Supreme Demon

Chapter 1057: The road to the headache!

Obviously! ≈gt;

The meaning of Ling Feng’s words is not only to praise himself, but also to have a deeper meaning. After Hong Lin’s appearance, Ling Feng did not mention the mission of the sea of ​​death, nor did he talk about the virtual sky, but in a hidden place. The problem was due to Hong Lin's response. ≈gt;

This is negotiation! ≈gt;

Just like some dojos, using wine to negotiate, as long as one step is wrong, it will lead to the collapse of the whole wine, and does not require too much language, it will be displayed in this direct way. ≈gt;

However, Ling Feng is far from being able to talk about the dojo. His negotiations are more concealed. If Hong Lin shows a different attitude, the negotiations will stop here, and then Ling Feng’s response will also hurt them. ≈gt;

of course. ≈gt;

Yu Honglin is not stupid. He knows that Ling Feng is also worried at this moment. He has not gone through the empty road and directly killed Cao Yan. Although within the rules, will the characters in the Nether Road be cool? ≈gt;

Therefore, Ling Feng is pushing the palace, forcing his attitude, and this is the basis of their negotiations. If Yu Hong is still vague and vague at this time, then Ling Feng’s response will be more vague. ≈gt;

"Cao Yan violated the rules, this should kill!" & ap;gt;

Yu Honglin said with a strong attitude: "If every **** is doing this, what is the use of the rules of the empty road? If the rules are not there, is the empty road still a void? It is only the battlefield between the forces of the virtual stars. "&&;;gt;

"However, Cao Yan died in your hand, but it is cheaper!" ≈gt;

“Does Dou Zun feel like this?” Ling Feng said with a smile. “I was too arrogant at the time, but now I am afraid of it.” ≈gt;


Yu Honglin has been bruised by Ling Feng’s insistence on shamelessness. Is this a slap in the face? I am afraid that before the hands-on, the **** has already clearly understood all kinds of thoughts. Otherwise, why did he not directly kill the other gods? ≈gt;

and. ≈gt;

Where does Ling Feng have the feeling of fear? ≈gt;

Unfortunately, Yu Honglin pays more attention to Ling Feng. Although this **** is not a clever figure, he is a personal person. At this time he has to show more attitudes and positions. ≈gt;

"Don't be afraid, as long as you don't break the rules of the empty road, there is no character who dares to target you, otherwise I will not let him go!" Yu Honglin said. ≈gt;

"It’s still true that Dao Zun said that afterwards, I will not be afraid of it when I encounter such things." Ling Feng said with a smile. ≈gt;


Yu Honglin suddenly wanted to make a face. He just wanted to show his position on this matter. However, Ling Feng pushed it directly to the future. If other gods did the same, they would not wait for the participation of the empty channel. I will kill it directly, and with today's words, there is no character in this empty road that dares to target him. ≈gt;

and. ≈gt;

This is equivalent to marking his brand on Ling Feng. Even if the forces behind Cao Yan want to target Ling Feng, they must carefully consider it. This is not because Taoism wants to do it, but only because of the attitude of Taoism. It is influence. ≈gt;

In fact. ≈gt;

Just now Ling Feng shouted.. Tao Zun, pick up the tiger skin! ≈gt;

"Yes, don't be afraid!" ≈gt;

Yu Honglin's mouth is straight, but it is still a serious amount. He has been forced up by Lingfeng step by step, there is no possibility of retrogression. ≈gt;

"Sacred cave house should be okay?" asked Ling Feng's eyes flashing. ≈gt;

"Nothing!" & ap;gt;

Yu Honglin’s face was filled with a smile and said: “There is no precedent, the history of the world, such a scene is shocked before the ages, can appear in the world, it is too eye-catching, if every **** has your power Even if I lose the true meaning of the void, I will not be so miserable." ≈gt;

“Is it unprecedented?” ≈gt;

Ling Feng immediately grinned. "So, should you be rewarded by the void?" & ap;gt;

"What reward do you want?" & ap;gt;

Yu Honglin, if it is an ordinary challenge, in a heavenly cave, it will not be rewarded, but the cross-level is completely different, let alone the magical record of Ling Feng. If such a person does not reward, then the empty road is Too slag. ≈gt;

"This is really hard to think about." ≈gt;

Ling Feng said with awkwardness: "I have never thought about this problem before." ≈gt;

"That can be thought now." ≈gt;

"Actually, I don't want much. I will open the Wanlou Building to me!" ≈gt;

thump! ≈gt;

Yu Honglin almost sat down on the ground, and a mouthful of water almost spurted out. The smile on his face was a little bit stiff and he wanted to take a face. The difference was that he wanted to smoke his face before, but now he is pumping. The face of the wind. ≈gt;

That is Wan Man Lou! ≈gt;

Even the top gods must shed blood and tears, and with a field of blood, they can push Wanzhonglou away, and the back of the nine thousand is to open the heavenly characters, even if it is so ordinary And this character is more "enchanting", open mouth must be fully open, but also threatened not much. ≈gt;

What if it is more? ≈gt;

Will the Void Dodge Cave House be all-inclusive? ≈gt;

"You want Wanlou, I can be the Lord to open up ten for you!" Yu Honglin said with a smile. ≈gt;

But the next moment, the smile will be stiff again. ≈gt;

"It’s only ten heavy!" Ling Feng said with a look of disgust. ≈gt;


Yu Honglin really wants to print his forty-four yards of shoes on Ling Feng’s face. Is there any exercise in this cargo? ≈gt;

"Ten weights and thousands of buildings, this reward has been very shocking, plus you have previously opened a heavy, it is eleven, even if many four-level gods may not be able to open so many buildings." Yu Honglin Straight through the eyes. ≈gt;

"It sounds good!" Ling Feng said with a smile. ≈gt;

then. ≈gt;

Yu Honglin pointed out with one hand and fell in Lingfeng's palm. The void bracelet burst into glare, and the misty Wanlou building appeared. One heavy fog was opened, and the tenth floor was completed. Lingfeng was able to easily Unfold the contents of this ten-story building. ≈gt;

have to say. ≈gt;

The emptiness of the empty road is indeed too horrible. Even the contents and resources of the Tenth Floor have made Ling Feng tremble and excited, and some of the gods can benefit him, and there are many resources for the five-level god. ≈gt;

Obviously, this is the heavy building that the five-level **** is qualified to push open. ≈gt;

“Thank you for your respect!” ≈gt;

Ling Feng said modestly and respectfully, this is to let Yu Honglin feel refreshed, and then close his eyes, waiting for Ling Feng to open. ≈gt;

however. ≈gt;

Ling Feng smiled and looked at Hong Lin, completely without the meaning of opening, until the impatience of Hong Lin and so on, when opening his eyes, Ling Feng finally opened. "&&;;gt;

"I wiped your uncle!" & ap;gt;

Yu Honglin almost burst into flames. This wonderful figure wanted to urge him to leave after rewarding his hand. He did not understand the profound meaning of his micro-expression. He just came to give a reward. Do you solve the problem for Lingfeng? ≈gt;

What is this exercise? ≈gt;

Does he know the virtue of the ritual exchange? ≈gt;

In desperation, Yu Honglin finally asked: "Ling Feng, can your previous task be solved?" ≈gt;

Any other level of the Tao is different from other missions. It is not felt by the void bracelet. It is necessary for these characters to personally determine. After all, this matter is too important, and Yu Hong’s grandson has been killed in the waters of death. ≈gt;

"Task?" & ap;gt;

Ling Feng was so stunned, and then I remembered it. I took a forehead and said it like a thought. "Because Cao Yan was too mean, I almost forgot these important things." ≈gt;

"..." Yu Honglin suddenly felt that the goods were very vengeful and could be sculpted at any time. ≈gt;

"The Taoist mission has been solved!" Ling Feng said solemnly. ≈gt;

"You... is it true?" Yu Honglin moved and was excited. ≈gt;

"It's true!" & ap;gt;

Ling Feng said with a smile: "I have previously smashed the door of the gods, and my character can testify." ≈gt;


Yu Honglin’s mouth was straight, and some said silently. “Your majesty can’t testify, I have to witness it!” ≈gt;

Boom! ≈gt;

Ling Feng directly threw the head of the main door of the refining god, although he killed the gray smoke, but at the last moment, his head was still suppressed by Ling Feng, mainly because of its important things in the soul and spirit, but the refining door The breath of the doorkeeper was weakened by the spirit of Lingfeng to the fifth level of the gods. ≈gt;

"This is the master of the refining of the door?" & ap;gt;

"Yes!" & ap;gt;

Yu Honglin’s eyes are red, shortness of breath, and blood and tears are coming out. Is this character making his grandson into a blood god? ≈gt;

! ≈gt;

When he punched, he annihilated the head of the Lord of the Refining Gate, and his anger was unstoppable. He had an unprecedented **** atmosphere, and then he asked Ling Feng. "How to determine that he is the master of the refining of the door." ≈gt;

For Ling Feng to annihilate the five-level god, Yu Honglin did not ask more, if the three-level **** of the empty road can not suppress the five-level **** of the outside world, then it is really a failure of the empty road. ≈gt;

"I have appeared in the waters of death!" ≈gt;

Ling Feng will tell the scenery of the sea of ​​death, but this still can't be recognized by Hong Lin, which makes Ling Feng's heart smile more vigorously. He said quietly. "I have previously found a strange door, which can lead directly to death. Sea area."≈gt;

“Where?” Yu Honglin’s Dao suddenly shines. “Take me in the past!” & ap;gt;

"No problem!" & ap;gt;

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, and said: "But if this level of task is determined, that million buildings..." & gt;gt;

"Can open thirty!" & ap;gt;

Yu Honglin did not hesitate. The importance of the sea of ​​death is self-evident. If you really find it, what is the contribution of the empty road? ≈gt;

"Please lead the way with me!" & ap;gt;

Ling Feng is unambiguous, directly carrying Yu Honglin toward the sea that day, anyway, he has sacrificed Tianyuan, when he left, although he did not have time to push the Qimen door, but using the mountain river terrain in the refining space, it can collapse Drop the connection of Naqimen, even if the big figures such as Dao Zun want to find the sea of ​​death, are they afraid to vomit blood? ≈gt;

thus. ≈gt;

Ling Feng did not care to let Hong Lin know the strange door. The traces of the strange door are too heavy, which is not conducive to rebellion. They need Qimen, they will rebuild one, and it is even more astounding. ≈gt;

quickly. ≈gt;

They appeared in the sky and sea, Yu Honglin did not dare to approach directly, but looked far away, while Ling Feng was banned from appearing in the sea, pushing a heavy space to let Naqimen appear in the sea, presenting In front of the Tao. ≈gt;

Ps.. Just came back tonight, I feel uncomfortable with a cold, and I can’t take medicine. Even one day, we will resume normal updates tomorrow, and then explode for two more days. ≈gt;

good night. ≈gt;

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