Supreme Demon

Chapter 1130: Watch the tide!

At night. day

At the end of the second battle of the war, the fierce battle of this day was far beyond the first day, and its tragic degree made Xianting frown, because in this day, the gods in their powers were even five games. Display

Of course.

This is equivalent to smearing a point on Xianting's perfect record, making it imperfect, especially the empty road Qin Feng, even dare to despise them, bluntly fighting, the second-level gods in the district dare to despise them, simply do not know life and death.

of course.

Other forces are even more miserable. Even the "跪" is too much. Even the forces such as the Guanghan Palace and Yaochi have been linked for more than a dozen games. This makes the two major forces' figures respect frown, which is different from what they had previously imagined. and

The empty roads are a bit shabby. They really can't really force the other forces. The characters of the gods are really few. If they are full, they will be the five or six gods of the eastern Yingyu. Qin Feng and the **** of death are surprises. Yu Honglin did not think that they would be here. Go to this step.

To know.

Most of the gods who showed their strength in the pre-war battles have been "smashed" in the first fierce battle, and this second game is even more cruel. The gods are almost completely annihilated, leaving only Qin Feng and Death. God. can


What surprised him even more is that until now, Death and Qin Feng have not yet shown real power, which makes him look forward to these two gods.

of course.

The fierceness of the empty road in this day made Yu Honglin’s heart drop blood. Twenty-eight gods even “squatted” 16 on the first day, and on this day, they were “squatting” for three, only seven God. ten

Six forces have now left more than 500, and there are only seven empty roads. but

! on

In terms of overall strength, the empty roads are indeed too weak. They really want to save the situation in this battle, but it is too difficult. Now it is worth looking forward to Lingfeng and Dongying Yu, who can turn the tide, but the hope is too embarrassing.

"It shouldn't be right!"

Hong Lin came to Qin Feng and said with some frowning. "You are too impulsive, and it is very dangerous for your present strength to go to Xianting."

"I know!"

Qin Feng's forehead, but did not regret the meaning, this is the battle of the sky, playing the power, suppressing the opponent, Xianting is more **** than him when suppressing other characters, but why no one came out to blame? more

What's more. Fairy

The **** of the court is only a serious injury, and will not affect the future. This is in the acceptable range of the war. It is not excessive, but the Xianting is too arrogant and too mad, they can not accept such an ending. "

I hope that you will not encounter the Xianting characters in the back, otherwise..."

Hong Lin said with some sighs. "Go, you will recover as soon as possible, and the next battle will be more cruel than today."

The third game of the day!

The three characters of He Xiao, Zhou You, and Song Yuan Huang are still in a strong promotion. At present, no characters can threaten their status. This makes the three major forces very excited, and even some people are predicting the real battle of the day. Among the three gods. guard

Qiu Shui and other immortals in the five centuries, the momentum is unimpeded, in the battlefield of each other is the emperor, the pressure on the crowd, striding forward, pushing the battle of heaven to the top of the fiery, the Tianjiao people such as Guanghan Palace, Yaochi and so on are not much less than them.


This is just a primary battle. As long as it is not a figure of the other arrogant people, there is no problem in promotion.

Characters like Oriental Yingyu and Zhou Qitian are not affected. In the power of the world, they are strong forward. The oriental poetry also shows the power of the world, and it is the third god, and the opponent is suppressed by the injured body. she was

Also promoted!

Although the king, the spirit, and the **** of death encountered a little trouble, they were able to solve it. In a short period of time, they disintegrated their opponents and took a step forward. Qin Feng did not encounter the Xianting characters on this day, but instead The **** of heaven and earth. because


There is no worry about this side of the empty road. Although the two sides are not harmonious, they still don’t want to fight for death. The strength of Qin Feng is indeed unfathomable. The opponents who fight are not tempered, especially the appearance of the heavens and the earth. The **** of the door is pushed horizontally. he

Also promoted!

of course.

On the third day, there was no storm. When Lingfeng came on the scene, the whole void became violent again. It was only because the Shangguan asked the sky, only because of the emergence of Yaochi Lingqing, directly pushed the hot battlefield that could not be talked to the top. .

and. people

They are clearly aware that this is not an accident. Three people in the empty channel pay attention to it. Tianshenque and Yaochi are concerned. Is this not enough to explain the problem? he

What do we guess?

How powerful is Ling Feng? Nai

As for people's guesses, this is not the end. There will be more Tianjiao attention in the future battles. It seems that the speed of the wind is threatening those characters.


In the sixth battlefield, when Lingfeng took that step, another third-level **** "跪" fell in front of him. It was like a threshold that could not be passed, and the top Tianjiao could not be suppressed. and

At that step, Ling Qing’s eyes brightened, and then she stepped away. No

There are any words, but people clearly sense the momentum that comes out of the Lingqing body.

Needless to say.

This day made Yu Honglin very satisfied. It was because there was no one **** and blood in the empty road. They were all in a strong promotion, while other forces were more fierce. Especially the forces such as Xianting and Guanghan Palace, the number of them was numerous. Keep a record of a lot of defeats, and then face the top players of other forces. This

There is nothing that can be done. complete


Xianting is not every **** is He Xiao, Wei Qiu Shui, and even if they are not defeated in the hands of other powers, they will have internal consumption in the next fierce battle, which is obviously not good for Xianting and Guanghan Palace. First

Four days!

This is a very important one, it is about the next 64 strong, but this is only for the weak gods, the real masters of the world do not have such awareness. he

We are going to the final battle. what

Strong figures such as Xiao, Zhou You, Song Yuanhuang and so on remain unbeaten. The Oriental Yingyu, Oriental Poetry, Zhou Qitian and others are on the top three, but the power is even more unpredictable. After a short stalemate, they will be opponents. Repression. king

The people and the spirits are relatively miserable. They are against the opponents of the same level, and the two are rushed to the end, which will suppress the opponent. One

One hundred and twenty eight gods!

This is the record that has been maintained by the two major powers. It represents the top talent and strength of the royal family and the virtual gate. It means that the king and the spirit are proud of the ancestors. Of course


They have neglected a problem. This is the strongest battle in the past years. The king and the spirit have come to this step, and they are already surpassing the ancestors.

Death is in trouble, and it is on the third and third heavens.

Although the third-level **** was initially asked, it is not that the **** of death can face it now, but there is also a terrible place for death. His resurrection ability is quite terrible. Once he is scrapped, he will resurrect immediately, until his opponent will die. . but


After the victory over the opponent, the death is very weak. His strength has come to an end. The injury is very heavy. In a short time, he is afraid that he will not recover. He is afraid that the next fierce battle will be abandoned. Qin

Maple on the **** of the upper cold palace.

He is more fortunate than the **** of death. The **** of the Guanghan Palace is also the top of the second-level god. However, this second-level **** is not simple, but it is to let Qin Feng use the top power, which will suppress it.

no doubt. in

At the moment when Qin Feng defeated his opponent, Xianting’s characters did not resent, but instead showed ecstasy. If Qin Feng lost in the hands of the **** of the Guanghan Palace, they would not have the opportunity to suppress it.

And now? Qin

Maple beats opponents and they have a chance. and

And. To

In the later period, the chances of the characters on the Xianting were much higher. They believed that the next Qin Feng would face the powerful figures of Xianting.

By then. This

The **** who dared to despise Xianting gave his life, just like the goddess of the empty road. Of course


The real craze of this day is not the characters of He Xiao, Zhou You, Song Yuanhuang, but Ling Feng.

Correct! also

It is that Ling Feng!

When Ling Feng was on the scene, the surrounding world showed a quiet silence, only after the Yaochi Lingqing, the Guanghan Palace leaf witch appeared here, that is, the Qing Dynasty has been flying. more

The terrible thing is that Song Yuanhuang, who has been very low-key and terrible, has come! three

The top emperor!

To say that the emergence of Ye Witch and Qing Yu in the king and Ling Kong seems normal, then the appearance of the Song Yuanhuang is amazing, that is, Qin Feng, the **** of death do not know why the Song Yuanhuang came.

"He is doubting!" East

Fang Shishi looked far away and immediately thought of the Song Yuanhuang's intentions.

The strength of Death and Qin Feng directly pushes Ling Feng forward. Really intelligent people will doubt the identity and origin of Ling Feng.

Sky cloak! can

It is enough to cultivate the proud gods such as Qin Feng and Death. Will the strength of the cloak brother be simple?

but. straight

Up to now, Ling Feng has not shown the strength of the past, just the suppression of speed, which is completely different from the cloak brother, but the temperament is the same, which makes the Song Yuan Huang realize a terrible problem. only

It can be crushed only at the speed, and even breaks into the sixty-four strong. What does this mean?

This means that Lingfeng is too comprehensive, and it means that speed is only the weakest force. What kind of picture would it be if Lingfeng did its best?

He wants to know, so he is coming! not

Undoubtedly. because

Ye Witch, Qing Emperor, Song Yuanhuang and others appeared, directly igniting the entire day of war, and let the sixth battlefield become the center of the entire day war. This

A once-inconspicuous figure will dazzle the whole battle in an instant, and attract the tide of watching. Boom


When Lingfeng stepped out, nine days of tremors, the violent power poured out like water, pressed down, and the terrible momentum of shrinking into the inch was violent, and the space battlefield was banned. alone

Step by step!

This is the charm of Ling Feng! boom

Long! when

When this step fell, the whole space became quiet, without any waves. There was only one **** in the space battlefield, and the arrogant rivers and rivers, the power of all things, the unique world!

He is Ling Feng! late

Ann. (

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