Supreme Demon

Chapter 1056: Negotiate with the void road!

Sacred! This

The world is afraid that there are not a few gods who dare to say this, even if the virtual sky is only a non-existent mountain, but can live here, this shows their uniqueness, non-potentially horrible characters can not live. Non-strong tyrannical strength is uninhabitable. but


It is such a mountain, that is, these characters, but fell to the feet of a god. that

The **** is called Ling Feng!

That cave is called sacred! and

And. more

The terrible thing is that Ling Feng is not a challenge to individual sacred caves, but to push it directly. More than 20 gods are smashing blood and become the cornerstone of his sacred altar.

Such a record can be said to have never been seen in the past, at least in the history of the empty road, such things are still alive.

The mountain village gods are excited. This is not the victory of Lingfeng alone, but the overall victory of the mountain village stars. Before Lingfeng has no defeat, they will make great strides forward until they cover the entire empty road.

The prosperity of the mountain village gods is coming! "

Great, great! ""

This kind of power has never been seen in the past, and such a record is eyeing the world! ”

"Who said that the mountain village gods can not challenge to the virtual star gods, now Lingfeng is using the history of the world to write the legend of immortality!"

“The mountain village **** finally found the direction, not the boat that wandered in the sea of ​​imaginary sea!”

The old gods are crying. They waited for the whole century for hundreds of years. They were bullied for thousands of years, and now the winds appear, from the first level to the fourth, and at the third level, they will be able to What is the potential of the four-level gods? Want

When he asked the top gods, who else could the whole virtual sky house be able to compete with him? "

How powerful are the three great wizards? Can Lingfeng's current strength be suppressed? ”

This is a matter of concern to people. If Ling Feng can't suppress the three Wizards, they will be happy, which will surprise them and they will be flustered. Only when they are free and self-respecting will they be trampled down. The taste and feeling are even more uncomfortable.

People’s expressions immediately became serious. There are really few Gods who can answer this question. The three great wizards are unfathomable. It’s the old gods who are trembled when they are on the three characters. There are several people in this world. Can the gods see through? "

extraordinary! "from

A few gods flew by the sacred cave house, all of which are the four-level gods of the mountain village. They look to Ling Feng, and the hot light of the fire in the eyes of the gods. The potential of Ling Feng makes them shocked, but at this time, the goal should be consistent. Otherwise it is an empty one. and


On the issue of the mountain village god, they belong to the same kind. its

One of the four-level gods said seriously: "That is three true legends. No one has ever been able to take off until now. Even before the ages, it was a surprise."


People only feel heavy in their hearts, and even the four gods are so praised, which means that the three wizards are really unpredictable.

"Even if I wait, I can't see it!"

The two four-level gods said this, which makes people feel heavy, and estimates that the three Wizards characters are full of firepower, at least the level of the fourth-level gods, and even more terrible. Virtual

The **** of the empty channel can be cross-level, that is for the ordinary gods, and the three wizards can cross the level, but the gods of the empty road, this is the essential difference. "

What about Ling Feng? "A young **** can't help but ask."

Can't see through! "a few

The four gods of the same level, the same amount, they can not see the three great characters, but can not see the wind.. "But in terms of its performance, that law should be the end!"

People are ecstatic, but they are stunned by this sentence.

what does this mean? Ling

The wind has been seen through? can


The meaning of the four-level **** is not only this, but the magic is extraordinary. On the level of the third-level god, there are really few gods who can be saved, even the three great wizards. Do your best, but the outcome is hard to measure.

The problem is that Lingfeng shows ahead of time. Under the circumstances of the three great geniuses, they can find a way to restrain themselves. When the law is empty, it is not only the extraordinary power of power, but it will be a fatal weakness. also

Is it more terrible than this? "

Restraint? "east

Fang Shishi looked at the mountain village gods from afar. The corners of the mouth raised a faint arc. The beauty was suffocating. She was not as good as Yan Zhuling in the face, but in terms of temperament, she could kill Yan Zhuling.

"Miss, can the three great wizards find a way to restrain this kind of ban?" Wu Yue asked with expectation. "

If other gods are afraid, it will not work, but the three great wizards may not be able to find it! "Oriental poetry, but want to restrain these forces, the cost and cost will be heavy.

and. east

Fang Shishi feels that the law is still not fully displayed, there should be further shooting, and the four gods obviously cannot satisfy this point. If the three great wizards want to restrain these forces, they are afraid to be beaten. of


Just like the oriental poetry, the law is just the first strength. When the rhyme is integrated, it will become more terrible and go to an extreme, and that is even more unspeakable. more

What's more, can you overcome the Ling Feng by restraining all the rules?


What the oriental poetry really cares about is the instinctual magical power that Ling Feng has previously applied. That is, the power will kill Cao Yan, that kind of power will make her tremble. If the power is magnified, it is truly uncontrollable. .

All restraint is looking for death! Place

Some restraint is annihilation! Gram

System interception?

Ignorant people say dreams only! This

There are always several forces in the world that are unsolvable. Interception is one of them. Either it is suppressed with a powerful force, or it is a more unpredictable skill. Otherwise, it will bleed.

not to mention.

Now Lingfeng hides too much, Xianli, Tianyuan, Shentu, etc. have not been fully revealed, and the body space is not fully presented, otherwise the four-level **** of the district can make him so troublesome? when

Of course.

The king, the spirit of the sky can not think so, whether it is Xianli, Tianyuan, God map, in front of the world is a pediatrics, if the emergence of the world can be used to waste the three great wizards, but also let them together. ...


The first heaven and earth in the sacred cave house was opened! four

The cave house is in the hands of Ling Feng. This is the result that the gods of the virtual star can't think of, and they are even more unwilling to accept. But they have not changed their ability to end this way, and they can only sneak out of the virtual sky.

Hey! Ling

The wind is also referred to as a knife. It is written directly in front of the cave. Now there is no Dongfu boundary, but a whole. Ling

Cave House! surname


This is the purpose of Ling Feng to lay down this sacred four-level Dongfu. hope

With the extraordinary Lingfeng of the qi, the ecstacle of the five stars of the imaginary star flashed a chill, the four gods have been pushed horizontally, and the next one will be their turn, as long as Ling Feng asks the fourth god, It will be a miserable end. he

We feel unprecedented pressure in our hearts, which was completely absent before. "

It’s here! Ling

The wind found a cave house in the east, and wanted to live here. It was shocked to the virtual star five-level god, but because the cave house is located next to the sacred five-level cave house, it can be seen as long as it is lifted. This

What means? sword

Refers to the five-level cave! Display

Of course.

To the virtual star gods, for the rain, almost eat it, let Ling Feng spare no effort to go crazy, to gradually knock down this virtual sky hole house, let the entire virtual sky hole house name Ling, such crazy things, estimated also Only this man can do it.

"The Wizards don't come out, who is fighting?"

The oriental poetry sighed and the body became weak. The next moment disappeared into the sacred cave house. In the eye-catching power of Ling Feng, she also felt the pressure and asked the third realm as soon as possible. this

The day is destined to belong to the mountain village gods!

Today is even more Lingfeng!

Just when Ling Feng moved to the holy cave house, Yu Honglin appeared on the cave house and laughed. "

Your little guy is really awkward! ”

Yu Honglin laughed and fell, and appeared in front of Ling Feng.

"Let the road to joke!" Ling Feng said modestly.


Hong Lin’s mouth was straight and he said with a smile. “Whoever dares to laugh at these things is a real joke.”

makes sense! "Ling Feng immediately changed his face and smiled in a shameless manner."

Enchanting you! "to

Hong Lin was smashed by Ling Feng and did not know how to answer it.

"I thought that the Tao will appear earlier." Ling Feng said with a smile, but let Yu Honglin know in his heart, this is a pun.

Ling Feng did not mention specific things. It seems that he is asking questions about tasks. It is more like asking about the rain. he

When questioning, falling heavily in rain, and being insulted by the evil star god, where are the great people of Yu Honglin and the Void? Why didn't you come out? When Cao Yan hides the power of bullying, where are they?

"We are indeed wrong!"

Hong Lin said calmly. "I knew it when I was injured in the rain, but I want to know which step the king and the spirit can do. When they are forced, I want to suppress it. The incident, but now that you are flying back quickly, you have dispelled this idea." Ling

The wind and the gods were surprised. He thought that Honglin would be shirked. He did not expect that Hong Lin would face it in person. It was frank and terrible, and the Tao was very sincere. At least he did not have any clue in Honglin’s eyes. "

This is the contest between children, and should not be troubled! Ling

The wind show Yan Xiaodao.. "And, I am dealing with it right now. Do you think Dao Zun?"


Yu Honglin suddenly jumped some feet, this article will talk about this part, let him still say? Reprimand

Responsible for him to kill Cao Yan?

Cao Yan should kill, this is the rule of the void, even if Honglin can not say anything more, this is the decision made by Ling Feng, not through the empty road, which is highly questionable. and


He directly pointed out that the treatment was good. What reason did Yu Honglin rebuke?

Said Ling Feng is wrong? can

Ling Feng is in the rules every step of the way, and he has to ask more important things, far more important than Cao Yan and the holy cave house. If you stimulate the god, it is difficult to estimate him. "

This is negotiating! Yu Honglin sighed and said.

Ps.. People in the field, the cold is aggravated, tonight is still a little more.

Another.. Recently, the flu is very serious. Everyone should pay special attention to the body. Don't be like a scent of scent, and read a healthy and healthy book. Take it away and be happy and happy.

good night.

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