ≈gt;

This scene shocked the gods. ≈gt;

"That idiot, don't you know how to use Tianli space?" Wu Yue said with anger, Ling Feng is now very arrogant, simply using flesh and blood to violently, as long as the young **** uses the power, it can cause a fatal one. hit. ≈gt;

"He is not stupid!" & ap;gt;

Oriental poetry shook his head. "There is no way to cultivate to this level. No one is stupid. He does not use Tianli to be the smartest!" ≈gt;

"Miss..." & ap;gt;

Wuyue blasphemy, I don’t know that the oriental poetry actually agrees with the meaning of the god. ≈gt;

"Even the **** tree and the **** figure are suppressed, even if it is useful?" ≈gt;

"At least not so bad!" & ap;gt;

"He is only a fleshy flesh, Lingfeng does not dare to take it off, but if it uses space, the **** tree and so on must appear that day, it will be really miserable, only because Ling Feng is forcing him to sacrifice space. In turn, the **** tree is annihilated and the **** figure is annihilated."≈gt;


"The current Tenjin tree is just broken, and it can be recast, but if it is annihilated..." ≈gt;

The oriental poetry did not go on any more, but Wuyue clearly understood her meaning. Although the flesh and blood were fierce, as long as the **** tree is still there, there is still hope. If it is completely abolished, then the young gods really have no hope. ≈gt;

This is to use the miserable face and face to change the future! ≈gt;

Really smart! ≈gt;


Seeing this, Wu Yue sighed, the gods at dusk came at this moment, even worse than a few years ago, but this momentum is still going on. ≈gt;

"The ultimate rhyme!" & ap;gt;

The oriental poetry sighed and said: "In this kind of rhyme, how many gods can suppress it, and that kind of power seems to be shocked out, the three great wizards are afraid that it will not be done before seeing it?" ;gt;

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