Supreme Demon

Chapter 1129: Fire and!

The wind stops moving! Million

The road collapsed!

Only the void that is still shaking, and the foot that is heading for the void.

When the power of Gong Yun became violent, carrying the thunderous and powerful force to suppress it, the speed of change made the situation change, and it stopped at this moment. This is not a real stop, but only in the eyes of Ling Feng. when

His speed is over 10,000, and that is an unprecedented stop! Ren

Any force to carry out the detachment will have the power to kill thousands of roads. Now

in! Ling

The wind is using the power of detachment. The one foot that is taken makes a million horror, and the earth trembles. This is just the initial momentum. When the foot crosses the void, the entire battlefield space is messy.

step! only

Just one step! can

When Lingfeng took the step, the hurricane formed by the Gongyun speed collapsed and annihilated at this moment, like the spiritual fog was opened by the vast sword light, and the entire battlefield was violently swayed by this step.

Whether it is the sixth battlefield or the distant battlefield, people's eyes can't help but vote in this direction, and then they will see an unforgettable scene.

It is like an old picture. Boom

! One

When the steps fell, the mountains and rivers fell, and the space was violent. The power of the palace cloud completely collapsed in that step. The whole person was like a lightning bolt flying out of the foot, hitting the battlefield space, the flesh and blood was blurred, and the bones were damaged and destroyed. can


The power of that step has just been revealed. Ling Feng is also out of control at this moment. The power is rapidly flocking to the foot. When it is completely bloomed, the battlefield space is broken by this foot. despise

View space!

Ignore the defense!

The real shrinking of the earth into a big magical power, that is the power of heavenly characters are incomparably taboo, until now there is no celestial power to suppress, just because the concept of shrinking the ground into the inch broke out not only speed, but also a kind of power.

One step!

This is the world of magic!

The king and the spirits clenched their fists with force. When they stepped out, they were all horrified and their breathing stopped. They could clearly sense the violent mood of Ling Feng. Who said this goods?

He is just creating a precedent!

This fierce battle is not the most fierce battle in the ancient wars, but it is the most exciting in the past. Only by this step, Lingfeng has the qualification to be honored.

"This is his strength?" East

Fang Yingyu looked to the oriental poetry and seemed to be asking.


If someone asks, the oriental poetry will not respond, but the oriental Yingyu asks, she will seriously respond.. "He is far more terrible than we think, speed is just one of its strengths."

And..." Oriental poetry contemplates."

And what? ”

"He is a terrible person!" East

Fang Shishi said with a smile. "He has different steps and styles. Just like when we thought he wanted to hide, when the truth appeared, we had to sigh." "

Using the war of heaven to progress, these years can be very rare! ”

"He is the real Tianjiao!" East

Fang Yingyu had a positive face and even hers agreed that Ling Feng’s precipitation on the martial arts was terrible. He would not miss any chance of promotion, even if it was fleeting.

Such characters are either extreme or extraordinary!

In their view, Ling Feng belongs to the latter.

Zhou Qitian and Shangguan asked the day to look serious. Until now, they knew what kind of opponents this virtual star would encounter in the end. Even if such characters start at night, the time will make them prove how vast they are. Qin

Maple and death are still so calm, as if they already knew the ending, but no one found that when Ling Feng took that step, they were very straight, and then they were invisible.

They are paying tribute to such people.

After He Xiao, Song Yuanhuang, and Zhou Chou, the third terrible figure appeared in the Tianzhan, and the three-level gods were suppressed in one step. This made many people feel the pressure. Can such people be suppressed?

This is a problem!

As if it was stimulated by the wind, the next battle was more intense, and people seemed quite crazy.

The leaf witch is proud of the world. In the second battle of the heavenly battle, she encountered a second-level god. It was quite extraordinary. The firepower was fully open and it was able to compete with the third-level god. but


She is on the top of the leaf witch!


Like echoing, the leaf witch took a step, the whole empty road stirred up, and there was no such thing as the fascinating power of the wind and the gas field. Only the one-step power of the world was destroyed, and the **** was suppressed in an instant. Qin

Feng, the face of death is awe-inspiring, others do not know, but they are very clear, this is against the Lord's respect and love for the Lord. not


The Leaf Witch is still the focus of the entire battlefield, and many of them are eye-catching, which will be their future rivals. can

! Strong

It’s not just the leaf witch, it’s the glory of the entire starry sky, and it’s the glory of the gods. in

At the most intense moment of the Tianshi battle, Ling Qing went straight to face the three-level gods, and the ice celestial beings now suppressed the opponents in an invincible manner and made the whole Yaochi move. They did not expect that Lingqing was actually a descendant of Ice Immortals. that

But before the ages, I was so detached from the heavens!


Even the third-level gods are not qualified to let the full-fledged firepower open, and the whole battle is coming to an end soon. In the moment of the ice fairy, the whole battle has ended.

Not much time. cloud

The brook was on the field, and the peerless face was amazing. People were very much looking forward to this double-powerful figure, but when they found that Yunxi’s opponent was only a second-level god, he was disappointed. more

It is speechless that this second-level **** is still a **** that stands out from the prelude of the heavens. because


The whole battle was completely a personal show of Yunxi. The second-level **** did not even have the chance to fight back. It was directly crushed by the double space.

Then there are the characters such as proud birds and clear eyes.

Ten years. inverse

The elite of God has grown up, even if Lin Yong, Yin, Qin Ao have already stepped on the top of the second gods, let alone those who have more terrible potential?


This is just the second battle of the Tianshi battle. They have not yet encountered the top figures in the 16 forces, so they are strongly promoted. ...


at dusk.

Oriental Yingyu, Shangguan Tiantian, Zhou Qitian, and Oriental poetry and other characters are on the scene. They really have to be late, but this will not affect their mentality. For those of the top stars who want to be virtual stars, they want It is not a problem to defeat the opponent.

Especially the oriental Yingyu. in

In the gas field, another second-level god, blood, fell to her. Do not

Over. Let

The attention of the gods is the oriental poetry. Her space is actually a sacred space. The space for its progress is too great. If it grows up completely, it is afraid that the top space cannot be suppressed.


I have to say that the strength of the current oriental poetry is far from enough. The real Tianjiao does not put it in the eye.

As for Shangguan Tiantian and Zhou Qitian, there is no pressure. Their opponents are only two-level gods. In the strong suppression, the two characters collapsed, and they are strong promotion.

The last is Qin Feng and Death. he

Our opponents are not weak, and they are in the second-level gods, but the shackles of death, let the opponents yell at the loss, the moment of death, the opponent is instantly lost, and when the reaction comes, the whole battle is over.

Qin Feng is different.

He did not show real strength, only suppressed with violent fists, and used his injured body to kill his opponent.

This is his strength!

This is the king of heaven!

"It's really hot!"

At this time, a **** appeared in the space battlefield, and the **** looked sharply at Qin Feng, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth. "This should be the worst injury since I started the battle."

"Qin Feng, we will remember you!"


He was holding the seriously wounded **** and disappeared, but the sound of the Senran made the people in the field straight and hairy. Some regretted that Qin Feng slammed the serious wounds of Xianting, which is equivalent to playing the face of Xianting.

Will these arrogant characters like them hold back?

will not! this

At the same time, Xianting characters are obviously more arrogant. What they want is a perfect solution to the heavens and the laurels. They don’t want to put a stain on this perfection. However, the appearance of Qin Feng is to tear it apart. The people in Xianting are very upset. "

Only war! Qin

Feng proudly said that there is no fear, Xianting is very powerful, but not invincible. "

Kind enough! ”

A fairy **** shouted and laughed, and the laughter carried a sultry sigh of breath. "I hope we can meet!"

"That will see you on the battlefield!"

Said a fairy figure.


Qin Feng, a strong warfare, has angered the people of Xianting. They can be arrogant, but they don't want their opponents to be arrogant. They can't help but kill their opponents because they can't stand the heart. "

The area is empty! ”

The third Xianting figure said with a smile: "When the King of the Kings was suppressed, you still dare to mad?"

Despise! he

Despising the whole empty road, and bringing the fierce battle 30 years ago, is equivalent to playing the face of the East. "

Is it? ”

Dongfang Yingyu stood up at this time, and the sinister smile said. "Then I will wait for you on the battlefield!"

"You are the next one!"

The position of Tianjiao is open, it is Weiqiu Shui. gas

The atmosphere is murdered, and there is a change in Qin Feng. The two forces have the meaning of fire. "

More to say no benefit, we have a life and death on the battlefield! Zhou Qitian said coldly.

"Wait for you!"

Wei Qiu Shui said indifferently, and then turned and left.

distance. Ling

The wind is light and elegant, and there is no angry feeling because Qin Feng was hated. Some things don't need too much words. As long as the Xianting is not too much, he is willing to let Qin Feng be more stressed. but


If the Xianting figures want to abolish Qin Feng, and even get rid of Qin Feng, then the anti-God will use their **** means to let Xianting know how much blood and life will be paid.

At that time, the anti-God will make the whole star sky know what is horrible! p

s.. second later. (

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